




1.1 什么是软件架构

软件架构(Software Architecture)是指软件系统的基本组成部分、它们之间的关系和原则,以及这些元素是如何协同工作以完成系统功能的决策。软件架构描述了软件系统的整体结构、行为和属性,为软件开发提供了一个高层次的视角。

1.2 什么是建筑物架构

建筑物架构(Building Architecture)是指建筑物的形态、结构、空间安排、材料和技术等因素的整体规划和设计。建筑物架构描述了建筑物的外观、内部布局、功能和风格,为建筑设计和建造提供了一个高层次的视角。

1.3 软件架构与建筑物架构的相似之处

软件架构和建筑物架构在某种意义上都是创造东西的架构 —— 软件架构创造软件系统,而建筑物架构创造建筑物。两者也存在许多共同点,例如:

  • 模块化:软件架构和建筑物架构都采用模块化的方法,将复杂系统分解为 simpler components, making it easier to understand and manage.
  • 抽象:software architecture and building architecture both use abstraction, focusing on the high-level structure and behavior of a system rather than its low-level details.
  • 可扩展性:both software and building architecture need to be extensible, allowing for future changes and growth.

1.4 软件架构与建筑物架构的区别


  • ** materials**:Software is made of code and data, while buildings are made of physical materials like concrete, steel, and glass.
  • ** durability**:Buildings typically have a much longer lifespan than software systems, often measured in decades or even centuries.
  • ** change**:Software systems are much more likely to change than buildings, due to factors like changing user requirements, new technologies, and bug fixes.
  • ** scale**:Software systems can scale to millions or even billions of users, while buildings are limited by their physical size and capacity.


2.1 软件架构模式

软件架构模式(Software Architecture Patterns)是一种已 proven solution to a common problem in software design. Examples of software architecture patterns include:

  • ** Layered Architecture**:divides a system into layers, each with a specific responsibility, such as presentation, business logic, and data access.
  • ** Microservices Architecture**:divides a system into small, independent services that communicate over a network, enabling scalability and flexibility.
  • ** Event-Driven Architecture**:based on events, where components communicate by publishing and subscribing to events.

2.2 建筑物架构模式

建筑物架构模式(Building Architecture Patterns)也被称为建筑风格,是一种已 proven solution to a common problem in building design. Examples of building architecture patterns include:

  • ** Gothic Architecture**:known for its pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, which create a sense of height and verticality.
  • ** Modernist Architecture**:characterized by simple forms, open floor plans, and the use of industrial materials like steel, glass, and concrete.
  • ** Postmodern Architecture**:rejects the austerity of modernism, embracing color, decoration, and historical references.

2.3 映射软件架构模式到建筑物架构模式


  • ** Layered Architecture** could be mapped to Classical Architecture, which divides a building into base, column, and entablature, each with a specific function and hierarchy.
  • ** Microservices Architecture** could be mapped to Modular Building Design, where a building is divided into smaller, self-contained modules that can be assembled and disassembled as needed.
  • ** Event-Driven Architecture** could be mapped to Networked Urban Design, where different parts of a city communicate and interact with each other through a complex network of streets, public spaces, and transportation systems.


3.1 软件架构评估算法

软件架构评估算法(Software Architecture Evaluation Algorithms)是一种用于评估软件架构设计的算法。这些算法通常基于一组指标或度量来评估软件架构的质量、性能、可扩展性等方面。例如,ATAM(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method)是一种流行的软件架构评估算法,涉及以下步骤:

  1. Identify stakeholders: Identify the stakeholders who will be affected by the software architecture, including users, developers, and maintainers.
  2. Define quality attributes: Define the quality attributes that are important for the software architecture, such as performance, security, and usability.
  3. Generate scenarios: Generate scenarios that represent how the software architecture will be used in different situations.
  4. Evaluate the architecture: Evaluate the software architecture based on the scenarios and quality attributes, identifying any tradeoffs or weaknesses.
  5. Document findings: Document the findings of the evaluation, including any recommendations for improvement.

3.2 建筑物架构评估算法

建筑物架构评估算法(Building Architecture Evaluation Algorithms)也存在,用于评估建筑物架构设计的算法。这些算法通常基于一组指标或度量来评估建筑物架构的功能、形式、材料等方面。例如,BREEAM(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)是一种流行的建筑物架构评估算法,涉及以下步骤:

  1. Identify objectives: Identify the objectives of the building architecture, such as energy efficiency, sustainability, and user comfort.
  2. Define assessment criteria: Define the assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate the building architecture, such as thermal performance, daylighting, and acoustics.
  3. Collect data: Collect data on the building architecture, including information on the materials, construction techniques, and environmental conditions.
  4. Evaluate the architecture: Evaluate the building architecture based on the assessment criteria, identifying any areas for improvement.
  5. Document findings: Document the findings of the evaluation, including any recommendations for improvement.


4.1 使用 Layered Architecture 创建一个简单的 Web 应用程序

以下是一个使用 Layered Architecture 创建简单 Web 应用程序的示例。这个应用程序允许用户查看和添加书籍。

4.1.1 分层结构


  • Presentation Layer:负责显示用户界面,接收用户输入,并向 Business Logic Layer 发送请求。
  • Business Logic Layer:负责处理业务逻辑,包括验证数据、执行操作、和管理数据库连接。
  • Data Access Layer:负责与数据库交互,包括读取和写入数据。
4.1.2 代码示例

以下是 Presentation Layer、Business Logic Layer 和 Data Access Layer 的代码示例:

Presentation Layer
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from business_logic import BookManager

app = Flask(__name__)
book_manager = BookManager()

def index():
   books = book_manager.get_books()
   return render_template('index.html', books=books)

@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add_book():
   title = request.form['title']
   author = request.form['author']
   book_manager.add_book(title, author)
   return 'Book added'
Business Logic Layer
import pymysql

class BookManager:
   def __init__(self):
       self.connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='password', db='bookdb')

   def get_books(self):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM books')
       books = cursor.fetchall()
       return books

   def add_book(self, title, author):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('INSERT INTO books (title, author) VALUES (%s, %s)', (title, author))
Data Access Layer
import pymysql

class DatabaseManager:
   def __init__(self, host, user, password, db):
       self.connection = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, db=db)

   def execute_query(self, query, args=None):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       if args is not None:
           cursor.execute(query, args)
       result = cursor.fetchall()
       return result

   def commit(self):

4.2 使用 Microservices Architecture 重新设计上述 Web 应用程序

以下是将上述应用程序重新设计为 Microservices Architecture 的示例。这个应用程序 adopt a network of independent services that communicate over HTTP, using RESTful APIs and JSON payloads.

4.2.1 微服务结构

这个应用程序 adopt a network of independent services, each with its own responsibility and API. The following services are included in this application:

  • Book Service:负责管理书籍数据,包括获取、添加和更新。
  • User Service:负责管理用户数据,包括注册和登录。
  • Web Service:负责显示用户界面,并调用其他服务的 API 来执行操作。
4.2.2 代码示例

以下是 Book Service、User Service 和 Web Service 的代码示例:

Book Service
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from database import Database

app = Flask(__name__)
database = Database()

@app.route('/books', methods=['GET'])
def get_books():
   books = database.get_books()
   return jsonify([{'id': book[0], 'title': book[1], 'author': book[2]} for book in books])

@app.route('/books', methods=['POST'])
def add_book():
   data = request.get_json()
   database.add_book(data['title'], data['author'])
   return '', 201

if __name__ == '__main__':
import pymysql

class Database:
   def __init__(self):
       self.connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='password', db='bookdb')

   def get_books(self):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM books')
       books = cursor.fetchall()
       return books

   def add_book(self, title, author):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('INSERT INTO books (title, author) VALUES (%s, %s)', (title, author))
User Service
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from database import Database

app = Flask(__name__)
database = Database()

@app.route('/users/register', methods=['POST'])
def register():
   data = request.get_json()
   database.add_user(data['username'], data['password'])
   return '', 201

@app.route('/users/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
   data = request.get_json()
   username = data['username']
   password = data['password']
   if database.authenticate_user(username, password):
       return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
       return jsonify({'status': 'failure'})

if __name__ == '__main__':
import pymysql

class Database:
   def __init__(self):
       self.connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='password', db='userdb')

   def add_user(self, username, password):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (%s, %s)', (username, password))

   def authenticate_user(self, username, password):
       cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username=%s AND password=%s', (username, password))
       count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
       return count > 0
Web Service
import requests

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
   response = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/books')
   books = response.json()
   return render_template('index.html', books=books)

@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add():
   title = request.form['title']
   author = request.form['author']
   response = requests.post('http://localhost:5000/books', json={'title': title, 'author': author})
   return redirect(url_for('index'))

if __name__ == '__main__':

   Book App



    {% for book in books %}
  • {{ book.title }} by {{ book.author }}
  • {% endfor %}

Add a Book


5.1 使用 Layered Architecture 开发企业内部系统

Layered Architecture 非常适合开发企业内部系统,因为它提供了清晰的分层结构,易于维护和扩展。例如,一个销售管理系统可以采用这种架构,其中包括以下几层:

  • Presentation Layer:负责显示用户界面,接收用户输入,并向 Business Logic Layer 发送请求。
  • Business Logic Layer:负责处理业务逻辑,包括验证数据、执行操作、和管理数据库连接。
  • Data Access Layer:负责与数据库交互,包括读取和写入数据。

5.2 使用 Microservices Architecture 开发大型 web 应用程序

Microservices Architecture 非常适合开发大型 web 应用程序,因为它允许将应用程序分解为小型、独立的服务,每个服务都有自己的 API 和数据存储。这种架构可以提高可伸缩性、可靠性和可维护性。例如,一个社交媒体网站可以采用这种架构,其中包括以下几个服务:

  • User Service:负责管理用户数据,包括注册、登录和个人资料。
  • Feed Service:负责生成用户个ized 反馈流,包括文章、图片和视频。
  • Notification Service:负责向用户发送通知,包括新消息、新粉丝和评论。


6.1 软件架构设计工具

  • StarUML:一款免费的 UML 工具,支持多种模型,包括类图、序列图和状态图。
  • Archi:一款开源的软件架构工具,支持多种模型,包括 Layered Architecture 和 Microservices Architecture。
  • Visual Paradigm:一款商业的 UML 工具,支持多种模型,并提供丰富的插件和模板。

6.2 软件架构资源

  • Software Architecture Patterns:这本书介绍了多种软件架构模式,包括 Layered Architecture 和 Microservices Architecture。
  • Enterprise Integration Patterns:这本书介绍了多种集成模式,包括 Message Routing、Transformation and Event Handling。
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications:这本书介绍了多种数据管理技术,包括数据存储、索引和查询优化。



  • Serverless Architecture:将函数作为服务(FaaS)提供,动态地根据需求调整计算能力。
  • Event-Driven Architecture:基于事件的系统将变得越来越普及,以支持实时和异步处理。
  • Machine Learning Architecture:将机器学习模型集成到软件架构中,以支持智能决策和自适应系统。


  • 安全性:随着系统的复杂性增加,安全问题将变得越来越突出。
  • 可靠性:随着系统规模的扩大,可靠性问题将变得越来越关键。
  • 可维护性:随着系统更新和迭代,可维护性问题将变得越来越重要。



Q: 什么是 SOA?

A: SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)是一种面向服务的架构,它将应用程序分解为可重用的、松耦合的服务,以提高可伸缩性、可靠性和可维护性。

Q: 什么是微服务架构?

A: Microservices Architecture 是一种面向微服务的架构,它将应用程序分解为小型、独立的服务,每个服务都有自己的 API 和数据存储。这种架构可以提高可伸缩性、可靠性和可维护性。

Q: 什么是 DDD?

A: DDD(Domain-Driven Design)是一种面向域的设计方法,它强调将领域知识嵌入到软件设计中,以提高系统的可 comprehension 和 maintainability。

Q: 什么是 CQRS?

A: CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation)是一种架构模式,它将读操作和写操作分离到不同的模型中,以提高系统的可伸缩性和可靠性。

Q: 什么是 EDA?

A: EDA(Event-Driven Architecture)是一种架构模式,它基于事件的系统进行通信,以支持实时和异步处理。
