Level3.Unit2.Part2 Paul's Trip Plan 1

★★★Paul's Trip Plan 1 

In sixweeks, Paul isgoingon a trip(外出旅行).   90

He is going to Japan and China.

There area couple of(两个,一对) reasons for the trip. 84

       a couple of 两个,一对,一些 → a copule of man 两个男人 → e.g: She slept for a couple of hours. 她睡了好几个小时

       reason for sth. 某事的原因→ reasons for the trip 这次旅行的原因

       reason for doing sth. 做某事的原因  → e.g:There are many reasons for being single. 单身的理由有很多

One reason is for business.

He'sthinking about(考虑)startingrestaurants in both countries.

        → e.g:He only thinks about money. 他只想着钱

       【句子解析】thinking about starting(动名词)restaurants enjoydoing(动名词) sth.

       think about是一个动词词组,后面通常加宾语,而宾语通常是名词或者名词性词组。

       文中start  restaurants,开餐厅是一个动作,为了能和think about搭配,所以要把动词start变成动名词starting.     这里的动名词作宾语

The other reason is for pleasure.

       do sth. for pleasure : 做某事消遣娱乐 

       → e.g:-Thank you. - It's my pleasure. = You are welcome.不用谢

                    - Would you please help me?  -With pleasure. 我很乐意(用于回答别人的请求)

He enjoys travelling, and he'd like to visit some friends.

       visit+地点:去某地待一段时间→ visit themuseum参观博物馆

       visit sb. = go to see sb. 拜访某人→  visit some friends = go to see some friends 拜访朋友

       → e.g:Paul is going to Japan and China. = Paul will visit Japan and China. Paul要去日本和中国


Yesterday he went online and made airline reservations. 

       make airline reservations 订机票 → e.g:He went online and made airline reservations.  = He made the airline reservations online.

There were plenty of seats on the plane, so it was easy.  84

       plenty of = a lot of  很多 ; plenty of +可数名词复数→ plenty of seats很多座位 ; 

       plenty of + 不可数名词→ plenty of time 很多时间 → e.g: He got plenty of money suddenl. 他突然有了很多钱

He also got a good discount.

Unfortunately, he needs a new passport.   81

       Unfortunately 不幸地,可惜地 → e.g:Unfortunately,they missed the flight.不巧的是,他们错过了飞机  / Unfortunately,I can't come. 很遗憾,我没法去

His old passport is expiring next week.

       expire:①(各种证件、合约)到期→ e.g:-When does your driver's license expire?你的驾照什么时候到期?-My driver's license expired last month.我的驾照上个月就过期了  

                    ②任期结束 → e.g:His term will expire next year. 他的任期明年结束

This is something he didn't expect.

       省略的定语从句 → e.g:Hedidn't expectthat his old passport is expring next week.(someing)

       原句为:This is something (that) he didn't expect.

Gettinga new passport will take at least a week.   81

       动名词短语 getting a new passport 在这里作主语   想要让一个动作做主语,就要把这个动作名词化→ e.g:跑步是我最喜欢的运动 Running is my favorite sport.

He needs to apply for one right away.

       need to do sth. 需要做,得做→ e.g:I need to learn English every day. 我每天都得学英语

       apply for: 申请 → apply for a job online 网上申请工作 → e.g: He needs to apply for a new passport right away.  他需要立刻申请新的护照


Paul also needs a visa/ˈviːzə/(签证) to enter China.

Thelast time(上次) he went to China was 3 years ago.   90

Gettinga visa may also take a week or even two.

       动名词getting a visa做主语

       a week or two  →  a week or two(weeks:为了不重复,weeks省略)一到两周 ; two days or three 两到三天

So he doesn't have much time.

He needs to hurry.

       hurry 抓紧,加快速度  → e.g:You'll have to hurry if you want to catch the train.如果你想赶上火车,那就得抓紧了。/ Hurry up!赶紧的

He can't get the visa until he gets his new passport.   88

       not…until… 直到…才… → e.g:I can't play computer until I finish the lesson.我学完了这节课才能去玩电脑

He'll have to go to the Chinese consulate/'kɑnsələt/(领事馆) in Toronto.

       the Chinese consulate in Toronto 中国驻多伦多领事馆

Hopefully there won't be any delays.89

       hopefully 有希望,但愿,常常用在希望发生或者有可能发生的事情前面 → e.g:Hopefully,I'll be back home by ten o'clock.我10点之前有望回家


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