
1. 释义:a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something

2. 理解:thirst,名词,本意口渴,引申意“渴求”“渴望”,可替换desire/longing/craving等词。

have a thirst for something 表示特别渴望某事

a thirst for talant 求贤若渴

have little appetite for/have a huge thirst for(这里食欲和口渴,都表示强烈的渴望)

3. 应用


The success  of Douyin shows the fierce thirst for entertainment.(参考译文:The fierce thirst for recreation has fueled the success of Douyin.或者The popularity of Douyin shows the overwhelming thirst for entertainment.

2) 造句

The poor puppy shows his thirst for accompaniment with the longing eyes.小狗渴望陪伴)
