2018-12-18 Shift n.


A change in something, for example in someone’s idea or opinions.




1. There has been a marked shift in attitudes towards how to ask questions in the Phenomenal English community.

2. Recent years have seen a shift in attitudes to homosexuality.

3. With the gloomy economy comes a shift in personal financial focus: people are more careful about spending and tend to spend primarily on truly necessary items.(这句话中使用了倒装句式,把 comes 提前了,正常语序应该是:A shift comes in personal financial focus with the gloomy economy。)

4. Alphabet has confronted worrisome transitions before, such as the shift from desktop PCs to mobile. Its ad business is still booming, because it devised a way to deliver ads on small screens. It is possible that Google’s ad model could in future shift to taking a fee for each transaction it facilitates.  :“Alphabet 已经经历过一些令人担忧的过渡,比如从个人台式电脑到移动设备的转变。它的广告业务还很繁荣,因为它设计了一种方法,可以将广告投到很小的屏幕上。在未来谷歌的广告模式很可能转向对自己促成的每一笔交易都收费。”   


1. 中国经济正在经历从劳动密集型向智力密集型的转变。

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