
数量词或数量词组通常用于修饰名词,表示我们所说的事物的数与量。有些数量词修饰可数名词复数,如many,few,several等; 可有些数量词修饰不可数名词,如much,little 而有些数量词则两者都可以修饰,如 a lot of,lots of,some等

4.1.1数量词修饰可数名词时,用来回答how many?

如 how many eggs are there in the fridge

4.1.2 数量词用来修饰不可数名词时,用来回答how much…?

4.1.3 有些数量词即可以修饰名词又可以修饰不可数名词,因此两者都能回答

4.1.4 “数量词+名词”的组合方式。

数量词+复数可数名词 many books

数量词+不可数名词 much sugar

数量词+复数可数名词或数量词+不可数名词 如:some books/some sugar

数量词+单数可数名词 each pencil

4.2 表示不确定数量

4.2.1 数量可以是确定的,也就是可以确切的说,我们可以确切的说出数量是多少。

We have six eggs in the basket!

4.2.2 更多的时候,数量是不确定的,它只说明了一个大致的情况

Are there any apples  in the bag?

4.2.3 数量词后常和more 连用

(1)more 可以用在下列数量词之后,再加上复数可数名词

some、any、dozens、a couple

(2)more 可以用在下列数量词之后,再加上不可数名词

some、any、a bit、no、plenty

4.2.4 数量词也常和less连用

(1)直接用于名词前 much less soap ,please

(2)用于限定词钱 I‘d like much less of that soup

(3)用作代词 I want much less,please

4.2.5 数量词前用not

not 可以用于all,another,enough,every,a few,half,the least等数量词之前

Not much is happening in our office at that moment

Not a few of the members were absent

4.3 数词的分类


4.3.1 基数词

基数词可以做数量词用(如:two apples)或作代词用(如 I bought two)

4.3.2 序数词

序数词通常在基数词后加上后缀-th,如:six-sixth,ten tenth

4.3.3 分数

英语中分数的构成为:一个基数词+一个序数词,分母用基数词,分子用系数词。充当分子的序数词是1 时,分母直接用序数词;充当分子的基数词是2或2以上的时候,分母要用“序数词+s”。 如:one third(1/3),nine sixteenths(9/16),two and two thirds(2 2/3)等

4.3.4 小数


0.5 读作 nought point five

2.5 读作 two point five

2.05 读作 two point nought five

4.3.5 百分数


8% 读作 eight percent 或 eight per cent

25% 读作 twenty-five percent

4.3.6 近似的数量

下列词语 about,almost,exactly,fewer than,at least,less than等,与数词连用时,表示不确定数量

如 There were over seventy people at the party

4.4 not(any),no 和none,(not)(a) little与(not) a bit等的区别

4.4.1 not(any),no和none的区别

构成否定句的方式可以用not 来否定动词,也可以用no来否定后面的名词。

There aren’t (any) bus after midnight

There are no bus after midnight

4.4.2 a great deal/amount of 与a large / great number of的区别

a great deal /amount of 都有 much 之意,其后应接不可数名词;而a great large number of都有many 之意,其后应接可数名词复数

4.4.3 (not)(a) little与(not)a bit及(a) few的区别

首先(a) few 用于修饰可数名词复数,而(a) little则用来修饰不可数名词。不带不定冠词a 时,这两个都表示否定之意,强调少的概念,一般表示“几乎,一点儿也没有”的意思,如需再加强调程度,可以与very 连用如

He has had very few opportunities to practise his English。

(2)(a) little 和(a)bit在肯定句中几乎是通用的,但是在否定句中意思刚好相反

He was not a little surprised。(他感到十分惊讶)

I don't like the book ,not a bit


4.5 enough的基本用法

4.5.1 enough 的基本意思是充足的。 它既可以修饰名词,可以修饰形容词和副词,还可做名词。但要注意他在修饰名词时,则应放在名词之前,修饰形容词时,应放在形容词之后。

Have we got enough books to read while we are on holiday?

--can you lend me some envelopes?

--I'm sorry. I haven’t enough.

4.5.2 about,almost,hardly,less than,more than,nearly,not,not nearly,not quite scarcely等词常用来修饰enough。

There are hardly enough cakes

4.5.3 在特定的上下文中,little 和few也可以修饰enough,强调不够

I can't lend you money,I have little enough as it is.

4.6 both all,either,neither,each,every,other,another等的区别

4.6.1 这些不定代词中,either,neither,each,every只能修饰或代替单数名词;both,all一般修饰或代替复数可数名词,其中both 表示两者都,而all 表示全部

4.6.2 一般来讲 either 表示二者必有其一,而both则表示“两者都”

4.6.3 当neither,neither…nor…,注意当他们作主语时,谓语动词要和靠近谓语部分的名词或代词一致

Neither he nor i speak English

He speaks neither English nor French

4.6.4 当either 后接end,side这种表示“端,边”概念的词时,表示“两者都”

如:On both sides of the street,there are trees。

on either side of the street,there are trees

4.6.5 both 、all可用作主语的同位语,放在助动词之后,放在实意动词之前。

如 The girls each have a beautiful skirt

4.6.7 当both,all,each,either,neither 用在代词(如 us,them等)前面时,其后必须加of

如 both of us left very early

4.6.8 all 与every

all 与every都可以表示泛指概念。前者通常表示可视为一个整体的东西,或指一个总量,后者则强调群体当中的每一个单位,而且只用于修饰单数可数名词

如 All forests in North Africa were destroyed during Roman times

4.6.9 all 和both 的部分否定

当用not 对all 或both进行否定时,其否定的结果为部分否定;不论not直接用在all,both 之前还是用于否定动词上,都是表示一样的意义。完全否定时,应该用no,none,neither 。

Not all birds can fly

4.6.10 each 与every

each 与every 的用法十分相似,经常可以通用。前者更注重强调个体;而后者则注重强调整体。

如:Each child in  the school was questioned。

Every child enjoys Christmas

4.6.11 another与(the) other(s)的用法比较



Do you need another cup of coffee


Give me another cup。This one‘s cracked

4.6.12 each other 与one another

each other 和one another都表示“互相”前者多描述两者之前,后者多指两者以上之前,在日常谈话中,两者可以换用


The students are talking about the coming examination with one another

Those two are always copying each other's / one another's homework
