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1. 省流版
1.1. 心得
1.2. 论文总结图
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Introduction
2.3. FBNetGen
2.3.1. Overview
2.3.2. Time-series Encoder
2.3.3. Graph Generator
2.3.4. Graph Predictor
2.3.5. End-to-end Training
2.4. Experiments
2.4.1. Experimental Settings
2.4.2. Performance Comparison and Ablation Studies
2.4.3. Interpretability Analysis
2.5. Conclusion
2.6. Appendix A. Background and Related Work
2.6.1. fMRI-based Brain Network Analysis
2.6.2. Graph Neural Networks
2.7. Appendix B. Experimental Settings
2.7.1. Dataset
2.7.2. Metrics
2.7.3. Implementation details
2.7.4. Computation complexity
2.8. Appendix C. The Design of Two Encoders
2.9. Appendix D. Influence of Hyper-parameters
2.10. Appendix E. Influence of Pooling Strategies
2.11. Appendix F. Training Curves of FBNetGen Variants
2.12. Appendix G. Abbreviations of Neural Systems
2.13. Appendix H. Difference Score T of Functional Modules
2.13.1. The Definition of Difference Score T
2.13.2. Difference Score T of Functional Modules on Learnable Graph and Pearson Graph
3. Reference List
(2)⭐在2.13.2. 中,感觉皮尔逊和他们的方式都没有完美契合医学。在文中作者也是说别人的其实没太真正契合。真的吗,好奇怪,我怎么看别人的论文夸夸夸都说自己的显著区间和医学一样。
①There are noise, unknown of prediction task and incompatible with GNN in traditional brain network(传统的功能性脑网络是啥?和GNN不兼容?不知道下游预测任务?有噪音?)
②They provide feature extraction of ROI, brain network generation and prediction by brain network
①Researchers only know the difference between sexes, but can not explain the reason
②Brain network only based on correlation matrices will lack time series. Moreover, most of the GNN is incompatible with brain network with positive and negative edges(emm...这个不兼容会不会有点夸张了?虽然说确实是个小问题)
③They put forward an end-to-end differentiable pipeline from BOLD signal series to clinical predictions, which includes a) a time-series encoder for reducing the dimension and noise of original data, b) a graph generator from encoded features, c) a GNN predictor based on generated network
④FBNetGen performs good in sex prediction in Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) and PNC
①The overall framework of FBNetGen:
②The input of FBNetGen is , where is the number of samples, denotes the number of ROIs and denotes time series. is an individual.
③The final output is the prediction label , where is the class set
④Apply functional brain network
①As traditional encoding methods, ICA and PCA ignore the time series
②Pearson correlation contains negtive weight in edges
③They apply 1D-CNN and bi-GRU in encoding and note the expression of encoder as:
①⭐Different from original Pearson correlation, they design , to eliminate negative edges
②The over lengthy of gradient feedback in deep learning will hinder the performance
③They designed 3 regularizers, group intra loss, group inter loss and sparsity loss.
④Group intra loss: ⭐designed for minimize the differences between the same group. It integrates samples with the same label as a group, namely denotes the class, denotes the samples with the same label . Then mean and variance can be calculated by:
and then the group intra loss is:
⑤Group inter loss: ⭐designed for maxmize the differences between different groups. The loss can be calculated by:
⑥Sparsity loss: there are some large values calculated by the two losses above, then they proposed sparsity loss to reduce the deviation:
skewed adj. 歪斜的;曲解的 substantiate vt. 证实;使实体化
①The node feature is the time series
②The uppdate function is and
③The final classification is
①The overall loss is , where denotes the supervised cross-entropy loss, and , , are hyper-parameters
(1)Philadelphia Neuroimaging Cohort (PNC) dataset
①Samples: 503 subjects with 289 (57.46%) female
②Atlas: 264 ROIs (Power et al., 2011)
(2)Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) dataset
①Samples: 7901 with 3961 (50.1%)
②Atlas: HCP 360 ROIs
③The results all take from the mean value of 5 runs
①They compared their model with four types of models: time-series encoding only, traditional models, another generators and another deep models.
②Table of comparison:
③Ablation study of each loss:
①Heatmap of their matrices and matrices of Pearson correlation:
②The significance level in their functional matrices is close to biological research
③They adopt t-test to test the significance level and verify the results of thier model matches the biological research more
They proposed a taskk-aware GNN-based framework, FBNetGen
①Introduce functional connectivity (FC) in neuroscience and prove its effectiveness and importance
①Briefly introduce various GNN
②Most of GNNs require distinct graph structures and node features, which are not suitable in brain network
①10 functional modules are divided in 264 ROIs
②Preprocessing: despiking, slice timing correction, motion correction, registration to MNI 2mm standard space, normalization to percent signal change, removal of linear trend, regressing out CSF, WM, and 6 movement parameters, bandpass filtering (0.009{0.08), and spatial smoothing with a 6mm FWHM Gaussian kernel
③Time points: 120
①Time points: choose the samples which time points more than 512 and only adopt the first 512 steps (selecting)
②Functional module: 6
①Due to the balanced across classes characters of PNC and ABCD, AUROC is a fair metric for them
①The number of conv layers in 1D-CNN: 3
②The number of conv layers in GRU: 4
③Adopting grid search in hyper-parameters
④Parameters in 1D-CNN:
⑤Hyper-parameters in loss:
⑥Training set: 70%, validation set: 10%, test set: 20%
⑦Learning rate:
⑧Weight decay:
⑨Batch size: 16
⑩Epochs: 500
①Computation complexity of feature encoder:
②Computation complexity of graph generator:
③Computation complexity of graph predictor:
where denotes the layer of feature encoder, denotes the number of ROIs, denotes the length of time-series
④The overall cc:
①The specific process of encoder in 1D-CNN:
where , the kernal size in is the window size
②The conv layers in bi-GRU:
where represents splitting input sequence into segments of length . Then followed by a MLP layer:
①They discuss two hyper-parameters with the greatest influences, the window length and embedding size
②Figures of hyper parameters varying:
①Ablation of pooling strategies:
②Ablation of loss function in training curves:
①On PNC, SH (Somatomotor Hand), SM (Somatomotor Mouth), Sub (Subcortical), Vis (Visual), Aud (Auditory), CO (Cingulo-opercular), Sal (Salience), DMN (Default mode), FP
(Fronto-parietal), VA (Ventral attention), DA (Dorsal attention), MR (Memory retrieval),
②On ABCD, SM(Somatomotor), DMN (Default mode), VS (Ventral salience), CE (Central
executive), DS (Dorsal salience), Vis (Visual). In ABCD, SM (Somatomotor Mouth), DMN
(Default mode), VS (Ventral salience), CE (Central executive), DS (Dorsal salience), Vis
①"The difference score of each predefined functional module is calculated as:
where denotes the set containing all indexes of nodes belonging to the module " (呃呃怎么催生出一种割裂感,这是什么玩意儿,然后这个字符1又是什么为啥没有解释)
①The significance level of each functional module in PNC, while the bold words are significant modules in neurobiological findings:
②The significance level of each functional module in ABCD:
Kan X. et al. (2022) 'FBNETGEN: Task-aware GNN-based fMRI Analysis via Functional Brain Network Generation', MIDL. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2205.12465
Power J. et al. (2011) 'Functional Network Organization of the Human Brain', Neuron, 72, pp. 665-678.