
由于美国和中国时差12 个小时,中国是白天,美国就是夜晚, 这样,在美国出差时,我的工作就变成连轴转,每晚睡两三个小时是常事,以至于有一次裤袜穿到一半就在床上睡着了。回首来路, 这些年,一直是这么走过来的,夜以继日。有一首歌是这么唱的, “天上的行云啊,一生都没有家,行路匆匆,追赶着晚霞”。行云的一生都在虚空当中追逐着晚霞, 当晚霞来临时, 它们也会被披上最绚丽的霞光。我觉得自己的一生也像行云。虽然有房子住,但在我心目中,能够被计量的都不是家,广阔无垠的虚空才是。



而我,心态年轻,永远像一个少年般无畏、进取。这种状态会伴随我到生命终结的那一刻。这世间太多人喜欢拿“ 身不由己” 当作借口,又怎知“心甘情愿”的洒脱。身在无间,心在桃源,不执着于是非,不困囿于善恶,不惧色于生死。我想在追赶完晚霞之后, 我会看见漫天繁星,也会沐浴九州一色的月光。

Floating Clouds Chasing the Rosy Sunset

When in America on business, I had to deal with business affairs simultaneously in the United States and China at the same time, andit  had become quite usual for me  to  sleep only two  to  three hours per day.   I have always been this way, more or less. Here are the lyrics of a popular song: “The floating clouds in the sky never have a place to  rest; and they keep floating  and chasing the rosy sunsets. Floating clouds spend their life chasing the rosy sunset, once catching up, it will be ablaze with the colors of the setting sun.” My  life is  very much like floating clouds. Although I have a house to live in, this house is not the measure of where home is.

All things in the universe keep changing and rotating for given sets of time.  They are damaged, they return to  emptiness.  People  live  and die.The body, the temporary home of the soul, decays. I see myself as a piece offloating cloud, and I take the boundless sky as my home. I put myself  aside.      I liberate myself. The clouds change from white to grey or burning red or pink. I have wondered whether a life can experience these different colors of varied experience? I hope that, in floating, I can live a more grounded life: a meaningful, valuable life.

What kind of life is meaningful and valuable? Material success? We have seen street vendors sell barbecues at three or four in the morning;we have watched cleaners sweep the streets at four or five o’clock; we have observed construction workers sleep rough outdoors. Are they living a life without value and meaning? Countless people are burdened by complicated worldly affairs. Whether rich or poor, and no matter what experiences we have chosen for our souls, all creatures float about this universe. We are trying to live a careful life that leads to self-awareness. That is a life with value and meaning.
