client-side validation library has a few methods for example ValidatorValidate (you can view them with reflector from System.Web.dll's resources and viewing WebUIValidation.js)
function ValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event) {
//there's some script here
1. so with javascript basically taking reference to the old ValidatorValidate() within a variable
var oldValidatorValidate = ValidatorValidate;
2. Creating your own ValidatorValidate
function MyValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event){
//first call the original one
oldValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event);
//Here you can check val.isvalid - e.g write your logic here, like check for the correct validator etc etc
alert(val.id + ":" + val.isvalid);
3. set new reference in javascript
ValidatorValidate = MyValidatorValidate;
Now when ValidatorValidate is called by client-side validation framework, it calls your MyValidatorValidate method, which delegates the job first to the original method, and then does its logic after the "base" method has done its job.