Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, col



1 点击个人账号头像,进入账号设置

Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, col_第1张图片

2 找到邮箱管理,点击新增

Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, col_第2张图片

3 找到账号管理,进行第三方账号绑定(我是手机号注册的账号需要此步骤或者说只要不是用邮箱注册的都需要此步骤) [因为在pycharm中该gitee插件不支持手机号登录仅支持邮箱登录]

Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, col_第3张图片

4 最后用绑定的(qq)邮箱账号重新登录一下,登录成功后关闭此页面(后续在插件登录时不允许其他设备同时在线要不然会报错)

5 打开pycharm进入设置找到 Ver'sion Control,紧接着找到gitee进行添加用户操作(一定要用邮箱登录该账户,并且该账号在线上处于未登录状态),要不然会出现以下错误提示

Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, column: 0] 

6 登录成功 

 Invalid authentication data. No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: (String) line: 1, col_第4张图片
