
Ml strategy


  • Ml strategy
    • Single Numble Evaluation Metric
    • optimizing and satisficing metric
    • Improving model performance
      • Two fundamental
      • Reduce bias and variance
        • Avoidable bias
        • variance
    • error analysis
      • ways
      • Incorrectly labled examples
      • diffenrent distributions
      • address data mismatch
    • Transfer learning
    • Multi-task learning
    • end-to-end

Single Numble Evaluation Metric

Precision : n% actually are …

Recall : n% was correctly recognized

F1 score : 2 1 P + 1 R \frac{2}{\frac{1}{P}+\frac{1}{R}} P1+R12

optimizing and satisficing metric

cost = accuracy - 0.5 * running time

N matrics : 1 optimizing , (N-1) reach threshold (satisficing)

if doing well on your metric + dev/test set does not crrespond to doing welll on your application , change your metric and/or dev/test set.

Improving model performance

Two fundamental

  1. fit the training set well
  2. the training set performance generalizes pretty well to the dev/test set

Reduce bias and variance

human lever <–> training error <–> dev error (avoidable bias / variance)

Avoidable bias
  • Train bigger model
  • Train longer/better optimization algorithms
  • NN architecture/hyperparameters search
  • more data
  • regularization
  • NN architecture/hyperparameters search

error analysis


  • dev examples to evalueate ideas ( 5/100 -> |10%->9.5% )
  • evaluate multiple ideas in parallel

Incorrectly labled examples

diffenrent distributions

human leber <–> training error <–> training-dev error <–> dev/test error

(avoidable bias -> variance -> data mismatch)

address data mismatch

  • understand diffenrence between training and dev/test sets
  • collect more data similar to dev/test sets

Transfer learning

  • the same input
  • a lot more data for A than B
  • low lever features of A

change the w [ l ] ; b [ l ] w^{[l]}; b^{[l]} w[l];b[l] to pre-training (initial the weights)and pine-tuning (a large number of datas)

Multi-task learning

change the y    a n d    y ^ y\;and\;\hat y yandy^ dimension


more data learn well

audio --> transcript
