换了Window7之后,原先的Ad Muncher再不能正常运行,loadConfiguration之后一直不能注册,不能升级.刚刚开始,以为是proxy的问题,在网上找了各种类型poland的代理,包括Http,Sock4,Sock5的,验证导入,均告失败.无奈之下,Baidu了一下,国内使用AdMucher的人貌似甚少,问题大多纠结在找波兰代理上.转战官网论坛,硬着头皮看了数篇文章,终于知道现在用单纯的代理注册升级的时代已经Over.AdMucher的验证机制在4.9版的更新下,已经大大增强.
再次Google,找到一篇文章,换个思路,作者用Vidalia Bundle来register,update成功.依葫芦画瓢.终于在window7上顺利使用上Ad muncher.
If your using Ad Muncher, you might have been all over those proxy sites looking for a working IP just to be able to register or update .... the bad things about these proxies are that they are not reliable, easily blacklisted and you end up frustrated just looking for a working one ... well look no more, I just installed Ad Muncher and I was having a hard time looking for a working Polish IP, so I thought..why not use Tor to register/update it, well why not! .... here are the steps: //大意:是不是为了ad muncher的注册更新无比郁闷捏?Follow Me..
What you will need to download:
Ad Muncher //ad muncher可直接在官网上下载.
Install Ad muncher:
1. Install Ad Muncher //下载安装ad muncher
2. Use this serial //使用有效的账号,密码注册
Name:Komputer SWIAT
Code: 56C4A951-238697B3
Now on how to register and update Ad Muncher:
1. Open Ad Muncher - About - Proxy Options: check "use proxy when contacting our server - type: HTTP - address: - port 8118 click OK, but don't register/update yet. UPDATE: If you are having problem registering/updating Ad Muncher using HTTP proxy, you can use SOCKS proxy instead - type: SOCKS5 - address: - port 9050 //这里要注意:两种方式一种是http代理,(填入:一种是socks5代理,(填入: 因为之后要使用到tor软件,我们就选socks5方式好了.
Install and run Vidalia (tor) - go to settings - advanced - then click browse under "Tor configuration file" - then open torrc file w/ notepad. //下载Vidalia Bundle安装-配置
(1) Install Vidalia Bundle
(2)Configuration //配置Vidalia Bundle(Tor)
1.在设定中选择 简体字;
2.1 不知道网桥的童鞋可通过gmail邮件获得Vidalia Bundle软件使用的桥接地址
首先登陆Gmail选择“撰写邮件”新建电邮,在“收件人”一栏填写[email protected] ,在“主题”一栏填写get bridges,下面内容可以不填,输入完成点击“发送”发送邮件,接下来我们 稍等片刻会有一封主题为“get bridges”的邮件回复打开我们可以看见Here are your bridge relays下面就是我们要用的网络桥接地址(每个人的网桥可能有所差异)
2.2 将邮件中的bridge填入Tor的网桥设置中
3.now copy/paste these lines at the end of the torrc file: //修改torrc文件
for those using vidalia bundle final: //如果使用的是final版本(stable稳定版)
ExitNodes blutmagie,blutmagie2,blutmagie3,blutmagie4 StrictExitNodes 1 //将这段代码复制到torrc文件末尾
for those using vidalia alpha release: // 如果使用的是测试版(Unstable版)
ExitNodes blutmagie,blutmagie2,blutmagie3,blutmagie4 StrictNodes 1 //将这段代码复制到torrc文件末尾
Save torrc file ... stop vidalia and then run it again, once connected .. you can now register/update Ad muncher. //保存修改后的torrc文件.退出tor文件.重新运行一次,现在就可以注册,更新了
*** Make sure that whatever you are adding/editing in your torrc file is being saved. Try to browse first using Tor and see if you are using a German IP before registering/updating ad muncher. //注意的是保证你的torrc文件已经修改过,测试方法:打开浏览器将浏览器代理设置成127.0.0.1:8118 登录一能显示IP的网站,看看你的IP是不是已经是外国(德国)的.
Hope this simple tut help you guys ... say goodbye to ads
Tor的功能实则十分强大,这里只演示了怎么使用Tor来对Ad Muncher软件进行注册升级.