Effective Java:(10) Obey the general contract when overriding `equals`

item 10: Obey the general contract when overriding equals


  • 最简单的方法是不重新此方法
  • 如果类的每个实例都是唯一的时也不需要,例如每个Thread实例
  • 或者说不需要进行“逻辑相等”(logical equality)的测试,例如java.util.regex.Pattern的类实例也不需要重新equals方法
  • 父类已经重新了此方法并且适用子类的场景,例如大部分Set类的实现继承自AbstractSetList继承自AbstractList
  • 类是私有或包内私有并且equals方法不会被调用


  • 值类型的类,例如Integer,String,或者用户启动两个实例"逻辑地相等"(logically equivalent),而不是指“同一个对象”

所谓equals的“一般格式/通用合同”(general contract)包括——

  • 反射性(Reflexive), 对于非null引用, x.equals(x)总为true
  • 对称性(Symmetric),如果 x.equals(y)为真,那么y.equals(x)必为true
  • 传递性(Transitive), 如果x等于y,y等于z,那么x也等于z
  • 一致性(Consistent),无论调用多少次,结果都一样
  • 分空性(Non-nullity)任何非null引用都不等于null, x.equals(null)结果false

To paraphrase John Donne, no class is an island.
meaning human beings do badly when isolated from others and need to be part of a community in order to thrive.


There is no way to extend an instantiable class and add a value component while preserving the equals contract

The Liskov substitution principle says that any important property of a type should also hold for all its subtypes so that any method written for the type should work equally well on its subtypes.

JDK中的 java.util.Timestamp扩展了java.util.Date并且增加了一个组件nanoseconds,Timestamp的equals方法就违背了对称性原则。

The Timestamp.equals(Object) method never returns true when passed an object that isn't an instance of java.sql.Timestamp, because the nanos component of a date is unknown. As a result, the Timestamp.equals(Object) method is not symmetric with respect to the java.util.Date.equals(Object) method.

equals的实现不需要先判断nul,根据JLS, 15.20.2定义,null进行instanceof调用时始终返回false


  • 使用==检查是否是同一类引用;(考虑性能情况下的简化操作)
  • 使用instanceof判断
  • 进行类型转换cast
  • 对关键field进行对比
  • 同时重写 hashCode方法


建议使用google's AutoValue,使用方式, Introduction to AutoValue

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