State: The set of states S \mathcal{S} S(状态 S \mathcal{S} S的集合)
Action: the set of actions A ( s ) \mathcal{A}(s) A(s) is associated for state s ∈ S s \in \mathcal{S} s∈S(对应于状态 s ∈ S s \in \mathcal{S} s∈S 的行为集合 A ( s ) \mathcal{A(s)} A(s))
Reward: the set of rewards R ( s , a ) \mathcal{R}(s, a) R(s,a)(对应于某一状态 s ∈ S s \in \mathcal{S} s∈S 和在该状态的某一行为 a ∈ A ( s ) a \in \mathcal{A}(s) a∈A(s)的奖励分数,是一个实数)
State transition probability: at state s s s ,taking action a a a, the probability to transit to state s ′ s' s′ is (状态转移概率,在状态 s s s,行为 a a a,转移到状态 s ′ s' s′的概率)
p ( s ′ ∣ s , a ) p(s' | s, a) p(s′∣s,a)
Reward probability: at state s s s, taking action a a a, the probability to get reward r r r is (在状态 s s s,行为 a a a,得到的奖励分数 r r r)
p ( r ∣ s , a ) p(r | s, a) p(r∣s,a)
Policy: at state s s s, the probability to choose action a a a is(在状态 s ∈ S s \in \mathcal{S} s∈S,选择状态 a ∈ A ( s ) a \in \mathcal{A}(s) a∈A(s)的概率)
π ( a ∣ s ) \pi (a | s) π(a∣s)
Markov property: memoryless property (无记忆性;无后效性)
p ( s t + 1 ∣ a t + 1 , s t , . . . , a 1 , s 0 ) = p ( s t + 1 ∣ a t + 1 , s t ) p ( r t + 1 ∣ a t + 1 , s t , . . . , a 1 , s 0 ) = p ( r t + 1 ∣ a t + 1 , s t ) p(s_{t + 1} | a_{t + 1}, s_t, ..., a_1, s_0) = p(s_{t + 1} | a_{t + 1}, s_t) \\ p(r_{t + 1} | a_{t + 1}, s_t, ..., a_1, s_0) = p(r_{t + 1} | a_{t + 1}, s_t) p(st+1∣at+1,st,...,a1,s0)=p(st+1∣at+1,st)p(rt+1∣at+1,st,...,a1,s0)=p(rt+1∣at+1,st)
state: 每个表格所在的位置即为state, 因此其有9个state s 1 , s 2 , . . . , s 9 s_1, s_2, ..., s_9 s1,s2,...,s9。
每个表格所在的位置即为state, 因此其有9个state s 1 , s 2 , . . . , s 9 s_1, s_2, ..., s_9 s1,s2,...,s9。
state space: S = { s i } i = 1 9 \mathcal{S} = \{ s_i \}^9_{i=1} S={si}i=19
Action space of a state:特定state其所有可能的action的集合 A ( s ) = { a i } i = 1 5 \mathcal{A}(s)= \{ a_i \}^5_{i=1} A(s)={ai}i=15
当采取action时,agent可能会从一个state转移到另一个state。例如 s 1 ⟶ a 2 s 1 s_1 \stackrel{a_2}{\longrightarrow}s_1 s1⟶a2s1
tubular representation: 使用表格表示state transition
state transition probability: 使用概率描述state transition
intuition: 在state s 1 s_1 s1,如果选择action a 2 a_2 a2,下一个state是 s 2 s_2 s2
p ( s 2 ∣ s 1 , a 2 ) = 1 p ( s i ∣ s 1 , a 2 ) = 0 ∀ ≠ 2 \begin{align*} &p(s_2 | s_1, a_2) = 1\\ &p(s_i | s_1, a_2) = 0 \;\;\; \forall \ne 2 \end{align*} p(s2∣s1,a2)=1p(si∣s1,a2)=0∀=2
基于以上policy,针对不同的start area和end area,最优路径如下:
mathematical representation: 使用条件概率表示
π ( a 1 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 π ( a 2 ∣ s 1 ) = 1 π ( a 3 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 π ( a 4 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 π ( a 5 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 \pi(a_1 | s_1) = 0\\ \pi(a_2 | s_1) = 1 \\ \pi(a_3 | s_1) = 0 \\ \pi(a_4 | s_1) = 0 \\ \pi(a_5 | s_1) = 0 \\ π(a1∣s1)=0π(a2∣s1)=1π(a3∣s1)=0π(a4∣s1)=0π(a5∣s1)=0
π ( a 1 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 π ( a 2 ∣ s 1 ) = 0.5 π ( a 3 ∣ s 1 ) = 0.5 π ( a 4 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 π ( a 5 ∣ s 1 ) = 0 \begin{align*} &\pi(a_1 | s_1) = 0\\ &\pi(a_2 | s_1) = 0.5 \\ &\pi(a_3 | s_1) = 0.5 \\ &\pi(a_4 | s_1) = 0 \\ &\pi(a_5 | s_1) = 0 \\ \end{align*} π(a1∣s1)=0π(a2∣s1)=0.5π(a3∣s1)=0.5π(a4∣s1)=0π(a5∣s1)=0
tabular representation: 使用表格表示
reward可以理解为human-machine interface,通过它我们可以引导agent按照我们的期望行事。
tabular representation:
Mathematical description:
p ( r = − 1 ∣ s 1 , a 1 ) = 1 p ( r ≠ − 1 ∣ s 1 , a 1 ) = 0 p(r=-1 | s_1, a_1) = 1 \\ p(r \ne -1 | s_1, a_1) = 0 p(r=−1∣s1,a1)=1p(r=−1∣s1,a1)=0
trajectory 是一个state-action-reward 链:
s 1 → r = 0 a 2 s 2 → r = 0 a 3 s 5 → r = 0 a 3 s 8 → r = 1 a 2 s 9 s_1 \xrightarrow[r=0]{a_2} s_2\xrightarrow[r=0]{a_3} s_5\xrightarrow[r=0]{a_3} s_8\xrightarrow[r=1]{a_2} s_9 s1a2r=0s2a3r=0s5a3r=0s8a2r=1s9
return = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 1 \text{return}=0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 1 return=0+0+0+1=1
对于下图trajectory :
s 1 → a 2 s 2 → a 3 s 5 → a 3 s 8 → a 2 s 9 → a 5 s 9 → a 5 s 9 . . . s_1 \xrightarrow[]{a_2} s_2 \xrightarrow[]{a_3} s_5 \xrightarrow[]{a_3} s_8 \xrightarrow[]{a_2} s_9 \xrightarrow[]{a_5} s_9 \xrightarrow[]{a_5} s_9 ... s1a2s2a3s5a3s8a2s9a5s9a5s9...
return = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + . . . = ∞ \text{return} = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... = \infty return=0+0+0+1+1+1+...=∞
需要引入discount rate γ ∈ [ 0 , 1 ) \gamma \in [0, 1) γ∈[0,1)
discount return:
discount return = 0 + γ 0 + γ 2 0 + γ 3 1 + γ 4 1 + . . . = γ 3 ( 1 + γ + γ 2 + . . . ) = γ 3 1 1 − γ \begin{align*} \text{discount return} &= 0 + \gamma0 + \gamma^20 + \gamma^31 + \gamma^41 + ... \\ & = \gamma^3(1 + \gamma + \gamma^2 + ...)\\ &=\gamma^3 \frac{1}{1 - \gamma} \end{align*} discount return=0+γ0+γ20+γ31+γ41+...=γ3(1+γ+γ2+...)=γ31−γ1
当遵循policy与环境交互时,agent可能会停在某些terminal states。 由此产生的轨迹称为一个episode(或一次trail)。
s 1 → r = 0 a 2 s 2 → r = 0 a 3 s 5 → r = 0 a 3 s 8 → r = 1 a 2 s 9 s_1 \xrightarrow[r=0]{a_2} s_2\xrightarrow[r=0]{a_3} s_5\xrightarrow[r=0]{a_3} s_8\xrightarrow[r=1]{a_2} s_9 s1a2r=0s2a3r=0s5a3r=0s8a2r=1s9
一个episode通常被假设为一个有限的trajectory。 具有episodes的任务称为episodic tasks
有些任务可能没有终止状态(terminal states),这意味着与环境的交互永远不会结束。 此类任务称为连续任务(continuing tasks)
事实上,可以通过将episodic 任务转换为连续任务,以统一的数学方式来处理episodic任务和连续任务。
圆圈代表state,带箭头的链接代表state transition。
以上内容为B站西湖大学智能无人系统 强化学习的数学原理 公开课笔记。