[leetcode]Copy List with Random Pointer



public class Solution {

    public RandomListNode copyRandomList(RandomListNode head) {

        if (head == null) return null;

        RandomListNode node = head;

        // copy node and change the structure

        while (node != null) {

            RandomListNode copyNode = new RandomListNode(node.label);

            copyNode.next = node.next;

            node.next = copyNode;

            node = copyNode.next;


        node = head;

        while (node != null) {

            node.next.random = node.random == null ? null : node.random.next;

            node = node.next.next;


        // re-build the structure

        node = head;

        RandomListNode copyHead = head.next;

        while (node != null) {

            RandomListNode copyNode = node.next;

            node.next = copyNode.next;

            copyNode.next = node.next == null ? null : node.next.next;

            node = node.next;


        return copyHead;



