英语流利说 Level5 Unit3 Analysis Words

Analysis   n.(对事物的) 分析,分析结果; (对物质的) 分析;

acquaintance, somebody know or met before.

I am contacting several of my acquaintances to see if they know of any job opportunities.

I don't know him well but he is an acquaintance of mine from long time ago.

(He says he's an acquaintance of mine, but I don't remember him.)

(He says he is an acquaintance of yours, so I'd like you to tell me if you know him.)

(I'm not impressed with several of his acquaintances, so I won't recommend him for the job.)

acquaintance     n.熟人; 认识的人; 泛泛之交; (与某人)认识,略有交情; (对某事物的)了解;

know of    [词典]知道;听说; 

be impressed with   留下深刻印象

recommend   v.推荐; 建议; 介绍; 举荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人; 使受欢迎;

recommend  sb  for... “推荐某人做(某职位)

appearance, how something looks, what something looks like.

He could improve his appearance by buying some new clothes.

He doesn't care about his appearance so he doesn't make a good impression.

(We could tell from his appearance that he wasn't feeling well.)

(Customers really care about the appearance of the products that they buy.)

(Their manager thinks appearance is important so he wants everyone to dress appropriately.)

consequence, an outcome or result.

Many forms of life will become extinct as a consequence of global warming.

One consequence of his drinking has been the poor quality of his work.

(He will have to deal with the consequence of his rude behavior.)

(I'm not sure he understand the consequences of his arrogant attitude.)

(We are all suffering from the consequences of his reckless investments.)

consequence   n.后果; 结果; 重要性;

outcome  n.结果; 效果;

extinct     adj.已灭绝的; 绝迹的; 绝种的; 不再存在的; 消亡了的; 废除了的; 不再活跃的; 死的;

has been     一,可以意为,处于某种状态,'has been就是已经维持这种状态是……后面的是表语从句。

reckless    adj.鲁莽的; 不计后果的; 无所顾忌的;

suffer from    v.受害于;         suffering from   网络患有; 遭受;

factor, something that affects or influences the end result.

One factor that needs to be considered is his arrogant personality.

Her health is one factor we can't afford to ignore.  她的健康是我们不能忽视的一个因素

          can't afford to 不能负担的起。。   

(Her beauty wasn't a factor in his decision to hire her, or was it?)

(An important factor in their decision not to invest was the lack of good leadership.)


exception, to be unique or treated differently.

Everyone has to be in the office before 9:00 with the exception of the sales department.

I'm sorry, but I can't make an exception and allow you to bring your dog to the office.

(There will be no exceptions to the rule that all employees must treat each other with respect.)    所有员工都必须互相尊重,这一规定没有例外

(To be an exception means to be treated differently than others.)

(Without exception, I expect everyone to work through the weekend!)    整个周末都在工作

(Without exception, I'd like to congratulate for their outstanding work.)

exception    n.例外; 一般情况以外的人(或事物); 规则的例外; 例外的事物;

with the exception of      [词典]除……外;

department      n.部; 部门; 系; 处; 司; 局; (医院的)科;

outstanding   adj.杰出的; 优秀的; 突出的; 出色的; 明显的; 重要的; 未支付的; 未完成的; 未解决的;

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