(The green swan —— Central banking and financial stability in the age of climate change ch 1 - ch 3整理)
(i) they are unexpected and rare, thereby lying outside the realm of regular expectations;意想不到&稀缺事件
(ii) their impacts are wide-ranging or extreme;影响广泛/极端
(iii) they can only be explained after the fact.只有在事实发生后才能解释
fit fat tailed probability distributions 肥尾分布
As such, they cannot be predicted by relying on backward-looking probabilistic approaches assuming normal distributions (eg value-at-risk models).所以不能使用VaR模型来模拟预测;
Both physical and transition risks are characterised by deep uncertainty and nonlinearity, their chances of occurrence are not reflected in past data, and the possibility of extreme values cannot be ruled out (Weitzman (2009, 2011)).
First, although the impacts of climate change are highly uncertain气候变化有很大不确定性。
Second, climate catastrophes are even more serious than most systemic financial crises:气候灾难比多数系统性金融危机更严重。
Third, the complexity related to climate change is of a higher order than for black swans.气候变化的复杂性比黑天鹅更甚。
**The five Cs – contribute to coordination to combat climate change:
There is still considerable uncertainty on the effects of climate change and on the most urgent priorities. 气候风险的不确定性很大
Mark Carney (2015) referred to as “the tragedy of the horizon”:
while the physical impacts of climate change will be felt over a long-term horizon, with massive costs and possible civilisational impacts on future generations, the time horizon in which financial, economic and political players plan and act is much shorter.把气候风险纳入评估需要很长时间
For instance, the time horizon of rating agencies to assess credit risks, and of central banks to conduct stress tests, is typically around three to five years.
Our framing of the problem
It is a new type of systemic risk that involves interacting, nonlinear, fundamentally unpredictable, environmental, social, economic and geopolitical dynamics, which are irreversibly transformed by the growing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Carbon pricing and beyond;碳定价问题
4.1. basic welfare economics——内化问题
Climate change is widely considered by economists as an externality that, as such, should be dealt with through publicly imposed Pigovian carbon taxes4 in order to internalise the climate externalities. 气候变化广泛被经济学家认为是外部影响,可以通过强加庇古税将其内化。
By this analytical framing, central banks, regulators and supervisors have little to do in the process of decarbonising the economic system.
At most, central banks and supervisors should carefully scrutinise financial market imperfections, in order to ensure financial stability along the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
4.2. 目前来看,碳定价仍然是气候变化的唯一答案,但因为忽视了潜在的绿天鹅事件,该方法也有三点明显缺陷:
1. 即使碳定价数十年来已被认定为最佳选择,但尚未将棕色资产充分重分配到绿色资产 ;
2. 气候问题不确定性大,且危害范围广。
3. 会危害到社会的方方面面,不仅仅是市场失灵,“a cluster of elements, including technology, regulations, user practices and markets, cultural meanings, infrastructure, maintenance networks and supply networks”
The impacts on economic output could be significant if no action is taken to reduce carbon emissions.气候变化或成为人类生存的严重威胁,从以下两方面:
Demand-side shocks:
a. Business investments could be reduced due to uncertainty about future demand and growth prospects 商业投资减少
b. dampen consumption, 抑制消费
c. disrupt trade flows 破坏贸易流动
d. reduce household wealth.家庭财产减少
Supply-side shocks
a. affect the economy’s productive capacity, acting through the components of potential supply: labour, physical capital and technology.通过潜在的供应要素来影响生产能力
b. massive population movements大量人口流动
c. a diversion of resources form investment in productive capital and innovation to climate change adaptation资源从“生产性资本投资”转移到“创新型”从而适应气候变化
primarily affect poor and middle-income countries主要影响贫困和中等收入国家
natural endowments, traditional carbon-intensive industries and consumption habits of poor countries and low-income households.也影响了自然资源、传统碳密集行业和贫困国家/家庭的消费习惯
Another popular political stance has been to dismiss the challenges posed by climate change as merely a concern of the wealthy and well protected.
The intensity of these effects depends on the choice of the policy instrument used, the targeted sector, the design of the intervention and the country’s degree of development and socioeconomic conditions.这些影响的强度取决于所使用的政策工具的选择,目标部门,干预措施的设计以及国家的发展程度和社会经济条件。
The regressive distributional effects of many climate policies requires compensating lower-income households for their negative income effects as well as being gradual and progressive in the introduction of such policies.
regional and distributional effects of climate change policies气候变化政策的区域与分布效应
a variant of the Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (RICE)
(a regionally disaggregated version of the Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (DICE) )
但现有模型仍有缺陷,因为current models do not capture well household heterogeneity and proper representation of poor and vulnerable societal segments.不能很好的反映家庭异质性以及贫困脆弱的社会阶层的合适代表。
Pressures on the supply of agricultural products and energy are particularly prone to sharp price adjustments and increased volatility. 农产品和能源供应的压力特别容易发生急剧的价格调整和增加的波动性;
短期价格压力:The impact of climate-related shocks on inflation, but some studies indicate that food prices tend to increase in the short term following natural disasters and weather extremes自然灾害和极端天气之后短期内食品价格往往会上涨;
降低经济体的生产能力 : supply shocks can also reduce economies’ productive capacity
In sum, the impacts of climate change on inflation are unclear partly because climate supply and demand shocks may pull inflation and output in opposite directions,气候变化相关的供给与需求冲击可能抑制通货膨胀 and generate a trade-off for central banks between stabilising inflation and stabilising output fluctuations 但需要央行在稳定通货膨胀和经济活动之间做出权衡(Debelle (2019)). Moreover, if climate-related risks end up affecting productivity and growth, this may have implications for the longrun level of the real interest rate, a key consideration in monetary policy (Brainard (2019)).但是,如果这种影响被证明更具持久性,并且有可能在整个经济中扩散的范围更大,那么就可能需要采取货币政策。
In the case of climate-related risks, the irreversibility of certain climate patterns and impacts poses at least three new challenges for monetary policy. 那么,不可逆转的气候变化对货币政策也有三方面的挑战:
This situation can lead to stagflationary supply shocks that monetary policy may be unable to fully reverse. 气候变化会导致供给滞涨,货币政策没办法充分缓解这个问题。
Climate change is a global problem仅有一个国家出力是没用的。
green swan events还需要考虑长远影响。
Climate-related risks are a source of financial risk.气候变化从两方面影响金融稳定性
Physical risks
The destruction of capital and the decline in profitability of exposed firms could induce a reallocation of household financial wealth.资本的破坏和公司的盈利能力下降可能导致家庭金融财富的重新分配。
More broadly, damages to assets affect the longevity of physical capital through an increased speed of capital depreciation.
Transition risks
Too rapid a movement towards a low-carbon economy could materially damage financial stability. A wholesale reassessment of prospects, as climate-related risks are re-evaluated, could destabilise markets, spark a pro-cyclical crystallisation of losses and lead to a persistent tightening of financial conditions: a climate Minsky moment.快速低碳过渡会导致一些已经发现的资源失去价值,重新评估其价值引发周期性的亏损,并导致财务状况持续收紧;
Assessing how the entire value chain of many sectors could be affected by shocks in the supply of fossil fuels is particularly challenging.重新评估又极具挑战。
Physical and transition risks can materialise in terms of financial risk in five main ways: with many second-round effects and spillover effects among them
a. Credit risk
A deterioration in borrowers’ ability to repay their debts, thereby leading to higher probabilities of default (PD) and a higher loss-given-default (LGD). 高违约率
the potential depreciation of assets used for collateral can also contribute to increasing credit risks.
b. Market risk:
The concept of climate value-at-risk (VaR) captures this risk
c. Liquidity risk
d. Operational risk
e. Insurance risk
For the insurance and reinsurance sectors, higher than expected insurance claim payouts could result from physical risks, and potential underpricing of new insurance products covering green technologies could result from transition risks 对于保险和再保险行业,物理风险可能会导致保险索赔支出高于预期,过渡风险可能导致涵盖绿色技术的新保险产品的潜在定价偏低
If investors integrate climate-related risks into their risk assessment, then polluting assets will become more costly.如果投资者将与气候相关的风险整合到他们的风险评估中,那么造成污染的资产将变得更加昂贵。
Managing climate-related risks through a forward-looking approach can lead financial institutions to test the resilience of corporations in their portfolios to potential materialisations of physical and transition risks, their impact on key performance indicators and the adaptive capacities of these firms.
First, the materialisation of physical and transition risks depends on multiple nonlinear dynamics (natural, technological, societal, regulatory and cultural, among others) that interact with each other in complex ways and are subject to deep uncertainty.
i) 重大方法学挑战:
a. 多种模型间的相互作用与局限性;
b. 不断变化的环境中,所有公司和价值链都将以不可预测的方式受到影响。
Second, and more fundamentally, climate-related risks will remain largely uninsurable or unhedgeable as long as system-wide action is not taken
Determine a narrative of how climate and socioeconomic factors will interact, so that they can be translated into a sectoral and firm-level scenario.
多数方法都依赖于气候经济模型(例如综合评估模型Integrated Assessment Models-IMA)将以下三要素实施到宏观经济中去。
limiting global warming to 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures by 2100
but more scenarios based on a 1.5°C limit may emerge as this latter target is increasingly understood as the more “acceptable” upper limit
policy shock
technologies is limited
Transdisciplinary approaches around concepts such as sociotechnical systems and transitions
1. Technology
3. sociotechnical landscapes社会技术格局
i.e. In contexts comprising “both slow-changing trends (eg demographics, ideology, spatial structures, geopolitics) and exogenous shocks (eg wars, economic crises, major accidents, political upheavals)”
Some methodology providers do not rely on IAMs but rather on “technologically-based” model.
Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) report
Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) report (Graph 11) seeks to offer a “technology-rich, bottom-up analysis of the global energy system”
that the financial impacts of a specific financial portfolio will be entirely different depending on which scenario is chosen.根据选择哪种方案,特定财务组合的财务影响将完全不同。
Climate change mitigation and adaptation also brings opportunities related to the development of low-carbon technologies and climate-friendly policies.一些机遇
Regardless of the approach chosen, some critical sources of uncertainty to keep in mind when conducting forward-looking risk assessments concern the ability to predict: 不管使用哪种方法,以下会造成不确定性的几点要时刻谨记:
The development and diffusion of new technologies新技术的开发和扩散:
Each firm’s market power每家公司的市场力量:
The exposure to liability risks that have not yet arisen尚未承担的责任风险:
Overall, the outcomes provided by each methodology are therefore highly sensitive to the ways in which they account for specific scenarios and how they translate them into static or dynamic corporate metrics that take into account the scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Although the lack of data is commonly and rightly invoked as a barrier to the development of climate-related risk assessment, it is also important to emphasise that bridging the data gap will not fully “resolve” the sources of uncertainty discussed above.
First, it is possible for investors to see the long-term risks posed by climate change, while remaining exposed to fossil fuels in the short term (Christophers (2019)), especially if they believe that hard regulations will not be put in place anytime soon.
The question of how to adjust risk modelling approaches to allow for longer time horizons remains a challenging one
Reckoning climate-related risks can lead financial institutions to take rational actions that, while hedging them individually from a specific shock, do not hedge against the systemic risks posed by climate change.计算与气候相关的风险可以使金融机构采取合理的行动,尽管他们可以对冲特定的冲击,但它们不能对冲气候变化带来的系统性风险。