unity engine
So you want to be a game designer. It's a very interesting choice of career; and we must mention that it's a long road, with more than your share of roadblocks and challenges that you'll have to overcome. But it's equally rewarding as well. After all, there's nothing like watching a world which you created in your mind, come to life before you, ready to be played, ready to tell your story.
因此,您想成为一名游戏设计师。 这是一个非常有趣的职业选择。 我们必须指出,这是一条漫长的道路,除了您必须克服的障碍和挑战之外,还有很多其他问题。 但这同样是有益的。 毕竟,没有什么比观看您在脑海中创造的世界,在您面前变得更活泼,准备好发挥,准备讲述您的故事更有趣了。
Not to mention that there's also some hard cash to be earned. The average salary of a game designer in the U.S.A. is about $84,000 per year.
更不用说还有一些可挣的现金。 在美国,游戏设计师的平均年薪约为84,000美元。
Game Designer, is the person behind everything that's going on. It was a designer who came up with the idea of Mario jumping over pits and pipes, they are the one who decide that one clip in the machine gun will hold 34 bullets, they are the one who decide if the game will be a multiplayer game or not. He/She is the creative head of the group. They are also responsible for collaborating with artists, composers, voice actors, programmers, testers and so on to ensure that the team has all the expertise required.
游戏设计师是正在发生的一切背后的人。 是一位设计师提出了马里奥跳过坑洼和管道的想法,他们是决定机枪中的一个夹子可以装34枚子弹的人,他们是决定游戏是否将是多人游戏的人。或不。 他/她是小组的创意负责人。 他们还负责与艺术家,作曲家,配音演员,程序员,测试人员等合作,以确保团队拥有所需的全部专业知识。
Excited? You should be. However, as a beginner, starting game making (note the difference between game making and game designing), you'll more than likely be doing the work of a lot of team members yourself, or in a small group. That's why this tutorial series is aimed at getting you up and running to make games on your own or with your own team that you can assemble, as you progress in your career/profession. What will we be using for making all these games? How are we going to do this?
激动吗 你应该。 但是,作为一个初学者,开始制作游戏(请注意游戏制作和游戏设计之间的区别)时,您很有可能自己或在一个小组中从事许多团队成员的工作。 这就是为什么本教程系列旨在使您起步并开始制作自己的游戏,或者与您自己的团队一起制作游戏,并且可以随着自己职业/职业的发展而组建自己的团队。 我们将用什么来制作所有这些游戏? 我们该怎么做?
All your questions will be answered soon.
In a time where games like these are in the market:
Why make 2D games? Do people still play those games? Especially since it's been so long since the times when you would hook up your old NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) to the TV and play Contra all day?
为什么要制作2D游戏? 人们还在玩那些游戏吗? 尤其是自从您将旧的NES (任天堂娱乐系统)连接到电视并整天播放Contra以来,时间已经这么长了?
That's because 2D games haven't yet lost their charm, and most likely never will. If they did, most Android games you know today wouldn't exist, and neither would a lot of 3D games that started out as 2D concepts. 2D game development is also less taxing on your resources, since you literally have one less dimension to deal with in your project. That means it's great for beginners and small teams who have less resources to work with.
这是因为2D游戏尚未失去魅力,而且很有可能永远不会消失。 如果确实如此,那么您今天所知道的大多数Android游戏将不复存在,而且很多以2D概念开始的3D游戏也将不存在。 2D游戏开发也减少了对资源的负担,因为从字面上看,您的项目需要处理的维度更少。 这意味着这对于资源较少的初学者和小型团队来说非常有用。
If you're still not convinced, have a look at these beautiful 2D games:
These are all 2D games. Yes, even the ninja game in the last picture.
这些都是2D游戏。 是的,即使是最后一张图片中的忍者游戏。
Initially released in 2005, Unity is a game development environment and engine for over 20 various platforms. It works on MAC OS X, Linux, and Windows.
Unity最初于2005年发布,是一个游戏开发环境和引擎,可用于20多种不同的平台。 它适用于MAC OS X , Linux和Windows 。
Unity quickly became the go-to for people warming up to game making with its simple and easy-to-understand interface. Frequent updates, good documentation and an even better community made it one of the best engines to work on. In 2013, with its 4.3 update, Unity released a variety of tools for teams and developers to make 2D games on, making the task much simpler than it was before. Unity also serves as a personal favorite of mine, since it's one of the first game development programs I learned to use and it really fired my passion for getting into the game making industry.
凭借其简单易懂的界面,UnitySwift成为了热爱游戏制作的人们的首选。 频繁的更新,完善的文档以及更好的社区,使其成为可以使用的最佳引擎之一。 2013年,随着4.3版本的更新,Unity为团队和开发人员发布了各种工具来制作2D游戏,使这项任务比以前更加简单。 Unity也是我个人的最爱,因为它是我学会使用的第一个游戏开发程序之一,并且确实激发了我进入游戏制作行业的热情。
So, enough with the history and what may appear to be blatant advertising, let's sink our teeth right in. To grab the latest version of Unity, simply head over to the Unity website at unity3d.com
因此,有了足够的历史记录和看似公然的广告,让我们全力以赴 。要获取Unity的最新版本,只需访问unity3d.com上的Unity网站即可。
Once you open up the webpage, click on the button saying, Get Unity.
打开网页后,单击“ 获取Unity ”按钮。
Scroll down, and you should find this:
Click on the Try Personal button and get the installer. The installation process that you see is standard for pretty much any program that you install, although I'm going to be making a special note of the following screen:
单击“ 尝试个人”按钮并获取安装程序。 尽管我将特别注意以下屏幕,但您看到的安装过程几乎是所有已安装程序的标准配置:
See that highlighted stuff? That's where you should stop and think before you continue. The ambitious (read: crazy) new developer would check every box that's in the list. Don't be that. What you should do, is think about what you are aiming at. If you're interested in making Android games or mobile games in general, feel free to tick the Android and iOS boxes. Basically, grab what you need, don't, what you won't.
看到突出显示的内容了吗? 那是您应该停下来思考并继续的地方。 雄心勃勃的(读作:疯狂的)新开发者会选中列表中的每个框。 没那个 您应该做的就是思考您的目标。 如果您有兴趣制作一般的Android游戏或手机游戏,请随时在Android和iOS方框中打勾。 基本上,抓住您需要的东西,不需要,不需要的东西。
Your hard drive will thank you for it :)
翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/game-development-in-2D/introduction
unity engine