C++ streambuf用法

class LogStreamBuf : public std::streambuf {


  // REQUIREMENTS: "len" must be >= 2 to account for the '\n' and '\n'.

  LogStreamBuf(char *buf, int len) {

    setp(buf, buf + len - 2);


  // This effectively ignores overflow.

  virtual int_type overflow(int_type ch) {

    return ch;


  // Legacy public ostrstream method.

  size_t pcount() const { return pptr() - pbase(); }

  char* pbase() const { return std::streambuf::pbase(); }



class LogStream : public std::ostream {


      LogStream(char *buf, int len, int ctr)

          : std::ostream(NULL),

            streambuf_(buf, len),


            self_(this) { rdbuf(&streambuf_);}

      int ctr() const { return ctr_; }

      void set_ctr(int ctr) { ctr_ = ctr; }

      LogStream* self() const { return self_; }

      // Legacy std::streambuf methods.

      size_t pcount() const { return streambuf_.pcount(); }

      char* pbase() const { return streambuf_.pbase(); }

      char* str() const { return pbase(); }


      base_logging::LogStreamBuf streambuf_;

      int ctr_;  // Counter hack (for the LOG_EVERY_X() macro)

      LogStream *self_;  // Consistency check hack


