在阎宏博士的《JAVA与模式》一书中开头是这样描述责任链(Chain of Responsibility)模式的:
● 抽象处理者(Handler)角色:定义出一个处理请求的接口。如果需要,接口可以定义 出一个方法以设定和返回对下家的引用。这个角色通常由一个Java抽象类或者Java接口实现。上图中Handler类的聚合关系给出了具体子类对下家的引用,抽象方法handleRequest()规范了子类处理请求的操作。
● 具体处理者(ConcreteHandler)角色:具体处理者接到请求后,可以选择将请求处理掉,或者将请求传给下家。由于具体处理者持有对下家的引用,因此,如果需要,具体处理者可以访问下家。
public abstract class Handler { /** * 持有后继的责任对象 */ protected Handler successor; /** * 示意处理请求的方法,虽然这个示意方法是没有传入参数的 * 但实际是可以传入参数的,根据具体需要来选择是否传递参数 */ public abstract void handleRequest(); /** * 取值方法 */ public Handler getSuccessor() { return successor; } /** * 赋值方法,设置后继的责任对象 */ public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) { this.successor = successor; } }
public class ConcreteHandler extends Handler { /** * 处理方法,调用此方法处理请求 */ @Override public void handleRequest() { /** * 判断是否有后继的责任对象 * 如果有,就转发请求给后继的责任对象 * 如果没有,则处理请求 */ if(getSuccessor() != null) { System.out.println("放过请求"); getSuccessor().handleRequest(); }else { System.out.println("处理请求"); } } }
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //组装责任链 Handler handler1 = new ConcreteHandler(); Handler handler2 = new ConcreteHandler(); handler1.setSuccessor(handler2); //提交请求 handler1.handleRequest(); } }
可以使用责任链模式来实现上述功能:当某人提出聚餐费用申请的请求后,该请求会在 项目经理—〉部门经理—〉总经理 这样一条领导处理链上进行传递,发出请求的人并不知道谁会来处理他的请求,每个领导会根据自己的职责范围,来判断是处理请求还是把请求交给更高级别的领导,只要有领导处理了,传递就结束了。
public abstract class Handler { /** * 持有下一个处理请求的对象 */ protected Handler successor = null; /** * 取值方法 */ public Handler getSuccessor() { return successor; } /** * 设置下一个处理请求的对象 */ public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) { this.successor = successor; } /** * 处理聚餐费用的申请 * @param user 申请人 * @param fee 申请的钱数 * @return 成功或失败的具体通知 */ public abstract String handleFeeRequest(String user , double fee); }
public class ProjectManager extends Handler { @Override public String handleFeeRequest(String user, double fee) { String str = ""; //项目经理权限比较小,只能在500以内 if(fee < 500) { //为了测试,简单点,只同意张三的请求 if("张三".equals(user)) { str = "成功:项目经理同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; }else { //其他人一律不同意 str = "失败:项目经理不同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; } }else { //超过500,继续传递给级别更高的人处理 if(getSuccessor() != null) { return getSuccessor().handleFeeRequest(user, fee); } } return str; } }
public class DeptManager extends Handler { @Override public String handleFeeRequest(String user, double fee) { String str = ""; //部门经理的权限只能在1000以内 if(fee < 1000) { //为了测试,简单点,只同意张三的请求 if("张三".equals(user)) { str = "成功:部门经理同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; }else { //其他人一律不同意 str = "失败:部门经理不同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; } }else { //超过1000,继续传递给级别更高的人处理 if(getSuccessor() != null) { return getSuccessor().handleFeeRequest(user, fee); } } return str; } }
public class GeneralManager extends Handler { @Override public String handleFeeRequest(String user, double fee) { String str = ""; //总经理的权限很大,只要请求到了这里,他都可以处理 if(fee >= 1000) { //为了测试,简单点,只同意张三的请求 if("张三".equals(user)) { str = "成功:总经理同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; }else { //其他人一律不同意 str = "失败:总经理不同意【" + user + "】的聚餐费用,金额为" + fee + "元"; } }else { //如果还有后继的处理对象,继续传递 if(getSuccessor() != null) { return getSuccessor().handleFeeRequest(user, fee); } } return str; } }
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //先要组装责任链 Handler h1 = new GeneralManager(); Handler h2 = new DeptManager(); Handler h3 = new ProjectManager(); h3.setSuccessor(h2); h2.setSuccessor(h1); //开始测试 String test1 = h3.handleFeeRequest("张三", 300); System.out.println("test1 = " + test1); String test2 = h3.handleFeeRequest("李四", 300); System.out.println("test2 = " + test2); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); String test3 = h3.handleFeeRequest("张三", 700); System.out.println("test3 = " + test3); String test4 = h3.handleFeeRequest("李四", 700); System.out.println("test4 = " + test4); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); String test5 = h3.handleFeeRequest("张三", 1500); System.out.println("test5 = " + test5); String test6 = h3.handleFeeRequest("李四", 1500); System.out.println("test6 = " + test6); } }
一个纯的责任链模式要求一个具体的处理者对象只能在两个行为中选择一个:一是承担责任,而是把责任推给下家。不允许出现某一个具体处理者对象在承担了一部分责任后又 把责任向下传的情况。
public class TestFilter implements Filter{ public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { chain.doFilter(request, response); } public void destroy() { } public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { } }
/** * Filters. */ private ApplicationFilterConfig[] filters = new ApplicationFilterConfig[0];
/** * Implementation of a <code>javax.servlet.FilterConfig</code> useful in * managing the filter instances instantiated when a web application * is first started. * * @author Craig R. McClanahan * @version $Id: ApplicationFilterConfig.java 1201569 2011-11-14 01:36:07Z kkolinko $ */
private ApplicationFilterConfig[] filters =
new ApplicationFilterConfig[0];
/** * The int which gives the current number of filters in the chain. */ private int n = 0;
public static final int INCREMENT = 10;
void addFilter(ApplicationFilterConfig filterConfig) { // Prevent the same filter being added multiple times for(ApplicationFilterConfig filter:filters) if(filter==filterConfig) return; if (n == filters.length) { ApplicationFilterConfig[] newFilters = new ApplicationFilterConfig[n + INCREMENT]; System.arraycopy(filters, 0, newFilters, 0, n); filters = newFilters; } filters[n++] = filterConfig; }
变量n用来记录当前过滤器链里面拥有的过滤器数目,默认情况下n等于0,ApplicationFilterConfig对象数组的长度也等于0,所以当第一次调用addFilter()方法时,if (n == filters.length)的条件成立,ApplicationFilterConfig数组长度被改变。之后filters[n++] = filterConfig;将变量filterConfig放入ApplicationFilterConfig数组中并将当前过滤器链里面拥有的过滤器数目+1。
1 public ApplicationFilterChain createFilterChain 2 (ServletRequest request, Wrapper wrapper, Servlet servlet) { 3 4 // get the dispatcher type 5 DispatcherType dispatcher = null; 6 if (request.getAttribute(DISPATCHER_TYPE_ATTR) != null) { 7 dispatcher = (DispatcherType) request.getAttribute(DISPATCHER_TYPE_ATTR); 8 } 9 String requestPath = null; 10 Object attribute = request.getAttribute(DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR); 11 12 if (attribute != null){ 13 requestPath = attribute.toString(); 14 } 15 16 // If there is no servlet to execute, return null 17 if (servlet == null) 18 return (null); 19 20 boolean comet = false; 21 22 // Create and initialize a filter chain object 23 ApplicationFilterChain filterChain = null; 24 if (request instanceof Request) { 25 Request req = (Request) request; 26 comet = req.isComet(); 27 if (Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED) { 28 // Security: Do not recycle 29 filterChain = new ApplicationFilterChain(); 30 if (comet) { 31 req.setFilterChain(filterChain); 32 } 33 } else { 34 filterChain = (ApplicationFilterChain) req.getFilterChain(); 35 if (filterChain == null) { 36 filterChain = new ApplicationFilterChain(); 37 req.setFilterChain(filterChain); 38 } 39 } 40 } else { 41 // Request dispatcher in use 42 filterChain = new ApplicationFilterChain(); 43 } 44 45 filterChain.setServlet(servlet); 46 47 filterChain.setSupport 48 (((StandardWrapper)wrapper).getInstanceSupport()); 49 50 // Acquire the filter mappings for this Context 51 StandardContext context = (StandardContext) wrapper.getParent(); 52 FilterMap filterMaps[] = context.findFilterMaps(); 53 54 // If there are no filter mappings, we are done 55 if ((filterMaps == null) || (filterMaps.length == 0)) 56 return (filterChain); 57 58 // Acquire the information we will need to match filter mappings 59 String servletName = wrapper.getName(); 60 61 // Add the relevant path-mapped filters to this filter chain 62 for (int i = 0; i < filterMaps.length; i++) { 63 if (!matchDispatcher(filterMaps[i] ,dispatcher)) { 64 continue; 65 } 66 if (!matchFiltersURL(filterMaps[i], requestPath)) 67 continue; 68 ApplicationFilterConfig filterConfig = (ApplicationFilterConfig) 69 context.findFilterConfig(filterMaps[i].getFilterName()); 70 if (filterConfig == null) { 71 // FIXME - log configuration problem 72 continue; 73 } 74 boolean isCometFilter = false; 75 if (comet) { 76 try { 77 isCometFilter = filterConfig.getFilter() instanceof CometFilter; 78 } catch (Exception e) { 79 // Note: The try catch is there because getFilter has a lot of 80 // declared exceptions. However, the filter is allocated much 81 // earlier 82 Throwable t = ExceptionUtils.unwrapInvocationTargetException(e); 83 ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); 84 } 85 if (isCometFilter) { 86 filterChain.addFilter(filterConfig); 87 } 88 } else { 89 filterChain.addFilter(filterConfig); 90 } 91 } 92 93 // Add filters that match on servlet name second 94 for (int i = 0; i < filterMaps.length; i++) { 95 if (!matchDispatcher(filterMaps[i] ,dispatcher)) { 96 continue; 97 } 98