霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)

Chapter 5: Elementary Particles and the Forces of Nature

First Half

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第1张图片
Footnote: Aristotle — Democritus. Matter & Forces of the universe.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第2张图片

Footnote: John Dalton, J.J.Thomson, Ernest Rutherford.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第3张图片

Footnote: James Chadwick. 6 types of quarks.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第4张图片

Footnote: Electron volts (eV). Unit: Joule (J=qU).

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第5张图片
Footnote: Spin of elementary particles. Fraction spin (1/2): matter; Integer spin (0,1,2): particles.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第6张图片

Footnote: Wolfgang Pauli’s exclusion principle.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第7张图片

Footnote: Paul Dirac, anti-particles.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第8张图片

Footnote: Quantum explanation of Forces.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第9张图片

Footnote: Gravitational force.

霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time)学习笔记(第五章)(上)_第10张图片

Footnote: Electromagnetic force.
