King Berl VI has N daughters and no sons. During his long life he gave a number of promises to his daughters. All the promises have the following wording: "daughter Xi, I promise to give you dowry not less than Ci burles more than to daughter Yi", where i represents the number of the promise. Before his death the king decided to give some amount of money to each daughter. As far as he was the fair king, he decided to fullfill all his promises. But he was not only fair but also very greedy, he decided that he can give negative amount of burles as a dowry (i.e. daughter should pay this amount of burles to the treasury). Because of his born greed and by advice of the minister of finances, he made a decision that absolute value of each dowry should not exceed 10000 burles and the difference between dowry of the oldest and of the youngest daughters should be as small as possible (note, this value can be negative).
I.e. if the dowry given to the i-th daughter is Ai, folllowing conditions should be satisfied:
The fist line of the input file contains two integers numbers N and M (2≤ N≤ 10000; 0≤ M≤ 100000), where N is the number of daughters and M is the number of promises. The following M lines contain the description of promises in the following form: Xi, Yi, Ci (1≤ Xi, Yi≤ N; Xi≠ Yi; 0≤ Ci≤ 1000). The youngest daughter has the number one, the oldest — N. Each pair Xi, Yi can appear in the input several times.
Write to the output number -1 if there is no solution for the problem (i.e. there is no sequence of N integers which satisfies all described above requirements). Write to the output N integer numbers — the amount of dowry of each daughter in burles, if solution exists. If there are several solutions output any of them.
sample input |
sample output |
4 5 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 2 |
-3 -2 1 3 |
sample input |
sample output |
2 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 |
-7 -7 |
在用最短路求的时候,一开始所有点的初始值为inf,而最终求出的解是所有里面的最大值,并且,所有的值都比val小; 在用最长路求的时候,一开始所有的点初始值为-inf,而最终求出的解是所有里面的最小值,并且,所有的值都比val大。这样以来,如果一个差分约束系统的解有规定的上界uplim,我们可以外加一个源点,给它的初始值是uplim,然后从这个源点连到所有点的边权值为0,再用最短路求,求出的解的值必定比uplim小,而且是最大解,换句话说最靠近uplim的解。反之,如果一个差分约束系统的解有规定的下界downlim,我们可以外加一个源点,给它的初始值是downlim,然后从这个源点连到所有点的边权值为0,再用最长路求,求出的解的值必定比downlim大,而且是最小解,也就是最靠近downlim的解。
在一个差分约束系统中,如果之前已经做完最短路,现在把一个解xi给人为地缩小,然后再重新做最短路,这个是可以的。因为xi缩小,那么所有指向vi的边都还是能满足dis[v]<=dis[u]+cost的,但是vi出去的边就不能满足上面那个不等式了,然后,重新spfa能更新vi点以后的所有满足的点。但是如果做完最短路后把一个点人为扩大,我觉得这是不允许的,因为所有指向vi的边就不满足不等式了,重新spfa 的话应该不会有任何结果,因为vi指出去的边都满足,而指进来的边不会更新到,这样就搞笑了。与此同理,做完最长路后,我们可以把一个点人为地放大,然后spfa,但是不能缩小。
//#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:65536000") #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define N 10005 #define M 200005 #define E #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define dinf 1e10 #define linf (LL)1<<60 #define LL long long #define clr(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) using namespace std; const int lim = 10000; int n,m,eid; int head[N],ed[M],nxt[M],val[M]; int x[M],y[M],v[M]; int d1[N],d2[N],vis[N],num[N]; queue<int>que; void addedge(int s,int e,int v) { ed[eid]=e;val[eid]=v; nxt[eid]=head[s];head[s]=eid++; } int spfa(int d[]) { while(!que.empty()) { int s=que.front();que.pop(); vis[s]=0; for(int i=head[s];~i;i=nxt[i]) { int e=ed[i],v=val[i]; if(d[e]>d[s]+v) { d[e]=d[s]+v; if(!vis[e]) { if(num[e]>n)return -1; num[e]++;vis[e]=1; que.push(e); } } } } return 1; } int main() { //freopen("/home/axorb/in","r",stdin); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for(int i=0;i<m;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&x[i],&y[i],&v[i]); eid=0;clr(head,-1); for(int i=0;i<m;i++)addedge(x[i],y[i],-v[i]); clr(vis,0);clr(num,0); while(!que.empty())que.pop(); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){d1[i]=0;que.push(i);} int k=spfa(d1); if(k==-1){puts("-1");return 0;} for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)d1[i]+=lim; eid=0;clr(head,-1); for(int i=0;i<m;i++)addedge(y[i],x[i],-v[i]); clr(vis,0);clr(num,0); while(!que.empty())que.pop(); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){d2[i]=0;que.push(i);} k=spfa(d2); if(k==-1){puts("-1");return 0;} for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)d2[i]=-d2[i]-lim; // for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) // printf("%d: %d %d\n",i,d1[i],d2[i]); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) if(d2[i]>d1[i]){puts("-1");return 0;} eid=0;clr(head,-1); for(int i=0;i<m;i++)addedge(x[i],y[i],-v[i]); clr(vis,0);clr(num,0); while(!que.empty())que.pop(); d1[n]=d2[n];que.push(n); spfa(d1); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) if(i==n)printf("%d\n",d1[i]); else printf("%d ",d1[i]); return 0; }