62.20 times pop music taught us to be better people



  • 相同的音:put the,可以省掉一个,只读一个。
  • 原因音素前是清辅音ptk会在连读后浊化:cap on,p读b、drink it、pop it
  • one of :one no v
  • on an early onna nerrly
  • the后面是元音就读they的音


  • crescendo渐强[krɪ'ʃendəʊ]
  • tidy your room整理
  • track[træk]轨道
  • singing along跟着唱
  • catchy好记的['kætʃɪ]~melody
  • scheme[skiːm]计划
  • glean[gliːn]收集
  • definition of comfort安慰[defɪ'nɪʃ(ə)n]
    1: to give strength and hope
    2: to ease the grief or trouble[griːf][iːz]
    We can comfort ourselves with the thought that the worst is over.
  • bonkers疯子
    You have to be bonkers to gamble that much.你疯了才会赌那么大。
    I was driven bonkers by the noise.我简直要被噪音给逼疯了。
  • embrace[ɪm'breɪs]拥抱
  • pop 突然间;砰地一声
    One of the buttons popped off my sweater.
  • spoil 破坏。ed 宠坏
  • aimed at目的在于
  • fulfill满足;实现
    She fulfilled her life's ambition
  • comment on对...评论
  • esteem自尊[ɪ'stim] self ~
  • strikes a chord引起共鸣;扣动心弦
  • Jaguar捷豹[ˈdʒæɡˌwɑr]
  • dude[d(j)uːd]老兄
  • irreplaceable无可替代的[ɪrɪ'pleɪsəb(ə)l]
  • treat对待
    Treat everyone as an equal.一视同仁。
    Let's go out to dinner. I'll treat.咱们出去吃饭,我请客。


  • Responses like that aren't only due clever rhyme schemes and catchy melodies, they're about something bigger. These are the tracks that you play again and again to comfort and protect yourself, that offer much more than the usual banger.
  • If you reach out and ask for help, there will probably be someone there to be your lifeline.真希望如此,我满怀期待着。


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