Digital Circuit Design & Verilog

(materials covered in UWM ECE551)

Lecture 01 Part I

Description Phase:

- Specification

- Planning : data path, control signals, states machines, bubble diagram

- Design Entry : Verilog

- Functional Test

- Synthesis : go in to synthesis tool with constraints(timing info, input arrive relating to clock edge? - static time analysis), how gates interconnected.

- Post-Synthesis Test : run the test bench against netlist from synthesis(test and/or/nor gates)

- APR, Parasitic Extraction & Timing Checks

- Manufacture & Hardware Validation

HDL : Hardware Description Language (Verilog / Sverilog, VHDL) - ASCII text

Synthesis : Takes a description of what a circuit does and creates the hardware to do it

Hardware Implementations:

- Full Custom (Manual VLSI( - drawing schematics all by yourself))

- Semi-Custom (Standard Cell (- standard cell libraries and interconnected with metal, take more time), Gate Array( - chips with gates before connecting them with layers, function depends on how you interconnect the metal layers))

- Programmable/Configurable (FPGA (- what we do, configurable, configure into SRAM, expansive, power hungry), PLD( - smaller, configure to non-volatile memory(NVM) like flash))

Hardware building blocks : transistors -> switches -> gates -> circuits

Standard Cell - library of common gates and structures(cells) , arrange the cells on the chip and connect them using metal wiring

FPGA - "Programmable hardware", use small memories as truth tables of functions, connect blocks using programmable routing

Netlist: a ASCII text representation of the interconnect of a schematic( we use Structural Verilog Netlist)

Lecture 01 Part II

Verilog basis - How to declare a module?(图1&2)


Or declare in this way:


-where you put the [x:x] matters , which is declare a vector is before the name, and an array is after

Wrong declaration:     input sel [1:0];        

This is array of single bit scalar(2 1-bit wide signals), not a 2bits vector(single 2-bit wide signal). 

Proper declaration:   input [1:0] sel;

However, bit selection of a vector dose occur after the signal name(图3)


Type wire - net type used for anything driven that is purely combinational implementation (no flops), example below:

wire [15:0] product;

assign product = A * B; //hardware multiplier, where A and B are two inputs

Type reg - any signal assigned to in an always block(flop or maybe also a combinational implementation) had to be declared as type reg. Example below:

reg [15:0] product;

always @(posedge clk)

     product <=  A*B; 

Type logic - superset of reg and wire.(used for combinational or flops). Signal assigned to in an always block had to be declared as type reg or logic. Example below:

output logic [15:0] result  //set to type logic

output [15:0] result          //set to default type wire

Module Coding Styles:

1.Structural - connect primitives and modules

2.Dataflow - use continuous assignments

3.Behavioral - use initial and always blocks

We will go in depth to Structural:

- Building hierarchy

- Synthesis tools output structural verilog


- No declarations - can only be instantiated

- output port appears before input ports

- and, or, nand, nor, xor

- file name of file containing the module can have a different name to the module, but recommend file and module have the same name 


and N25 (Z,A,B,C); //name specified

and #10 (Z,A,B,C),(X,C,D,E);  //delay specified, two and gate with delay

and #10 N30 (Z,A,B,C);  //name and delay

Other examples:

module majority (major, V1, V2, V3);


endmodule        //instantiate a module majority ourselves

majority iCO(.V1(A), .V2(B), .V3(Ci), .major(Co));        // positional or connect by reference, strongly recommend connect by reference, which is ".()" 

// when a port is not connect to a signal, that port is high impedance, current consumption. if intentionally not using it .(). leave it empty

Let's look at a 8-bit ripple carry adder(图4):





Lecture 01 Part III

Finite State Machine

- Mealy FSM(results can be depend on not only current state, but also current input) and Moore (only depends on current state

Let's see a Single Slope A2D Converter below:

- essentially comparing the analog input at the "+" terminal to the analog input at the "-", and output a digital result.  If analog input at "+" is greater than at "-", then gt output 1.(图7-State: cnv) 

图7-State: cnv

But we want to take 8 samples of analog input at "+" terminal, accumulate it and divide by 8(take the average to get a more accurate result), thus we have the part below - state:accum (图8):


Why result is just the 10 bits?

- That's because "dividing by 8" is just shift right 3 bits, which is taking the last 10 bits.

Sample counter: count up to 8, and compare to see if it finish the adding process.

Bubble Diagram:


One small bug : "inc_smpl". smp_eq_8 signal is using a 3 bits register to store values and to compare to see if it finish, but it's actually allowing the FSM to accumulate up to the 7th times(starts at 1, ends at 7).  Thus, we could either use a 4 bits accumulator, or instead let inc_smpl count up after state accum, beside "clr_dac"(Thus we starts counting from 0 to 7)

Lecture 02 Part I



The flipflop sustains the signal value by the two inverters at E = 0.  At E = 1, weak in the inverter at the bottom allows the enable signal to pass the new input D into the flipflop. 

not                         inv1(Q,n1);

not(weak0,weak1) inv2(n1,Q);


Meta-stability is when signal input D changes while Enable signal E is also changing.  Whenever we have asynchronous signal coming in the circuit, we double flop it before using them.(like below)

double flop for solving meta-stability

Numbers in Verilog:

General format is:   '

examples: 4'b1101 // 4-bit binary number equal to 13

                 10'h2e7 // 10-bit wide number specified in hex

Numbers can have x or z as values

    -x = unknown(uninitialized or in contention), z = High Impedance(not driven or not connected, would output unknown)

        12'h13x  //12-bit number with lower four bits unknown  00010011xxxx

    -If size is not specified then it depends on simulator/machine. (in some create 32-bit register when you only need like 5 bits)

    -Support negative number as well

    - Use _n at the end of a signal to indicate active low, rst_n = 1'b0  // assert reset

Signal strength level:

supply(strongest, like a supply VDD) > strong(default) > pull(pull up device) > weak(sustainer, leaker) > highz(high impedance)

reg(or logic, superset of reg and wire) are storage nodes:

    -retain their value till a new value is assigned

    -do not need a driver, unlike (a net) wire

    -can be changed in simulation by assigning new value

    -anything assigned in an always or initial block must be assigned to a signal of type reg(or logic)


    - a collection of bits

    - logic [15:0] src1_bus;

    - Bus is not equal to Vector

Concatenation by Replication {N{sig}}

    -a digit N can be placed in front of a set of { } to replicate scalar or vector quantity is inside the curly braces

    -can be used for sign extension

    - {2'b00,{3{2'b10}},2'b11} = 10'b0010101011

assign signedDiv8 = (value>>>3);

    -Verilog default to unsigned

    - this does not do arithmetic shift right until value and signedDiv8 is declared as type signed 

Lecture 02 Part II

Dataflow Verilog

    - generic form of assign:  assign [drive_strength][delay] list_of_net_assignments;

    - and gate functionality

         assign out = a&b;

    - 32-bit adder:

          wire [31:0] sum, src1, src2;  // three 32 bit wide vector

          assign {c_out, sum} = src1 + src2 + c_in;  // producing 32 bit sum, the extra bit goes into the c_out 

    -Multiply-accumulate unit:

          assign {overflow, Z} = A*B + C;   //output Z [31:0],output overflow, input[15:0]A,B, input[31:0] C

    - Conditional Operator

            -2:1 Mux

            assign out  = conditional_expr ? true_expr : false_expr;

some example code

-use localparam to make code more readable

-use enum type

using enum type, then the type will show on waveform, make dubugging easier than using local parameter

Reduction operators:

    -reduction AND

    -reduction OR

    -reduction XOR

Lecture 02 Part III


Multiple parameters defined
$clog2(3072) will result in 12, so address width is [11:0]

The $clog2 function returns the ceiling of the logarithm to the base 2.

declare enum

In Verilog, if not specified assign, it will declare a single bit wide wire type, so good habit: before module, do:

    `default_nettype none

useful system tasks

Parent cannot access "internal" signals of child(synthesis tool does not allow that), if you need a signal, must make a port.

Lecture 03

-Delays are useful for Simulation only(testbench level), Synthesis tool ignores timing control, only timing controlled is on clock-cycle basis

-Types of Delay:

    -Inertial Delay(Gates)

    -Transport Delay(Nets)

-PVT corners


    -different timing sets:  and #(1:2:3) g1(out,a,b);  //1 ns min, 2ns typical, 3ms max delay

    -and #(2:3:4, 1:2:3) g1(out,a,b)     //gate has different rise, fall for min:typ:max

Design Flow

-DUT Verilog code + Testbenches -> Verilog simulator

-Synth script (constraint the design, how fast to run, operating condition)  -> Synthesis(cell library)

-gate level struct(instances of and, or, nor, etc)  -> gate level netlist -> Verilog Simulator(modelsim)

-APR(auto placement and route) ->SDF Files(final timing check) + layout

Output Test Info

-$strobe is safer to use than $display, because it outputs when the changed list is empty and ready to advance time

Generating Clocks

-initial clk =0;


     #5 clk =  ~clk;

Exhaustive Testing(for small block) - test all possible values

 changing testing value relating to clk signal

Force/Release In Testbenches

- force the DUT into error situation to see what it does

a&b can't not be 1 originally, but being forced to 1

Behavioral Verilog

Initial Statement

-initial and always form basis of all behavioral Verilog

-initial and always cannot be nested

-initial statement start at time 0 and execute once

-useful for testbenches, but they don't synthesize(not in DUT)

Always statement

-operates continuously

-can use a trigger list to control operation; @(a,b,c)

-in absence of a trigger list, it re-evaluate when the last assignment completes


-negedge is on the transitions

    - 1->x,z,0

    - x,z->0


    - 0->x,z,1

    - x,z->1

Lecture 04

All flop have asynchronous reset. in this case, rst_n should be in the sensitivity list of the flop.

scan flops used for testing if there is a bad transistor in industry manufacturing.

gated clock: remove the clk signal from flop to reduce dissipating power.

In standard verilog anything assigned inside an always block must be of type reg, but in system verilog it could also be type logic. 

Non-blocking Assignment(used for sequential logic): in flipflop, non-blocking assignment updated simultaneously multiple assignment if no delays given, parallel transferring the input. 

Blocking Assignment(used for combinational logic): Whereas blocking assignment works like software, won't do the next assignment until the last Right Hand Side get the result

Non-Blocking and blocking should not be mixed in the same always block

The difference between a latch and a flip-flop is that a latch does not have a clock signal, whereas a flip-flop always does.

Vector fill token: preset the vector with whatever length to all 1's

               reg [WIDTH-1:0] timer;

               timer = `1;

always_comb block use for combinational logic, and it can self-infer the sensitivity list without us specifying it.

In the example of comparing a and b, and setting a_graterthan_b, a_lessthan_b,a_equalto_b, default values of variables(graterthan=0,lessthan=0,equalto=0)when making a combinational logic circuit part, or the synthesis will think it is a latch, then do "hold value(maintaining)" when it's not assigned to a new one.

Verilog default to unsigned magnitude

Lecture 05

Case Statements

- will be able to detect x and z

- casez & casex used x,z,? as wild cards in both case item & case expression, error prone

- case () inside uses x,z,? as don't care bit in case items only

- unique means one and only one case will match, infer that it can synthesize it flat structure, no priority -> mux

- priority tells the synthesizer and simulator that at least one of the cases of the cases will always match, it's ok to not state all the possibilities

- if I don't have a power of 2 states, I should add a default state(generally IDEL state or a state which has clear path going back to the IDLE state) to the case statement

- unless flops have the same conditions under which they are reset and enabled, separate them into different always flop

Lecture 06

We are using Synopsys 32nm educational library in this class

Synthesis priorities

    - functionality(synthesized netlist same as coded in verilog?)

    - design rules(fanout, transition times, hot electron)

    - performance criteria(speed,power,area)

Synthesis is cost function derive

    - function of timing, area, power, in this priority order, can be changed


    (input delay+ input to flipflop D delays+ set up time) < cycle time

    -Timing constraint

          -example: create_clock -name "clk" -period 20 -waveform { 0 10 } clk

    -drive strength of input( input output slope creates RC problem, how strong/weak the gate drive in the inputs(R), how big the capacitance, the bigger the longer the slope be(C). RC time constant determine the slope. C is known, R is not)

          - set_driving_cell -lib_cell -library

          - set_drive <# of ohms>

    -Capacitive loading affects the propagation delay of a gate(output of the gate)

        - set_load

    -parasitic capacitance of this node(capacitance created by any electronic elements separated by insulator in the circuit)

        - set_wire_load_model -name -library

    - Hot Electron Effect(too many electron stuck at the gate oxide, cause VT degradation), solution: limit operating time at high VDS& VGS

        - set_max_transition_time

Writing Synopsis scripts and run

        - unix_prompt>design_vision –shell dc_shell

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