Nhibernate tag - mapping multiple entity classes' fields with one table's columns

In short, mapping the properties of multiple entity classes to columns in one table.

Refer to  http://ayende.com/blog/3937/nhibernate-mapping-component

<component/> is an interesting feature of NHibernate, which map more or less directly into the notion of a Value Type in DDD. This is a way to create an object model with higher granularity than the physical data model.

And this object model:

They are quite different, where the physical data model put all the data in a single table, we want to treat them in our object model as two separate classes. This is where <component/> comes into play:

<class name="Person"


	<id name="Id">

		<generator class="identity"/>


	<property name="Name" />

	<component name="Address">

		<property name="Line1"/>

		<property name="Line2"/>

		<property name="City"/>

		<property name="Country"/>

		<property name="ZipCode"/>


