【牛客】SQL123 SQL类别高难度试卷得分的截断平均值




示例数据:examination_info(exam_id试卷ID, tag试卷类别, difficulty试卷难度, duration考试时长, release_time发布时间)

id exam_id tag difficulty duration release_time
1 9001 SQL hard 60 2020-01-01 10:00:00
2 9002 算法 medium 80 2020-08-02 10:00:00

示例数据:exam_record(uid用户ID, exam_id试卷ID, start_time开始作答时间, submit_time交卷时间, score得分)

id uid exam_id start_time submit_time score
1 1001 9001 2020-01-02 09:01:01 2020-01-02 09:21:01 80
2 1001 9001 2021-05-02 10:01:01 2021-05-02 10:30:01 81
3 1001 9001 2021-06-02 19:01:01 2021-06-02 19:31:01 84
4 1001 9002 2021-09-05 19:01:01 2021-09-05 19:40:01 89
5 1001 9001 2021-09-02 12:01:01 (NULL) (NULL)
6 1001 9002 2021-09-01 12:01:01 (NULL) (NULL)
7 1002 9002 2021-02-02 19:01:01 2021-02-02 19:30:01 87
8 1002 9001 2021-05-05 18:01:01 2021-05-05 18:59:02 90
9 1003 9001 2021-09-07 12:01:01 2021-09-07 10:31:01 50
10 1004 9001 2021-09-06 10:01:01 (NULL) (NULL)


tag difficulty clip_avg_score
SQL hard 81.7




with cte as (
    select exam_id,score,tag,difficulty,
    dense_rank() over (partition by exam_id order by score) as rnk1,
    dense_rank() over (partition by exam_id order by score desc) as rnk2
    exam_record left join examination_info using (exam_id)
    where score is not null and tag = 'SQL'and difficulty = 'hard'

select tag,difficulty,
round(avg(score),1) as clip_avg_score
from cte
where score between 
(select score from cte where rnk1=2) 
and (select score from cte where rnk2=2)
group by tag,difficulty


with cte as (
    select exam_id,score,tag,difficulty,
    dense_rank() over (partition by exam_id order by score) as rnk1,
    dense_rank() over (partition by exam_id order by score desc) as rnk2
    exam_record left join examination_info using (exam_id)
    where score is not null and tag = 'SQL'and difficulty = 'hard'

select tag,difficulty,
round(avg(score),1) as clip_avg_score
from cte
where rnk1!=1 and rnk2!=1
group by tag,difficulty
