
From:  http://blog.hjenglish.com/playwang/articles/1131642.html
大学课程咨询与指导(course counselling and guide),论文写作咨询与指导(essay writing counselling),课程实验和实践(course experiments and practice)是学术语言模块(academic language)的经典话题,如果考生熟悉海外教育体系(college education system),这些是学术话题中比较容易得分的话题

招收enroll**(名词为enrollment**)的新学生刚进校时,先去注册办公室registration office**去登记注册register**注册费registration fee**后会拿到一张申请表 application form **/registration form*,填表fill in the form*后,记下一些个人信息take down some details,会有专人为你存档 keep on the file。
大学开学典礼opening ceremony*后,会举行情况说明会 orientation meeting**,情况说明手册orientation pack**,安排校园解说游览orientation tour(on the campus)

托儿所 nursery**
幼儿园 kindergarten
小学教育 primary/elementary  education中学教育 secondary education**
             (包括初中junior high school和高中senior high school)
大学教育 tertiary/higher/college education
职业学校  vocational school*
技术学校 technical school
(其中primary ,secondary,tertiary为第一,第二,第三的意思,
primary industry    第一产业
secondary industry 第二产业 
tertiary industry    第三产业 )
/学院  Faculty**/school
文理学院 school of arts and sciences*

大学生 undergraduate**
研究生 postgraduate**
全职学生 full-time student*
兼职学生 part-time student*
刚刚大学毕业毕业的人 newly graduate
刚刚离开学校的人 school leaver**

导师 tutor**(用途最广泛)
副导师 support tutor
福利咨询导师 welfare tutor
顾问 counsellor/Student Adviser=Advisor*/instructor*

讲师 lecturer**
督导 Director*
系主任 Dean*(学院的领导Head of Faculty*)

教授 professor**
副教授 associate professor
助理教授 assistant professor
助教 teaching assistant//TA
校长 president*/ principal*/ headmaster(用的不多,多用小学校长)
二。 学校情况
1学生会 the Student Union = the Union** (学生会主席the Union president**)会介绍学校里的公共设施 the social facilities available on the campus

The Union runs a weekly programme of events for all tastes…everything from discos to talks by guest speakers. Many of these events are fund raising activities for charities…

They manage the Students’ Union papershop,selling magazines and newspapers, as well as stationery, sweets and so on…
行政大楼               administration building*,
主大厅                  Main Hall**,
接待处                  reception**,
信息台                  Information Desk*
失物招领处            Lost Property/Lost and Found Office,
停车场                  parking lot/car park*
大厅                     lobby
走廊                     corridor**
学生会餐厅           the Union Cafeteria / Refectory/canteen**
学生会大楼           the Student Union Building  (is main center of social life here)
售票处                 the Ticket Shop   ( there’s the Ticket Shop, where you can get some very good deals on, well for example, coaches to London or inexpensive charter flights, as cheap as you’ll get anywhere…)

注意:很多地方,需要你跟着follow绿色箭头green arrows**或者路标signpost**
        (=follow the path signposted by green arrows)

左转        turn left*
右转        turn right*
对面         opposite**
左手拐角  left hand corner*
急转弯      sharp corner*

助理福利导师Assistant Welfare Officer 会在生活的各方面给出建议
Financial problems: scholarship
                             low-interest loan
Social problems:Ball
Refectory: Special Food Requirements/special dietary requirements/food allergy
Academic:library special loans

学生申请的学位 degree*一般分为
学士学位Bachelor's Degree **
硕士学位Master's Degree*
博士学位Doctor's Degree

入学要求entry requirement*,如果满足要求fufil the requirements*
资历qualification*),得到批准approval*在学业年限academic durations 中修满固定学分credit points*,可以拿到文凭 diploma**(比较正式,指毕业证书)或者
证书 certificate* (非正式,比如出生证明birth certificate)

主修专业major**(双专业 dual major)或辅修专业minor时,
钱”景financial future**,该选择以职业为导向的课程the courses which have vocational focus**

预科课程preparatory course、
必修课程 compulsory/required course*、
选修课程elective/selective/optional course*

三。 学业要求
每个学期semester/term**,学生都要根据课程要求course requirements*完成各种作业assignment**,最后讲师批改mark**,给出评估assessment**,确定学生的分数score*,(例如:A+ 为A plus ,B-为B minus)分数可以看出学生是及格pass*,或者是不及格fail*。如果不及格,学生可以选择重考resit exam*(对应参加考试sit exams*),如果学生过多科目subject*不及格,就会被建议退学drop out*。

 小册子brochure*新闻纸newsletter**传单leaflet*或者讲义handouts**上会有课程表course schedule**/timetable*/agenda* ,和课程安排course arrangement*

课程开始前,导师会发阅读书目 a reading list*(相当于核心书籍列表core books list*)一般30-40本。教学资料teaching materials包括教科书textbooks**/course books 或者指定教科书prescribed textbooks*;参考书reference books**。。。

教学方法teaching method/approach**可以分为讲座lecture**指导课tutorial**

(真题:Now,you will note that all of the subjects which you undertake in the first year are composed of lectures and tutuorials.
 A lecture is about an hour long and a tutorial usually runs for about two hours. A lecture is where one person  will talk to you together on a subject. We do ask you to try to attend the lectures.
A tutorial is perhaps where most of the learning occurs at a university. You will be divided into groups of between 12 and 15 students and each week one of you will have to present a piece of work to the group as a whole and then the group will discuss what you've said.)
(注意:A tutorial is a type of lecture./A tutorial is less important than a lecture.都是不对的。讲座和指导课是不同的教学方式。都是很重要的,要求出勤率。
           A tutorial provides a chance to share views.是对的,而且It's this discussion, this exchange of ideas, which really constitutes the basis of university learning.指导课注重学生之间的讨论。)

需要完成的任务:个案研究 case study**
                        研究报告 study report*
                        撰写工作 write-up work**/write up a piece of work
(真题:Andy :And the write up?
Dr Simon : Well, you can't really get going on your writing until you've got quite a bit of the research done,so that's really March to May, with the hand in date on 21st.)

 实地考察 field trip**
                        写论文的任务 essay assignment**
  (essay **为小论文;paper本科论文;thesis硕士论文;dissertation**学位论文/博士论文)
                         草稿计划 draft plan**
                         研究 research**
(真题:Jane :And when do we have to be doing the research?
Dr Simon : That's over a one-month period...essentially February to March.)
                         日志 journal/ diary*
                         专题报告presentation**(讨论小组tutorial group*中挑出一个人代表小组发言

  science**                          科学                             
              engineering **                   工程学
              electronics*                      电子学
              arts**                               文科                                 
  business*                            商务
              accounting/accountancy*     会计学
              chemistry                           化学
              physics                               物理
       ecology*                             生态学
              biology**                            生物学
              microbiology                       微生物学
agriculture**                      农学
              economics**                        经济学
              finance**                            金融学
              politics**                            政治学
              marketing**                        市场销售
              architecture**                     建筑
              geology**                            地质学
              geography*                          地理学
              literature*                           文学
              linguistics*                           语言学
              mathematics                          数学
  history**                             历史
              law**                                   法律
              hospitality*                          酒店管理
              genetics                                基因学
  philosophy**                         哲学
              psychology**                         心理学
              sociology**                           社会学
              zoology                                 动物学
 statistics*                            统计学
              anthropology                         人类学
              archaeology                           考古学
              astronomy                             天文学
              physiology                             生理学
              plant pathology                      植物病理学
              botany                                   植物学
              banking                                  银行学

真题:。。。attendance at lectures is necessary. We expect at least 90% attendance at this university。。。
2在最后期限前做完作业 keep deadline**/meet deadline**
 在课程指导老师course tutor同意你的最后标题agree on your final title后会确定好规定的上交日期 confirm fixed hand-in date*;有些老师会灵活对待try to be pretty flexible** on 字数限制word limit*,大范围上为1万8-2万in broad terms it's 18-20,000 。

学生需要核对各项任务最后期限check on the deadlines for everything,这时候各阶段任务都要完成when  the different stages have to be completed
真题:your draft plan is due on 7 February...

快到满期日子due date**如果还没办法交hand in/submit**作业,只能要求延期 ask for an extension**,也许能得到多几周extra several weeks。但导师一般认为合理的理由reasonable excuses为生病或是出现了值得其他人同情的原因medical or compassionate reasons 

真题:First of all,you have got to work on your basic bibliography, and that's due to your course course tutor by 31 January...which is just 2 weeks away,so you'd better get a move on that.

ANDY: Do we have to have our own draft plan by then?
DR SIMON: No, your draft plan is due on 7 February.

             期末考试 a final exam*
               口试 an oral test
               笔试  a written test
              客观性考试 an objective exam
              主观性考试 an subjective exam
              多项选择题 multiple-choice questions
    开卷考试 an open-book exam*


a指导课过程中,导师要求学生组织讨论小组。有时给出指定的讨论课题目given tutorial topics,有时可以挑选讨论课题目choose the tutorial topic。

b由于需要参阅前一年的论文read previous dissertations,还要查找学术刊物的文章journal articles,所以要去图书馆的专业书籍借阅部借obtained from library through special loans service*请留意图书馆场景单词),然后编写基本参考书目basic bibliography**当然所有的论文是基于别人的研究,但你必须把所参照的内容注明原来的作者名字。
(真题:Of course all essays are based on research done by other people but you must remember to attribute the work to the original writer = name the book you  have read.)
(真题:Plagiarism is taking other people's work without acknowledgeing it.其中it= the source of your information)
(真题:then you run the risk of failing the subject or in very serious cases you might be denied entry to the university.)

真题:know which is most  useful or important
真题:don't expect anyone to read them all,
真题:a number of them deal with the same issues,

值得读worth reading 必须读must read

看研究方法论那部分look at the part of research methodology,how he did it研究方法research method

有很相关内容,尽管不是很关键says very relevant things,although it is not essential。

如果有用,我会试着看If it is useful,I will try to read that one有用useful

如果我是你,在这个阶段我不会麻烦着看它I won't bother with that at this stage ,if I were you。不读Do not read   

只读最后部分,或讨论研究结果just look at the last part,or discuss the research results读研究结论read the research conclusions

我不知道为什么把这个加进去,它还行,有点用,但用处不是很大I can't think why they include that one. It's not bad, and could be of some help ,but not that much有限价值limited value)

c参考研究指南research guide,确定研究方法research method/研究工具research instrument,数据收集方法ways of collecting data可以是问卷调查questionnaire**(有时是低回应率low response rate**),电话面试telephone interview**,当面面试 face-to-face interview**或者观察observation*。。。

d根据调查对象/被采访者respondent/interviewee*反馈feedback**,调查适合的数据investigate suitable data*,然后建立数据库database*,必要时可以做假设hypothesis,做实验experiment,或加入统计表add statistics*,对于调查investigation/survey**的结果,要分析数据analyse* data,确定它在统计学上有效/无效statistically valid/invalid*,可能出现不同观点opinions,交换意见share ideas后,准备一份调查核对表checklist for survey**,寄给导师评论completed and sent for review。进行深入的研究much deeper research后,得出结论draw some conclusions*。根据研究结果research results,列出草稿计划draft plan**后,写出第一份草稿first draft*,给导师批阅。


反馈表feedback form*, 在课程的以下方面给出评论give comments on the following aspects of the course。标出优点good points 和建议suggestions for improvement*

课程组织安排 course organization方面,看是否清楚clear,如果课程开始就列出大纲,很有用 useful to have outline* *at begining of course,如果课程后半部分工作量太大too much work in 2nd part of the course,可以建议均匀分配could be more evenly balanced

课程讲演course delivery方面,一般学生不希望讨论时间过长group discussion sessions went on too long

资料和设备materials and equipment方面,学生是否感到教学质量好good standard of teaching。是否有好的讲义good handouts,是否需要更多电脑need more computers,是否有提供足够的重要文章的副本enough copies of key texts available

测试和评估testing and evaluation /assessment面,查看是否有快速的口头演讲反馈quick feedback from oral presentation
(注意:assessment为常考词,切勿写成accessment,access意思为出口,发音和assess不同,而且access已经是名词不能加ment )
评分标准事先会通知marking criteria for oral presentations known in advance
是否感到撰写工作太多too much written work
最好能知道期末考试的评分标准criteria for marking final exams

否给学生良好的支持excellent support for students

