老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第7集台词

英文 中文
Drama Name:how i met your mother Season 1 Episode 07
Kids,before I met your mother, 孩子们, 在我遇见你们妈妈前
when I was still out there searching, 当我仍然在寻找我的另一半时
I learned something valuable. 我学到了一点
That love is not a science. 那就是爱情不是科学
Wow,that was great story,dad. 哇, 这真是个伟大的故事, 爸
We're going to go watch TV. 我们要去看电视了
You see,sometimes in life 你们看, 有时候
you just have to accept that 你必须得接受
certain things can't be explained. 世界上某些事情是解释不了的
And that's kind of scary. 而且会让人感到震惊
Oh,my god. 噢, 天那
I know,I'm still shaking. 我知道, 我还在害怕
What the...? Joke's on you,I have a cold. 怎么...? 开个玩笑, 我感冒了
Are you guys okay? 你们还好吧?
Another round,and back it up for me and lily! 又转了一圈, 冲着我和Lily来了!
-What happened? - We saw something up in the apartment. - 怎么啦? - 我们看见公寓里有些东西
Something bad. 很糟糕的东西
I don't know what it is, 我不知道怎么了
-but margaritas make me sexy. - Oh,muchos sexy. - 但是玛格丽塔让我兴奋(一种鸡尾酒) - 噢, muchos sexy.
Yo quiero, Marshall Yo quiero,marshall.
Oh,my god. 噢, 天那
what was it? Only the craziest, 那是什么? 绝对是你见过的最疯狂
meanest looking mouse you've ever seen. 最难看的老鼠
Mouse? Sweetie,that wasn't a mouse. 老鼠? 亲爱的, 那不是老鼠
That was a huge cockroach. 是只巨型蟑螂
Baby,it was a mouse. 宝贝, 那是只老鼠
It had whiskers. 它有须的
But those things coming out of its head, 但那些东西是从它脑袋上冒出来的
those were antennae. 那些是触角
Marshall ran away from a cockroach. Marshall被只蟑螂吓跑了
It was a mouse. 那是老鼠
Oh,yeah,sorry,my bad.You're a man. 噢, 好, 抱歉, 兄弟 你真是个男人
Oh,my story is on.Ted,pay attention. 噢, 我的报道开始了 Ted, 注意了
Carl,turn it up. Carl, 开电视
I'm here with ellen pierce, 在我身边的是Ellen Pierce
new york's premiere matchmaker. 纽约尖端配偶师
Ellen,your company,love solutions, Ellen, 你的公司, 恋爱配对中心
boasts 100% success rate. 号称达到100%的成功率
-What's your secret? -Science. - 有什么秘诀吗? - 科学
Everything in life 生活中的每件事
can be broken down to ones and zeros,even love. 都能被分解为数字, 甚至于爱情
All I have to do is input the variables, 我所要做的就是把这些不定因素
run the algorithm,and presto manifesto, 放入系统中, 然后就可以宣布
you have a soul mate,and it works! 你有一个灵魂伴侣啦 这完全是可行的!
Just ask all of my happy couples. 只要去问问我促成的 那些夫妻就知道了
And these are just the attractive ones. 这只是比较有吸引力的一部分
I have more photos in the bathroom. 浴室里还有更多照片
Love solutions,ellen pierce. 恋爱配对中心, Ellen Pierce
A beacon of hope for new york city's lovelorn. 纽约失恋者们的一线希望
Robin Scherbotsky... Robin scherbotsky... was that
chick at the end really a client? 最后面那个女的真的是客户吗?
Yes. We're signing up. - 嗯 - 我们要去那
What? Ted,these chicks are desperate and hot. - 什么? - Ted, 这些女人绝望而且性感
That's a perfect cocktail. 这是完美的鸡尾酒
Shake well,then sleep with. 摇匀, 然后上床
I'm not going to a matchmaker. 我不会去找配偶师
That's like giving up. 这象放弃希望
It's the man version of getting a cat. 这是找只猫过晚年的男性版
No,it wasn't a cockroach. 不, 那不是蟑螂
It had fur,and only mammals have fur. 它有皮毛, 只有哺乳动物有皮毛
It was a cockroach. 那就是只蟑螂
Come on,lily, 拜托, Lily
the only way that 除非它是只披着
that was a cockroach 死老鼠皮的蟑螂
is if it was wearing the skin of a mouse it just killed. 才有可能
Oh,my god. 噢, 天那
come on. 拜托
ted! hurry! You've got to help me. Ted! 快点! 你得帮帮我
My boat is sinking! 我的船要沉啦!
-What? - My boat is sinking! - 什么? - 我的船要沉啦!
You have a boat? 你有船吗?
Yes,I bought a boat last year at a police auction. 是啊, 我去年在警察拍卖会上买的
I just got a call from a guy down at the marina 我刚接到了一个在码头的家伙的电话
that it's leaning starboard at a 45 degree angle. 它向右倾斜了45度角
If I don't get down there right now, 如果我现在不去那的话
it's going to capsize. Now come on! 船就要翻啦 快走吧!
-Your boat is sinking. That was good. - Come on,ted. - 你的船沉了 这真不错 - 拜托, Ted
This is an incredible opportunity. 这是个难以另人置信的机会
We'll meet our soul mates, 我们将碰到灵魂伴侣
nail 'em and never call 'em again. 上了她们然后消失
All finished,gentlemen? 好了吗, 先生们?
Congratulations. 恭喜你们
You have just taken your very first step. 你们刚刚迈出了第一步
Gosh,thanks,ellen. 天那, 谢谢你, Ellen
I sure hope this works. 我很相信这能帮到我
I'm so done with the single life-- 我已经厌倦了单身生活
all the games,the meaningless sex. 所有的这些游戏, 无意义的性爱
You deserve more. 你应该得到更多
That is so true,ellen. 确实如此, Ellen
I really think I'm ready to stop being a me, 我真觉得我应该停止单身
and start being a we. 开始2个人的生活
Hey,is there any way
I can let it be known that I love cuddling? 我能说我喜欢拥抱吗?
Ah,of course you can.That is so... oh. 啊, 当然可以 这太... 噢
Kind of hard to talk about with ted here, Ted在这我不好意思说出口
but I just want someone who's not afraid 但我想要的人是不会
to hold me at night... 在夜晚害怕搂住我...
When the tears come. 当我哭泣的时候
Ellen,can you help me find her? Ellen, 你能帮我找到这样一个她吗?
-Get out. -What? - 滚出去 - 怎么?
I get 15 guys like you every week. 每天都会有15个象你这样的家伙
Jerks who just want to meet vulnerable women, 想找容易上手的女人
nail 'em and never call 'em again. 上了她然后消失掉
Oh,my god,people do that? 噢, 天那, 有人会这样吗?
Do you want to do this 你想用什么方式出去
the easy way or the hard way? 舒服点的还是痛苦点的?
What's the hard way? 比较痛苦的是什么?
Security roughs me up and tosses me out? 保安把我给丢出去吗?
No,that's the easy way. 不, 那是比较舒服的方式
The hard way is that 比较痛苦的是
I stomp the crap out of you myself. 我亲自把你给踢出去
Okay,ted,let's go. 好吧, Ted, 我们走
Not you. You stay. 不是你 你留下来
You're cute. You're an architect. 你很讨人喜欢,你是个设计师
Good career, 不错的职业
and you didn't use an obvious alias on your application, 你也没有在简历上用很明显的假名
like your friend jack package. 比方说你的朋友Jack Package
It's pronounced pa-codge. 它的发音应该是 pa-codge
Get out of here! You,I can work with. 滚出去! 你, 我能帮你
You give me three days,and I will find 给我3天时间
the woman you will marry. 我会找出你的伴侣
Uh,no thanks. 呃, 不用了谢了
I don't need an algorithm to meet women. 我不需要一个算术系统 来帮我找女朋友
It's new york city, 这里是纽约
you know-- plenty of fish in the sea. 你知道 大海里有很多鱼
Plenty of fish in the sea. 大海里有很多鱼
Yes,there's nine million people in new york, 嗯, 纽约有九百万人口
4.5 million women. 四百五十万女人
Of course,you want to meet 当然
somebody roughly your own age. 你想要的是跟你年龄差不多的
Let's say,plus,minus,five years. 我们就假设, 加减五年内
So if we take into account the most recent census data, 所以根据我们最新的数据
that leaves us with 482,000. 只剩下四十八万两千人合乎标准了
But,uh,wait... 但是, 呃, 等等...
48% of those are already in relationships, 其中48%已经有主了
and then you have to eliminate half 再排除掉一半
for intelligence,sense of humor 还要考虑智商, 幽默感
and compatibility,and then you have to take out 和你知趣相投的 然后再去掉
the ex-girlfriends and the relatives, 你的前女朋友和亲戚
and,oh,we can't forget those lesbians. 最后, 噢, 别忘了同性恋
And then that leaves us with eight women. 剩下的只有八个啦
That can't be right. Eight? Really? Eight? 这不可能 八个? 真的吗? 就八个?
There are eight fish in that big blue ocean,ted. 八条鱼在这片大海洋里, Ted
And if you feel confident that you could reel one 如果你有绝对的自信可以不用我的帮助
in to your boat without me,there's the door. 钓一条上船, 门就在那边
Do you take credit cards? 你这可以刷卡吗?
Okay,it's back. 好吧, 它又来了
And this time we got a good look. 我们这次看仔细了
Hey,seriously,you have to stop doing that. 嘿, 我认真的, 你得停止这样
It's bigger now. It's been feeding. 它长的更大了 它喂的很饱
We were just upstairs watching TV. 我们在楼上看电视
Oh,gosh. 噢, 天那
okay,let's do this. 好吧,我们来干吧
shh,shh,shh. shh,shh,shh(尖叫声)
It's okay. It's over. Oh,god! 没事了 都过去了 噢, 天那!
So did you get a good look at it? 那么你们看清楚那东西啦?
Yeah. It has six legs, 是啊 它有六只脚
a hard exoskeleton,like a roach. 有坚硬的甲壳, 就象蟑螂
But it had mouse-like characteristics. 但是它有老鼠的特点
Grey-brown tufts of fur,a tail. 灰色的皮毛和尾巴
So which is it,a cockroach or a mouse? 那到底是什么, 蟑螂还是老鼠?
-It's a cock-a-mouse. -What? - 它只蟑螂鼠 - 什么?
It's some sort of mutant combination of the two. 它是两种的综合变异体
It's as if a cockroach and a mouse, 就象一只老鼠和蟑螂
you know... 你们知道...
did the horizontal,ten-legged,interspecies cha-cha? 地面上有这种10条腿的混合物种吗?
That's impossible. 这不可能
That simply can't happen. 不会发生这种事
Oh,but it can. And it has. -噢, 但是可以 -它确实发生了
And it's pissed. 而且很生气
Dude,is everything okay? 伙计, 没什么事吧?
You left the front door open. 你们的门没关
There was no time. 是没时间关
So,love solutions? 嗯, 恋爱配对中心?
Did you meet the love of your life? 你碰到你的爱人了?
She said it'd take three days. 她说只要三天
It's been five days. 现在已经五天了
Should I be worried? 我应该担心吗?
Oh,just play it cool. 噢, 别当回事
Don't ted out about it. 别太担心
Did you just use my name as a verb? 你刚刚把我的名字当动词用吗?
Oh,yeah. We do that behind your back. 噢, 嗯 我们在你背后一直那样
"Ted out," to overthink. "Ted out" 表示想太多
Also see "ted up." 还有"Ted up"
"Ted up"-- to overthink something "Ted up"表示想太多
with disastrous results. 不好的结果
Sample sentence: Billy tedded up 列如: Billy 想太多不好的结果
when he tried... okay, 当他... 好了
I get it. Don't worry. 我知道了 别担心
I'm not going to ted anything up. Or out. 我不会担心太多
I should give it a few more days. 我得多给她点时间
Hi,ellen. Remember me? 嗨, Ellen 记得我吗?
I'm ted. 我是Ted
Ted,hi. I,uh,meant to call you. Ted, 嗨 我, 呃, 本来想打电话给你
The computer is still crunching the numbers. 电脑仍然在处理数据
Busy as a bee,that little computer. 象勤劳的蜜蜂, 可爱的小电脑
You said it was going to be three days. 你说只要三天
-Did I? Hmm.-Three days? Really? Yeah, - 我有吗? 嗯 - 三天? 真的吗? 是啊
and when someone says 当有人说
you're going to meet the perfect woman in three days, 你将在三天内碰到你的完美女人
you kind of put that in your date book, 你会考虑把这加到约会表里
so... how do I say this? 那么... 我该怎么说呢?
This is going to be really hard. 这事变的很艰难
Ted... there are absolutely Ted... 我找不到
no women out there for you. 任何一个女人给你
Phew,actually,I got through that okay. 唷, 还好, 我熬过这一刻了
There are no women out there for me? I thought you said there were eight. 找不到一个女人给我?我以为会有八个适合我的
I know. There are supposed to be. 我知道 理论上应该是
I don't know where they are. 但我不知道她们哪去了
But... I'm an architect. 但... 我是个设计师
And you said I'm cute. 你也说我很讨人喜欢
I'm a cute architect. 我是个讨人喜欢的设计师
How do you think I feel? 你觉得我怎么想?
I have a 100% success rate. 我有100%的成功率
That's my hook. 这是我的卖点
I could maybe find somebody for you 我也许能给你找到某人
if you were gay. 如果你是同性恋
Well,I'm not. 嗯, 我不是
A little bi maybe? 有一点双性恋?
No! You're messing with me,right? 不! 你在和我开玩笑, 是不?
Come see for yourself. 你自己过来看看
I can not set you up 我不能给你配对
unless you have a compatibility rating of 7.0 除非你融合度有7.0
or higher. 或者再高点
And look,5.4,4.8,5.6. There's a 9.6 right there. -看, 5.4, 4.8, 5.6 -有个9.6在那
Don't touch the computer. 别碰电脑
Yes,sarah o'brien. 对, Sarah O'brien
I fixed her up six months ago. 我六个月前已经给她找对象了
She would have been absolutely perfect for you. 她应该更合适你
Well,what about the guy you set her up with? 嗯, 你给他找的那家伙怎么样?
Is he a 9.6 compatibility rating? 他们的融合度是9.6吗?
8.5 8.5. So he sucks. 那他很烂
No,8.5 is an extremely good match-up quotient. 不, 8.5已经是很不错的程度了
Oh,sure,it's good. 噢, 当然, 那很好
-It's solid,but a 9.6?-9.6 is off the charts, - 很不错, 但是9.6? - 9.6是超出想象
but sarah is matched up. 但是Sarah已经有主了
Ted,look,I have a lunch. Ted, 听着, 我有午餐约会
Please,i promise we will find you somebody. 啊, 我保证我们会找到合适的人
Don't lose hope. 别失去希望
There are new women turning 18 every day. 每天都会有女人迈入18岁
it's a whole new species-- the cock-a-mouse. 这是个新物种 蟑螂鼠
And it's the size of a potato. 土豆大小
So what,now it's a cock-a-potato-mouse? 那, 现在是只蟑螂土豆鼠?
Don't make it sound ridiculous. 别让这听起来很滑稽
It's a cock-a-mouse. 这是蟑螂鼠
My god,this is incredible. 我的天, 这太让人难以相信了
We're like the same person. 我们就是同一种人
Sarah o'brien loves brunch, Sarah O'brien喜欢吃早午餐 (晚吃的早餐或早吃的午餐)
she wants to have two children. 她想要两个孩子

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