DDD domain

1. Identify the Business Domain:

Business Context: Imagine you are tasked with developing an e-commerce platform. The business involves managing products, customers, orders, and payments.

2. Define Bounded Contexts:

Bounded Contexts: Identify the main bounded contexts within the e-commerce system:

  1. Catalog Bounded Context:

    • Responsible for managing products, categories, and pricing.
  2. Order Bounded Context:

    • Manages the order process, including shopping carts, order creation, and order fulfillment.
  3. Customer Bounded Context:

    • Deals with customer information, authentication, and profiles.

3. Model the Domain:

Aggregates, Entities, and Value Objects:

  1. Catalog Bounded Context:

    • Aggregate Root: Product (Manages the lifecycle of products).
    • Entities: Product, Category.
    • Value Objects: Price.
  2. Order Bounded Context:

    • Aggregate Root: Order (Manages the lifecycle of orders).
    • Entities: Order, OrderItem.
    • Value Objects: Address.
  3. Customer Bounded Context:

    • Aggregate Root: Customer (Manages the lifecycle of customers).
    • Entities: Customer, Address.
    • Value Objects: Email, Password.

4. Implement Domain Logic:

Service Layer: Implement domain logic in services within each bounded context:

  1. Catalog Bounded Context:

    • ProductService: Manages product creation, updates, and pricing logic.
    • CatalogService: Handles category-related operations.
  2. Order Bounded Context:

    • OrderService: Manages order creation, fulfillment, and payment processing.
    • ShoppingCartService: Deals with shopping cart-related operations.
  3. Customer Bounded Context:

    • CustomerService: Handles customer registration, authentication, and profile updates.

5. Strive for Modularity:

Module Organization: Organize the codebase into modules corresponding to each bounded context:

  1. catalog-module
  2. order-module
  3. customer-module

6. Continuous Refinement:

Iterative Development: Refine the domain model iteratively based on feedback, changing requirements, and insights gained during development.

7. Use DDD Patterns:

  1. Value Objects:

    • Use Price, Address, Email, etc., as value objects to encapsulate specific concepts.
  2. Repositories:

    • Implement ProductRepository, OrderRepository, and CustomerRepository to manage data access.
  3. Domain Events:

    • Use domain events like OrderPlacedEvent to trigger notifications or other side effects.
  4. Aggregates:

    • Ensure Product, Order, and Customer act as aggregates, maintaining consistency boundaries.

8. Tools and Frameworks:

DDD-Friendly Frameworks: Select frameworks that support DDD principles, such as Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA for data access and domain-driven design.

This example provides a simplified illustration. In a real-world scenario, each bounded context would likely have more complexity, and you might consider concepts like event sourcing, CQRS, and additional DDD building blocks based on project requirements. The key is to align the software design with the business domain and continuously refine it based on evolving insights.
