
513. 找树左下角的值

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        self.max_depth = -1
        self.val = 0
    def findBottomLeftValue(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        if not root:return
        return self.val
    def dfs(self,root,cur_depth):
        if not root.left and not root.right:
            if cur_depth > self.max_depth:
                self.max_depth = cur_depth
                self.val = root.val
        if root.left:
            cur_depth +=1
            cur_depth -=1
        if root.right:
            cur_depth +=1
            cur_depth -=1

112. 路径总和 

class Solution:
    def hasPathSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], targetSum: int) -> bool:
        def isornot(root,targetSum):
            if not root.left and not root.right and  targetSum==0:
                return True
            if not root.left and not root.right:
                return False
            if root.left:
                targetSum -= root.left.val
                if isornot(root.left,targetSum): return True
                targetSum += root.left.val
            if root.right:
                targetSum -= root.right.val
                if isornot(root.right,targetSum): return True
                targetSum -= root.right.val
            return False
        return isornot(root,targetSum-root.val) if root else False
class Solution:
    def buildTree(self, inorder: List[int], postorder: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not postorder:return
        root_val = postorder[-1]
        root = TreeNode(root_val)
        index = inorder.index(root_val)
        inorder_left = inorder[:index]
        inorder_right = inorder[index+1:]
        postorder_left = postorder[:len(inorder_left)]
        postorder_right = postorder[len(inorder_left):-1]
        root.left = self.buildTree(inorder_left,postorder_left)
        root.right = self.buildTree(inorder_right,postorder_right)
        return root

654. 最大二叉树 

class Solution:
    def constructMaximumBinaryTree(self, nums: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not nums:return
        root_val_index = nums.index(max(nums))
        root_val = nums[root_val_index]
        root = TreeNode(root_val)
        left = nums[:root_val_index]
        right = nums[root_val_index+1:]
        root.left = self.constructMaximumBinaryTree(left)
        root.right = self.constructMaximumBinaryTree(right)
        return root

617. 合并二叉树 

class Solution:
    def mergeTrees(self, root1: Optional[TreeNode], root2: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not root1 and not root2:
        if not root2:
            return root1
        if not root1:
            return root2
        val = root1.val + root2.val
        root = TreeNode(val)
        root.left = self.mergeTrees(root1.left,root2.left)
        root.right = self.mergeTrees(root1.right,root2.right)
        return root

700. 二叉搜索树中的搜索 

class Solution:
    def searchBST(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], val: int) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        ans = [None]
        if not root:return
        def dfs(root):
            if not root:return
            if root.val == val:
                ans[0] = root
            if root.val < val:
            if root.val > val:
        return ans[0]

98. 验证二叉搜索树 

class Solution:
    def isValidBST(self, root: TreeNode) -> bool:
        res = []
        def helper(root):
            if not root:
        return res == sorted(res) and len(set(res)) == len(res)

530. 二叉搜索树的最小绝对差

class Solution:
    def getMinimumDifference(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        path = []
        def dfs(root,path):
            if root.left:
            if root.right:
            return path
        res = dfs(root,path)
        cost = 10**6
        for i in range(1,len(res)):
            cost = min(res[i] - res[i-1],cost)
        return cost

501. 二叉搜索树中的众数 

class Solution:
    def findMode(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[int]:
        path = {}
        def dfs(root,path):
            if root.left:
            path[root.val] = path.get(root.val,0) +1
            if root.right:
            return path
        res = dfs(root,path)
        mode = max(res.values())
        return [key for key in res.keys() if res[key] ==mode]

236. 二叉树的最近公共祖先

class Solution:
    def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root: 'TreeNode', p: 'TreeNode', q: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
        if not root: return None
        if root ==p or root ==q:return root
        left = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.left ,p,q)
        right = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.right,p,q)
        if left and right:return root
        if left and not right:return left
        if right and not left:return right

235. 二叉搜索树的最近公共祖先 

class Solution:
    def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root: 'TreeNode', p: 'TreeNode', q: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
        def dfs(cur,p,q):
            if not cur:return
            if cur.val > p.val and cur.val > q.val:
                left = dfs(cur.left,p,q)
                if left:return left
            if cur.val < p.val and cur.val < q.val:
                right = dfs(cur.right,p,q)
                if right:return right
            return cur
        return dfs(root,p,q)

701. 二叉搜索树中的插入操作

class Solution:
    def insertIntoBST(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], val: int) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        newNode = TreeNode(val)
        if not root: return newNode
        if not root.left and val < root.val:
            root.left = newNode
        if not root.right and val > root.val:
            root.right = newNode
        if val < root.val:
            self.insertIntoBST(root.left, val)
        if val > root.val:
            self.insertIntoBST(root.right, val)
        return root

450. 删除二叉搜索树中的节点 

class Solution:
    def deleteNode(self, root: TreeNode, key: int) -> TreeNode:
        if not root: return root  #第一种情况:没找到删除的节点,遍历到空节点直接返回了
        if root.val == key:  
            if not root.left and not root.right:  #第二种情况:左右孩子都为空(叶子节点),直接删除节点, 返回NULL为根节点
                return None
            if not root.left and root.right:  #第三种情况:其左孩子为空,右孩子不为空,删除节点,右孩子补位 ,返回右孩子为根节点
                root = root.right
                return root
            if root.left and not root.right:  #第四种情况:其右孩子为空,左孩子不为空,删除节点,左孩子补位,返回左孩子为根节点
                root = root.left
                return root
            else:  #第五种情况:左右孩子节点都不为空,则将删除节点的左子树放到删除节点的右子树的最左面节点的左孩子的位置
                v = root.right
                while v.left:
                    v = v.left
                v.left = root.left
                root = root.right
                return root
        if root.val > key: root.left = self.deleteNode(root.left,key)  #左递归
        if root.val < key: root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right,key)  #右递归
        return root

 669. 修剪二叉搜索树

class Solution:
    def trimBST(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], low: int, high: int) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not root: return None
        if root.val < low:
            # 若当前root节点小于左界:只考虑其右子树,用于替代更新后的其本身,抛弃其左子树整体
            return self.trimBST(root.right, low, high)
        if high < root.val:
            # 若当前root节点大于右界:只考虑其左子树,用于替代更新后的其本身,抛弃其右子树整体
            return self.trimBST(root.left, low, high)
        if low <= root.val <= high:
            root.left = self.trimBST(root.left, low, high)
            root.right = self.trimBST(root.right, low, high)
            return root

108. 将有序数组转换为二叉搜索树 

class Solution:
    def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        root = self.dfs(0,len(nums)-1,nums)
        return root
    def dfs(self,left,right,nums):
        if left > right:return
        mid = left + (right-left)//2
        mid_root = TreeNode(nums[mid])
        mid_root.left = self.dfs(left,mid-1,nums)
        mid_root.right = self.dfs(mid+1,right,nums)
        return mid_root

538. 把二叉搜索树转换为累加树 

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pre = TreeNode()
    def convertBST(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        return root
    def traversal(self, root: TreeNode) -> None:
        # 因为要遍历整棵树,所以递归函数不需要返回值
        if not root: 
            return None
        # 单层递归逻辑:中序遍历的反译 - 右中左
        self.traversal(root.right)  # 右
        # 中节点:用当前root的值加上pre的值
        root.val += self.pre.val    # 中
        self.pre = root             
        self.traversal(root.left)   # 左


