1. 关于形容词的一点说明
前面文章讲了,形容词在句中担任的职责有两个:一是描述名词(或代词)的固有属性,即和名词(或代词)形成属性关系(attributive relation),这个时候形容词与名词或形容词直接相连,中间没有动词分隔;二是起补充作用,将谓语的含义补充完整,即和谓语之间形成谓词关系(predicative relation),形容词虽然与主语关联,但是这种关系是间接的,是接在谓语动词之后。从定义上,就能区分出这两种用法。
2. 属性形容词(attributive adjective)和用法示例(定语?)
2.1 属性形容词在名词前使用的例子(加粗的正体部分为动词,斜体部分为属性形容词):
(1) Go to sleep, little baby. 快去睡觉吧,小宝贝。
(2) All the pretty little horses. 所有俊俏的小马驹。
一个形容词修饰一个已被另一个形容词修饰的名词。这个时候可以看成形容词“little ”修饰名词“horses”,而形容词“pretty”修饰词组“little horses”。
(3) The black dog is barking. 这条黑狗在叫。
(4) That's an English saddle. 那是英式马鞍。
(5) Is that a wild rose I saw in your garden? 那是我在你花园里看到的那朵野玫瑰吗?
(6) This is the greenest land I've ever seen. 这是我见过的最绿的土地。
(7) It was a captivating, enticing, and most peculiar novel.
(8) The soaring eagle sped gracefully across the misty sky.
(9) The rose-colored petals waved softly to the floor.
(10) Come, sit with me by the crackling fire.
(11) He spins a marvelous tale. 他编造了一个绝妙的故事
这里,“a”是一个起限定作用的形容词(冠词),可以看成修饰词词组“marvelous tale”;而形容词“marvelous”直接修饰名词“tale”。
(12) The scented candles flickered in the night. 香薰蜡烛在夜里摇曳不定。
(13) What a grim, nasty, indelicate divorce. 多么残酷、肮脏、不体面的离婚呀!
同样,这里,“a”是一个起限定作用的形容词(冠词),可以看成a grim divorce,a nasty divorce,a indelicate divorce。
(14) My aching back won't give me a rest. 我的背痛使我无法休息。
(15) The soft pillows lulled me straight into a deep sleep. 柔软的枕头使我睡着了。
(16) Her porcelain skin was constantly remarked upon.
(17) Do you want a ceramic figurine? 你想要一个陶瓷雕像吗?
(18) That is spicy chili! 那是辣辣椒。
(19) That is a large tomato plant. 那是一株很大的番茄。
(20) I have to read a huge book for homework this weekend.
2.2 属性形容词在名词之后使用的例子(斜体部分为属性形容词,这种情况常常被忽略,一量出现会使读者有陌生感,需要重点注意学习领悟):
I. 法律和金融术语:例如——
(1) Secretary General. 秘书长。
(2) Attorney General司法部长;首席检察官。
(3) Court martial. 军事法庭。
(4) Body politic. 国家(指在一个政府领导下组成一个政治集团的人民)、国度。
(5) Pound sterling. 英镑。
(6) Accounts payable. 应付账款。
(7) Heir apparent. 法定继承人。
II. 重要的个人职务或称号:例如——
(1) Poet Laureate. 桂冠诗人(优秀的诗人)。
(2) Princess royal. 长公主。
(3) professor emeritus. 荣誉教授。
“One poet laureate.” 一个优秀诗人。
“Two poets laureate.” 两个优秀诗人。
“Two poet laureates.” (传统的文法学家可能认为这种复数格式是错误的。)
2.2.2 一些以-able/-ible后缀结尾的形容词,修饰名词时习惯放在名词之后。
(1) It is the only solution possible. 这是唯一可行的方案。
(2) Book all the tickets available. 预订所有能买到的票。
2.2.3 类似something,everything, anything, nothing, somebody, anywhere,等等代词,其属性形容词习惯于放在其后面。
(1) I would like to go somewhere quiet. 我喜欢安静的地方。
(而不是I would like to go quiet somewhere.)
(2) I heard something interesting today. 今天我听到一些有趣的事情。
(而不是I heard interesting something today.)
2.2.4 大部分度量形容词习惯放置于度量名词之后。
(1) ten years older (不是 Older ten years) (也不是ten older years)。大十岁
(2) six feet deep. 六英尺深。
(3) two miles long. 两英里长。
2.2.5 “动词+宾语+形容词”的结构,形容词习惯置于名词之后。
(1) You make me happy. 你让我感到高兴。
(2) Can you get the children ready for school? 你能让孩子们做好上学的准备吗。
2.2.6 诗歌中为了达到某种效果,采用了古老的手法和文学的修辞处理,常常将属性形容词置于名词之后。
下面是一段摘录于Thomas Frederick Young的作品“Happiness”(幸福)中的一段:
“Fair Happiness, I've courted thee,
And used each cunning art and wile,
Which lovers use with maidens coy,
To win one tender glance or smile.”
诗歌中,词组“maidens coy”可以看成是形容词“coy”修饰名词“maidens”,复数按传统加到名词上。属性形容词加在名词后以达到诗歌效果。
另一段,摘录于Edward Smyth Jones的诗歌“The Bouquet”(馥(fù)香):
“A blossom pink,
A blossom blue,
Make all there is in love
So true.”
2.2.7 书名和电影名中,常常将属性形容词置于名词之后以达到某种艺术效果。
(1) Jupiter Ascending. <<木星上行>>。
(2) The Matrix Reloaded. <<黑客帝国>>
(3) The Brothers Karamazov. <<卡拉马佐夫兄弟们>>
3.谓词形容词或谓语形容词(attributive adjective)和用法示例(表语?)
(1) “to be”动词——它的各种格式,例如, am, are, is, was, were, will be, has been, have been,等等。
(2) 感官动词——例如,feel,look, smell, taste, sound,等等。
(3) 状态动词——例如,appears, become,continue, grow,seem,turn,keep,remain,maintain,look,prove,turn,等等。
(1) Wet surfaces are slippery. 潮湿的表面很滑。
(2) The floor is shiny. 地板很亮。
(3) Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
(4) I was happy, Dad was proud, and my new friends were gracious.
(5) The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I believe that I never knew what the word 'round' meant until I saw the earth from space.
(4) Children grow older every day. 孩子们一天天长大。
(5) The scene is instant, whole and wonderful. In its beauty and design that vision of the soaring stands, the pattern of forty thousand empetalled faces, the velvet and unalterable geometry of the playing field, and the small lean figures of the players, set there, lonely, tense, and waiting in their places, bright, desperate solitary atoms encircled by that huge wall of nameless faces, is incredible.
(6) The most guileful amongst the reporters are those who appear friendly and smile and seem to be supportive. They are the ones who will seek to gut you on every occasion.
(7) [美国飞行员Richard] Byrd was smart, handsome, reasonably brave, and unquestionably generous, but he was also almost pathologically vain, pompous, and self-serving. Every word he ever wrote about himself made him seem valorous, calm, and wise. He was also, and above all, very possibly a great liar.
伯德聪明、英俊、相当勇敢、毫无疑问地慷慨,但他也几乎是病态的自负、自负和自私。他所写的关于自己的每一个字都使他显得勇敢、冷静和明智。最重要的是,他很可能是个大骗子。(顺便讲一下,句中,a great liar这一句,限定形容词之不确定冠词“a”修饰词组“great liar”,属性形容词“great”修饰名词“liar”,在句子“He was also, and above all, very possibly a great liar.”,名词“liar”在句子中充当的是谓语主格。)
(8) The baby remains happy during her bath. 宝宝在洗澡时总是很开心。
(9) Her lasagna smells scrumptious. 她的千层面闻起来很香。
(10) Andy's sports car is Italian. 安迪的跑车是意大利的。
(11) Bosses can be demanding. 老板可能会很苛刻。
(12) His horses appear well-groomed. 他的马打理得很整洁。
(13) Mount Rushmore looks amazing. Rushmore山看起来很神奇。
(14) He seems afraid of the dog. 他似乎很怕狗。
(15) All the kittens are asleep. 所有的小猫都入睡了。
(16) His assignment proves difficult for him. 他的任务对他来说很困难。
(17) Tornadoes appear menacing. 龙卷风出现威胁。
(18) Our music sounds uplifting.我们的音乐听起来令人振奋。
(19) Her costume is strange. 她的服装很漂亮。
(20) The director remains hopeful, in spite of bad reviews.
(21) The ocean was aglow from the setting sun. 落日把海面映得通红。
(22) Traffic becomes congested after work. 下班之后,交通变得拥堵。
(23) The senator was long-winded. 那位参议员说话哆嗦。
(24) My doctor seems confident about my recovery.
(25) Aspen leaves turn yellow in the fall.
(26) The two instruments look similar in size and color.
(27) The road trip became horrifying. 公路旅游变得可怕起业。