Apache Paimon 使用之Creating Catalogs

Paimon Catalog 目前支持两种类型的metastores:

filesystem metastore (default),在文件系统中存储元数据和表文件。
hive metastore,将metadata存储在Hive metastore中。用户可以直接从Hive访问表。

1.使用 Filesystem Metastore 创建 Catalog


Flink SQL注册并使用名为my_catalog的Paimon catalog,元数据和表文件存储在hdfs:///path/to/warehouse下。

    'type' = 'paimon',
    'warehouse' = 'hdfs:///path/to/warehouse'

USE CATALOG my_catalog;

在 Catalog 中创建的 tables,可以使用前缀table-default.定义任何默认表选项。


通过 shell 命令注册一个名为paimon的paimon catalog,元数据和表文件存储在hdfs:///path/to/warehouse下。

spark-sql ... \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon=org.apache.paimon.spark.SparkCatalog \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon.warehouse=hdfs:///path/to/warehouse

对于 catalog 中创建的 tables,可以使用前缀spark.sql.catalog.paimon.table-default.定义默认表选项。


USE paimon.default;
2.使用 Hive Metastore 创建 Catalog

使用Paimon Hive catalog,对 catalog 的更改将直接影响相应的Hive metastore,在此类 catalog 中创建的表可以直接从 Hive 访问。

要使用Hive catalog,数据库名称、表名和字段名均应小写

Flink 引擎

Flink 中的Paimon Hive catalog依赖于Flink Hive connector bundled jar,首先要下载Hive connector bundled jar,并将其添加到classpath。

以下Flink SQL注册并使用名为my_hive的Paimon Hive catalog,元数据和表文件存储在hdfs:///path/to/warehouse下,元数据也存储在Hive metastore中。

如果Hive需要security authentication,如Kerberos、LDAP、Ranger,或者希望paimon表由Apache Atlas管理(在hive-site.xml中设置"hive.metastore.event.listeners"),可以在hive-site.xml文件路径中指定hive-conf-dir和hadoop-conf-dir参数。

    'type' = 'paimon',
    'metastore' = 'hive',
    -- 'uri' = 'thrift://:', default use 'hive.metastore.uris' in HiveConf
    -- 'hive-conf-dir' = '...', this is recommended in the kerberos environment
    -- 'hadoop-conf-dir' = '...', this is recommended in the kerberos environment
    -- 'warehouse' = 'hdfs:///path/to/warehouse', default use 'hive.metastore.warehouse.dir' in HiveConf

USE CATALOG my_hive;

对于在 catalog 中创建的表,可以使用前缀table-default.定义默认表选项。

此外,还可以创建Flink Generic Catalog。


Spark需要包含Hive dependencies。

以下shell命令注册一个名为paimon的Paimon Hive Catalog,元数据和表文件存储在hdfs:///path/to/warehouse下,此外,元数据也存储在Hive metastore中。

spark-sql ... \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon=org.apache.paimon.spark.SparkCatalog \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon.warehouse=hdfs:///path/to/warehouse \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon.metastore=hive \
    --conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon.uri=thrift://:

对于 Catalog 中创建的表,可以使用前缀spark.sql.catalog.paimon.table-default.定义默认表选项。

spark-sql启动后,可以使用以下SQL切换到paimon catalog的default数据库。

USE paimon.default;

此外,还可以创建Spark Generic Catalog。

当使用Hive Catalog通过alter table更改不兼容的列类型时,需要配置hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes=false

如果使用的是Hive3,请禁用Hive ACID:


如果使用的是对象存储,并且不希望paimon表/数据库的location被hive的文件系统访问,这可能会导致诸如“No filesystem for scheme:s3a”之类的错误,可以通过在属性中配置location来设置表/数据库的location-in-properties。

4.同步Partitions到Hive Metastore

默认,Paimon不会将新创建的分区同步到Hive metastore中,用户将在Hive中看到一个未分区的表,Partition push-down将改为通过filter push-down进行。

如果想在Hive中查看分区表,并将新创建的分区同步到Hive metastore中,请将表属性metastore.partitioned-table设置为true。

5.添加参数到Hive Table

使用table option有助于方便地定义Hive表参数,以hive.前缀的参数将在Hive表的TBLPROPERTIES中自动定义。例如,使用hive.table.owner=Jon将在创建过程中自动将表参数table.owner=Jon添加到表属性中。

Key Default Type Description
fs.allow-hadoop-fallback true Boolean Allow to fallback to hadoop File IO when no file io found for the scheme.
lineage-meta (none) String The lineage meta to store table and data lineage information. Possible values: “jdbc”: Use standard jdbc to store table and data lineage information.“custom”: You can implement LineageMetaFactory and LineageMeta to store lineage information in customized storage.
lock-acquire-timeout 8 min Duration The maximum time to wait for acquiring the lock.
lock-check-max-sleep 8 s Duration The maximum sleep time when retrying to check the lock.
lock.enabled false Boolean Enable Catalog Lock.
metastore “filesystem” String Metastore of paimon catalog, supports filesystem and hive.
table.type managed Enum Type of table. Possible values:“managed”: Paimon owned table where the entire lifecycle of the table data is managed.“external”: The table where Paimon has loose coupling with the data stored in external locations.
uri (none) String Uri of metastore server.
warehouse (none) String The warehouse root path of catalog.


Key Default Type Description
case-sensitive true Boolean Is case sensitive. If case insensitive, you need to set this option to false, and the table name and fields be converted to lowercase.


Key Default Type Description
hadoop-conf-dir (none) String File directory of the core-site.xml、hdfs-site.xml、yarn-site.xml、mapred-site.xml. Currently, only local file system paths are supported. If not configured, try to load from ‘HADOOP_CONF_DIR’ or ‘HADOOP_HOME’ system environment. Configure Priority: 1.from ‘hadoop-conf-dir’ 2.from HADOOP_CONF_DIR 3.from HADOOP_HOME/conf 4.HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop.
hive-conf-dir (none) String File directory of the hive-site.xml , used to create HiveMetastoreClient and security authentication, such as Kerberos, LDAP, Ranger and so on. If not configured, try to load from ‘HIVE_CONF_DIR’ env.
location-in-properties false Boolean Setting the location in properties of hive table/database. If you don’t want to access the location by the filesystem of hive when using a object storage such as s3,oss you can set this option to true.


Key Default Type Description
default-database “default” String
disable-create-table-in-default-db false Boolean If true, creating table in default database is not allowed. Default is false.
