霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第四章)

Chapter 4: The Uncertainty Principle

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第四章)_第1张图片

Footnote: Chapter 4. Mainly talks about Werner Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Vital principle in modern physics, concept not hard to understand——work of a genius mind.

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Footnote: Werner Heisenberg, German physicist, 1901-1976. (Pic: Wikipedia)

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Footnote: The Radiation Crisis (1 of the 3 major crisis of modern physics in early 20th century.). Max Planck’s Quanta inspired Heisenburg’s principle.

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Footnote: Max Planck, German physicist, 1858-1947. (Pic: Wikipedia)

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Footnote: The “principle” of W.H.'s Uncertainty Principle.

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Footnote: Pierre Laplace, French scientist, 1749-1827. (Pic: Wikipedia)

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Footnote: Parallel universes; U.P. gave birth to quantum mechanics; probability and statistics in U.P…

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Footnote: Wave & Particle Duality; integration of gravity and quantum mechanics——next big topic in physics.

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Footnote: Figures of this chapter.

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Footnote: The famous two-slit experiment. Works for both particles and waves.

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Footnote: Different models of the atom.

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Footnote: Niels Bohr, Danish scientist, 1885-1962. (Pic: Wikipedia)

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Footnote: Bohr’s model of the atom (the wave model). Allowed/Prohibited orbits.

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Footnote: Conclusion: Unification of classic theories.
