eXpressApp Framework 7.3.5 released on 20 Dec 2007 and What'a New

eXpressApp Framework v.7.3.5 released on 20 Dec 2007

  • XAF design-time enhancements are built on top of DXCore 3.0. If you are using CodeRush or Refactor! Pro, you’ll have to install their betas after installing XAF. You can download them using the following instructions:
1. Go to the “Registered Products” page;
2. Click the corresponding product item;
3. Select the Betas tab.


Implemented Suggestions
  • CS43858 - Refactor the XAF classes to allow more subclassing


Resolved Issues
  • B90657 - Web app object linking
  • B90194 - Web lookup editor mode appears wrong
  • B90713 - AuditTrail Schema not updated
  • B90621 - AutoColumnWidth doesn't work
  • B18769 - error during DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.ErrorHandling.ProcessApplicationError()
  • B19524 - Application Designer: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: designerHost.RootComponent
  • B90693 - Exception at the Me.Modules.Add(Me.reportsModule1) line of the MainDemoWinApplication.Designer.vb file
  • B90330 - Security.Web: The "Custom differences already loaded" exception occurs when authentication.Timeout is less than ASPSession.Timeout
  • B90489 - Web grid shows multiline strings wrong
  • B90121 - Memory leaks in Web
  • B90815 - "Edit Model" in runtime works only if some "Flat.." skins is currently activated
  • B19354 - After migrating to XAF version 7.3, user settings from the Model.User.xml file aren't applied
  • B18872 - It's impossible to invoke a View from another PopUp window in the Web application
  • B90860 - RuleUniqueValue always fails
  • B90816 - PersistentAlias attribute causes ASPxGrid selection box to disappear
  • B90665 - Model-Designer in Module.Web does not work
  • B90913 - XAF.Web confirm encoding problem in spanish
  • B90825 - ListViewAndDetailView uncatchable exception
  • B90741 - Null reference exception in Edit Model
  • B91016 - Editor slowing down after installation of XAF 7.3.4
  • B90586 - ListViewFilter sorting
  • B90137 - Layout.Web: ASPx string editor make wrong layout for multiline box
  • B90189 - Web lookup value is dropped to null
  • B90827 - ASP.Net Application Projects wizard creates broken web.config file
  • B90123 - ObjectDisposedException occurs on Web application dispose
  • B90235 - Not all parts of ASPx grid can be localized
  • B90826 - Web standard editor buttons use wrong css classes
  • B90778 - Quotes in action confirmation message shows wrong in Web application
  • B90325 - OutOfMemory on large tables
  • B90866 - Web listView - object deletion doesnt work if selected from the listview after sorting the grid
  • B90849 - TopRecordEditActionContainer's Edit action button is enabled, while this action is disabled for currently selected record in the ListView
  • B18927 - Problem with "Application isn't started" Exception
  • B20855 - Lost View after return from the Popu Action (Web)
  • B90692 - No data in Web version of MainDemo
  • B90139 - Layout.Web: Vertical align wrong in Web detail view items
  • B90154 - Standard web grid switch pages only from second try
  • B90732 - ASPnet app - DetailView - ReadOnly editors are not greyed
