Telerik RadControls for Silverlight2 Q2 2008 Beta2





New Controls

  • RadTimePicker

    RadTimePicker is an easy to use control allowing you to integrate time selection in your web applications. The control exposes an advanced parser that converts numeric/alpha-numeric values into a valid time. Using the templates of the RadTimePicker control you can arrange the items in your very custom manner. The control also supports defining selectable time-range through its Start/EndTime and Interval properties, or binding to a collection containing pre-defined values.
  • RadExpander 

    RadExpander control is a flexible control that helps you save space and achieve an easier navigation through your site. You can place the expander anywhere on your page and embed any content inside the drop-down (content) area. RadExpander also gives you the control over its ExpandDirection to let you adjust the control as per your custom layout.
  • We included a common overlay mechanism for all controls using pop-up windows. This mechanism allows proper overlaying when several windowed/popup objects appear on the screen.

  • The Documentation has been updated. We added general topics and some pretty advanced articles on  databinding and styling.




  • Changes
    • The DropDownWidth property has been renamed to MinDropDownWidth
  • Bugfixes
    • Keyboard navigation fixes
    • An exception was thrown when the combobox resided in a Collapsed parent
    • The combobox staid open when Filtering was enabled and an item was selected
  • New Features
    • RadComboBox now changes its selection on mouse-wheel when the drop-down is closed
    • The dropdown now gets closed upon clicking on another combobox
    • The dropdown now opens when the control receives the focus and the Filtering is enabled


  • New Features
    • Handle scollviewer attached properties


  • New Features
    • Add GUID parameter in the request
    • Allow Custom Params in the handler


  • Changes
    • ModalBrush has been renamed to ModalBackground
    • Opened and Closed event types of RadAlert, RadPrompt and RadConfirm have both been changed from RoutedEventHandlers to EventHandlers
    • The scrollviewer container has been removed from the control template of RadWindow
    • The "Close" button of RadWindow now hides the RadWindow. To close the RadWindow you should invoke the Close method
    • Alert, Prompt and Confirm icons alignment has been corrected.
    • RadWindow has a default value for Header- "RadWindow"
  • Bugfixes
    • Window could not work with Combo, Datepicker and any other control that uses popup
    • Alert, Prompt and Confirm header parameters did not work
    • UpdateLayout was throwing exceptions
    • The Close method threw an exception even before Open to be invoked
    • If RadWindow was hidden and then shown again, the size of the RadWindow appeared much smaller than it should be
    • The Content property did not work if header was not set
    • RadWindow could not work if the header property wasn't set
    • The modal background wasn't always resizing with the browser 
    • RadAlert showed behind topmost RadWindow
    • Closed event could be called more than once
    • The Opened wasn't always triggered
  • New Features
    • New static method, which returns parent of type RadWindow, RadWindow.GetParentRadWindow to ease the use of UserControl inside a RadWindow
    • Alert, Prompt and Confirm can be fully customized by using the new DialogParameters structure
    • RadWindow preserves "Center Parent" and "Center Screen" position whenever the browser is resized, in case the user hasn't manually moved the window
    • New Focused, Resize, Drag visual states
    • IsFocused property added
    • New LayoutSystem
    • Hidden event added to RadWindow


  • Bugfixes
    • Bug with clicking over a zero value
    • The repeat buttons of the NumericUpDown did not actually repeat
  • New Features
    • Tab functionality
    • Enhanced user-input experience


  • Changes
    • ShowDelay and HideDelay properties were moved from RadMenuItem to MenuBase


  • Bugfixes
    • Issue causing RadMediaPlayer not to be editable in Expression Blend
  • New Features
    • Functionality to enable/disable the fullscreen button


  • Bugfixes
    • Issue when dragging the selection range


  •  Changes
    • The DatePicker theme is now consistent with the other controls.
    • All events are now routed events
    • CalendarButtonContent’s IsEnabled setter is now public
  • BugFixes
    • IsReadOnly now disables input and selection but does not disable the calendar
    • Disabling the DatePicker disables the toggle button as well.
    • Added TypeConverters to the Nullable<Enum> properties, they can be set in the xaml now.
    • The zoom animation not played when the control was first loaded.




