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Python 脚本使用 PyQt5 作为窗口框架,OpenGL 作为 3D 环境。 每个机器人都是 DOF3_robot 类的一个实例。






import rm_utilities as Rm
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl

Simulation of a 6 DOF robot.
- Cédric Wassenaar & Joeri Verkerk
- C.M.Wassenaar@student.hhs.nl
- 24-09-2018

class Link(object):
    """Storage type for robot arm object"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.arm_length = 0
        self.arm: gl.GLMeshItem|None = None
        self.frame: gl.GLAxisItem|None = None
        self.joint: gl.GLMeshItem|None = None
        self.DH_parameters = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.homogenious_matrix: np.array|None = None
        self.hg_matrix_list = []
        self.p = None

class Robot(object):
    """Class to create robot object for OpenGl implementation"""
    def __init__(self, view3D):
        self.view3D = view3D
        # Presets
        self.radius = 0.2
        self.width = .6 * 2 * self.radius
        self.depth = self.width
        self.depth_cylinder = 1.2 * self.width
        self.segments = 40
        self.joint_color = (0.8, 0.2, 1, 1)  # yellow
        self.arm_color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1)  # light blue
        self.cycle = 0
        self.iteration = 0
        self.N = 0
        self.ready = False
        self.print_text = []
        # define arm lengths
        self.arm_lengths = [1.75,

        # Create a list of arm pieces
        self.link = [Link()] * (len(self.arm_lengths) + 1)

        # define Target rotation for the end effector
        # self.target_rotation = Rm.make_rotation_matrix("x", np.radians(00))
        self.target_rotation = np.eye(3, 3)
        # define trajectory
        # X, Y, Z, Ax, Ay, Az (degrees)
        self.trajectory = np.array([[-1.5, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0],
                                    [1.5, 0.5, 4, 0, 0, np.pi/2],
                                    [1.5, 2.0, 1, 0, np.pi, np.pi/2],
                                    [-0.0, 2.0, 3, 0, np.pi, 0],
                                    [-1.5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0]])

    def setup(self):
        Function for user defined objects and functions
        # create all arm pieces
        self.link[0].frame = self.create_main_axis()
        self.link[1] = self.add_arm(self.link[0], self.arm_lengths[0])
        self.link[1].frame.setSize(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        self.link[2] = self.add_arm(self.link[1], self.arm_lengths[1])
        self.link[2].frame.setSize(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        self.link[3] = self.add_arm(self.link[2], self.arm_lengths[2])
        self.link[3].frame.setSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        self.link[4] = self.add_arm(self.link[3], self.arm_lengths[3])
        self.link[4].frame.setSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        self.link[5] = self.add_arm(self.link[4], self.arm_lengths[4])
        self.link[5].frame.setSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        self.link[6] = self.add_arm(self.link[5], self.arm_lengths[5])
        self.link[6].frame.setSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        self.link[7] = self.add_arm(self.link[6], self.arm_lengths[6])
        self.link[7].frame.setSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        self.link[8] = self.add_arm(self.link[7], self.arm_lengths[7])

        # Rotate arms to work with Denavit Hartenberg parameters
        self.link[1].arm.rotate(90,  1, 0, 0)
        self.link[2].arm.rotate(-90, 0, 1, 0)
        self.link[3].arm.rotate(-90, 0, 1, 0)

        # Predefine static values of the Denavit Hartenberg parameters
        self.link[0].DH_parameters = [0,                    0,                  0,                      0]
        self.link[1].DH_parameters = [0,                    1.57079,            self.arm_lengths[0],    0]
        self.link[2].DH_parameters = [self.arm_lengths[1],  0,                  0,                      0]
        self.link[3].DH_parameters = [self.arm_lengths[2],  0,                  0,                      0]
        self.link[4].DH_parameters = [0,                    1.57079,            0,                1.57079]
        self.link[5].DH_parameters = [0,                    -1.57079,           0,                      0]
        self.link[6].DH_parameters = [0,                    1.57079,            0,                      0]
        self.link[7].DH_parameters = [0,                    0,                  0,                      0]
        self.link[8].DH_parameters = [0,                    0,                  self.arm_lengths[6],    0]

    def set_new_trajectory(self, new_trajectory, precision):
        """Sets and calculates new trajectory for robot"""
        self.trajectory = Rm.interpolate(new_trajectory, precision)
        self.N = self.trajectory.shape[0]
        self.iteration = 0

    def calculate_path(self):
        """In order to reduce CPU use the inverse kinematics are pre-calculated and saved in a list,
         the update_window methods will then iterate through this list."""
        # Clear old path
        self.print_text = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.link)):
            self.link[i].hg_matrix_list = []

        # Create new path
        length = len(self.trajectory)
        for current in range(length):
            # In order to prevent call by reference the trajectory values are copied.
            pos = self.trajectory[current].copy()
            rotation = Rm.rotate_xyz(pos[3:])
            pos[0] = pos[0] - self.arm_lengths[6] * rotation[0, 2]
            pos[1] = pos[1] - self.arm_lengths[6] * rotation[1, 2]
            pos[2] = pos[2] - self.arm_lengths[6] * rotation[2, 2]

            # The Inverse kinematics are calculated in the rm_utilitiesV3 file
            angles, error = Rm.inverse_algorithm_3DOF(self.arm_lengths, pos)

            # If the robot arm is not capable of reaching the given coordinate it will raise an error
            if not error:
                # The dynamic values of the Denavit Hartenberg parameters are now updated.
                self.link[1].DH_parameters[3] = angles[0]
                self.link[2].DH_parameters[3] = angles[1]
                self.link[3].DH_parameters[3] = angles[2]

                # The homogenious matrices are created for link 0 to 4
                for i in range(5):
                    self.link[i].homogenious_matrix = Rm.make_DH_matrix(self.link[i].DH_parameters)

                # The H03 matrix is calculated using the @ symbol (matrix multiplication)
                H03 = self.link[0].homogenious_matrix @ \
                      self.link[1].homogenious_matrix @ \
                      self.link[2].homogenious_matrix @ \
                      self.link[3].homogenious_matrix @ \

                # The 3x3-rotation matrix R36 is calculated
                R36 = np.matrix.transpose(H03[:3, :3]) @ rotation

                # The inverse kinematics for the wrist is calculated with R36
                rotate, R_compare = Rm.inverse_kinematics_wrist(R36)

                self.link[5].DH_parameters[3] = rotate[0]
                self.link[6].DH_parameters[3] = rotate[1]
                self.link[7].DH_parameters[3] = rotate[2]

                for i in range(5, 9):
                    self.link[i].homogenious_matrix = Rm.make_DH_matrix(self.link[i].DH_parameters)

                # The end effector matrices are calculated
                H36 = self.link[5].homogenious_matrix @ \
                      self.link[6].homogenious_matrix @ \
                      self.link[7].homogenious_matrix @ \

                H06 = H03 @ H36

                p0 = np.array([self.trajectory[current, 0],
                               self.trajectory[current, 1],
                               self.trajectory[current, 2],

                TH6 = np.linalg.inv(H06).dot(p0)

                # All flattened homogenious matrices are saved in a list
                for i in range(1, len(self.link)):
                    # self.link[i].frame.setTransform(self.link[i].homogenious_matrix.flatten())
                    matrix = self.link[i].homogenious_matrix.flatten()

                # The positions are saved in textformat
                angles = str(format(np.degrees(angles[0]), '.1f')) + \
                         "\t" + str(format(np.degrees(angles[1]), '.1f')) + \
                         "\t" + str(format(np.degrees(angles[2]), '.1f')) + "\n\n"

                rotate = str(format(np.degrees(rotate[0]), '.1f')) + \
                         "\t" + str(format(np.degrees(rotate[1]), '.1f')) + \
                         "\t" + str(format(np.degrees(rotate[2]), '.1f')) + "\n\n"

                    "R36:\n" + str(R36) +
                    "\n\nR36 check:\n" + str(R_compare) +
                    "\n\nArm Angles:\n" + angles +
                    "Wrist Angles:\n" + rotate +
                    "Target: " + str(self.trajectory[current]) +
                    "\noc: " + str(pos) +
                    "\nTH6: " + str(TH6))

                # Each 5th step of the trajectory a small block is rendered to show the path of the robot
                if (current % 6) > 4:

                print("Error Calculating, position possibly out of range")
        self.ready = True

    def __str__(self):
        return self.print_text[self.iteration]

    def add_arm(self, parent_object, length):
        :param parent_object:
        :param length:
        link = Link()
        link.frame = self.set_new_axis(parent_object.frame)
        link.arm = self.create_arm(length)
        link.arm_length = length
        link.arm.rotate(-90, 0, 1, 0)
        link.arm.translate(self.width / 2, -self.width / 2, self.width / 2)
        link.joint = self.create_joint()
        link.joint.translate(0, 0, -self.depth_cylinder/ 2)
        return link

    def create_arm(self, length) -> gl.GLMeshItem:
        """Creates a box that is attached to a certain object"""
        size = (length, self.width, self.depth)
        vertices_arm, faces_arm = Rm.box(size)
        arm = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=vertices_arm, faces=faces_arm,
                            rawEdges=False, drawFaces=True, color=self.arm_color)
        return arm

    def create_joint(self) -> gl.GLMeshItem:
        """Creates a joint that is attached to a certain object"""
        vertices_joint, faces_joint = Rm.cylinder(self.radius, self.depth_cylinder, self.segments)
        joint = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=vertices_joint, faces=faces_joint,
                              drawEdges=False, drawFaces=True, color=self.joint_color)
        return joint

    def set_new_axis(self, parent_object) -> gl.GLAxisItem:
        """Adds axis to given object"""
        axis = gl.GLAxisItem(antialias=True, glOptions='opaque')
        axis.updateGLOptions({'glLineWidth': (3,)})
        return axis

    def create_main_axis(self) -> gl.GLAxisItem:
        """Create the basis axis"""
        axis = gl.GLAxisItem()
        axis.updateGLOptions({'glLineWidth': (6,)})
        return axis

    def show_path(self, frame):
        vertices_arm, faces_arm = Rm.box((0.05, 0.05, 0.05))
        box = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=vertices_arm, faces=faces_arm,
                            rawEdges=False, drawFaces=True, color=(1, 0.3, 0.4, 1))
        m1 = np.array_split(frame.flatten(), 4)

    def update_window(self):
        """Render new frame of 3D view"""
        if not self.ready:
        # When ready the robot is rendered and updated.
        for i in range(1, len(self.link)):
            a1 = self.link[i].hg_matrix_list[self.iteration]
            m1 = np.array_split(a1, 4)
        # increase the counter, such that next time we get the next point
        self.iteration += 1
        # if the counter arives at N, reset it to 0, to repeat the trajectory
        if self.iteration == self.N:
            self.iteration = 0
            self.cycle += 1


