2021-11-20Analogy is at the heart of generating innovative solutions

Chapter 14 How Is a Marriage Like a Matchbox?

In the Chapter 13, Ness proposed a step-by-step procedures for developing a new innovation, which is summarized with a acronym: PIG In MuD.

1. Phrase a question based on your interest, observation, and knowledge;

2. Identify the frames and the alternatives;

3. Generate all possible solutions;

4. Incubate;

5. Meld your single best idea and validate whether it is true;

6. Disseminate your innovation.

After discussing how to propose a scientific question (2021-11-19Half the battle in science is to ask the right questions - (jianshu.com)), identify frames (2021-11-06Innovation generation: framing your thinking first, and then re-frame it consciously - (jianshu.com); 2021-11-07Innovation generation: making metaphors to jump outside of constraining cognitive frames - (jianshu.com)), in this chapter, Ness argues that analogy is the key to unlock the processes for generating innovative solutions.

"Analogies connect concepts that are different but also similar – such insights allow you to loosely connect things you would not normally connect." Science history abounds such examples. Newton's observation of the falling apple led to the analogy of gravity on moon by the earth; Kekule conceived of the structure of benzene by dreaming of a snake seizing its own tail; Archimedes thought of the method to distinguish gold from silver when he sit in the bath; Bell invented telephone by observing the similar vibration at the both ends of a wire caused by electromagnetic current; Shultz unexpected observed that the activity patterns of dopamine neurons can be perfectly accounted for by the learning theories from psychological studies. 

"Analogies are one of the most commonly used tools for opening the innovation space and generating alternative ideas. While recognizing differences, analogies reveal previously unrecognized similarities. Revealing surprising parallels, analogies can take knowledge about one thing and apply it to another. Analogies generate new insights."

it will never be overstressed about the consequence of analogy for scientific innovation. One step furhther, as a research scientist, we should inquire this issure a little bit deeper: how to conceive analogies(similar to making metaphors; 2021-11-07Innovation generation: making metaphors to jump outside of constraining cognitive frames - (jianshu.com))? I think the best way is to develop a habit for keeping a high level of curiosity about the hidden similarities/links between any two different things in daily life, such as "How Is a Marriage Like a Matchbox". Maybe we can try to play this game intentionally and constantly.

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