
New Guy In Town III (050)

A: Please make yourselves at home. Let me take your coats. Dinner is almost ready; I hope you brought your appetite.

B: Your house is lovely, Armand! Very interesting decor...very...Gothic.

C: I think it’s amazing! You have such good taste, Armand. I’m thinking of re-decorating my house; maybe you could give me a few pointers?

A: It would be my pleasure. Please have a seat. Can I offer you a glass of wine?

C: We would love some!

A: Here you are. A very special merlot brought directly from my home country. It has a unique ingredient which gives it a pleasant aroma and superior flavor.

C: Mmm... it’s delicious!

B: It’s a bit bitter for my taste... almost tastes like... like...

C: Ellen! Ellen! Are you okay?

A: Did she pass out?

C: Yeah...

A: I hope you didn’t poison her drink too much! You’ll ruin our meal!
