Python-can库提供的脚本can.logger主要用于记录CAN log,将消息打印到标准输出或给定文件。
在命令行窗口中使用python -m can.logger -h可以获取调用信息
$ python -m can.logger -h
ldf is not supported
xls is not supported
xlsx is not supported
yaml is not supported
usage: logger.py [-h] [-c CHANNEL]
[-i {canalystii,cantact,etas,gs_usb,iscan,ixxat,kvaser,neousys,neovi,nican,nixnet,pcan,robotell,seeedstudio,serial,slcan,socketcan,socketcand,systec,udp_multicast,usb2can,vector,virtual}]
[-b BITRATE] [--fd] [--data_bitrate DATA_BITRATE]
[-f LOG_FILE] [-a] [-s FILE_SIZE] [-v]
[--filter {:,~} [{:,~} ...]]
[--active | --passive]
Log CAN traffic, printing messages to stdout or to a given file.
positional arguments:
extra_args The remaining arguments will be used for the interface
and logger/player initialisation. For example, `-i
vector -c 1 --app-name=MyCanApp` is the equivalent to
opening the bus with `Bus('vector', channel=1,
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
Most backend interfaces require some sort of channel.
For example with the serial interface the channel
might be a rfcomm device: "/dev/rfcomm0". With the
socketcan interface valid channel examples include:
"can0", "vcan0".
-i {canalystii,cantact,etas,gs_usb,iscan,ixxat,kvaser,neousys,neovi,nican,nixnet,pcan,robotell,seeedstudio,serial,slcan,socketcan,socketcand,systec,udp_multicast,usb2can,vector,virtual}, --interface {canalystii,cantact,etas,gs_usb,iscan,ixxat,kvaser,neousys,neovi,nican,nixnet,pcan,robotell,seeedstudio,serial,slcan,socketcan,socketcand,systec,udp_multicast,usb2can,vector,virtual}
Specify the backend CAN interface to use. If left
blank, fall back to reading from configuration files.
-b BITRATE, --bitrate BITRATE
Bitrate to use for the CAN bus.
--fd Activate CAN-FD support
--data_bitrate DATA_BITRATE
Bitrate to use for the data phase in case of CAN-FD.
-f LOG_FILE, --file_name LOG_FILE
Path and base log filename, for supported types see
-a, --append Append to the log file if it already exists.
-s FILE_SIZE, --file_size FILE_SIZE
Maximum file size in bytes. Rotate log file when size
threshold is reached. (The resulting file sizes will
be consistent, but are not guaranteed to be exactly
what is specified here due to the rollover conditions
being logger implementation specific.)
-v How much information do you want to see at the command
line? You can add several of these e.g., -vv is DEBUG
--filter {:,~} [{:,~} ...]
R|Space separated CAN filters for the given CAN
interface: : (matches when
& mask == can_id & mask)
~ (matches when &
mask != can_id & mask) Fx to show only frames with ID
0x100 to 0x103 and 0x200 to 0x20F: python -m
can.viewer -f 100:7FC 200:7F0 Note that the ID and
mask are always interpreted as hex values
--active Start the bus as active, this is applied by default.
--passive Start the bus as passive.
python -m can.logger -i vector --app-name=Python_can -c 0 -b 500000 -fd --data_bitrate 2000000 -f bus_log.asc