
This is just a note to myself, since I seem to keep forgetting how to do that properly. After reading the chapter in the svn-book properly and using enough [–]help I figured it out and I am scared to forget how to get it right again :-). Here is how I got it working for me.


  1. cd into the root directory of my working copy.
  2. Create a file .svnignore in the root of my working copy, with the following content

adjust that as you need it, of course.

  • Run
    svn -R propset svn:ignore -F .svnignore .
    Note the “.” at the end (that I always forgot in the beginning), that means all the directories get effected. The “-R” means that the ignore shall apply recursively, therefore you need to be in the root to have it apply to the entire tree.
  • Now commit all the directories, yes you have to commit them all,
    svn commit * -m"set ignore"
    that was also not mentioned in the svn-book, I think. But how boring would the world be without those little challenges?
  • And now run
    svn status
    and all the files that shall be ignored should be gone.
  • So notice here, ignore works on the directories, I believe. That’s why you also have to use the “.” and when commiting you see that all the directories get commited.


    1. cd into the root directory of my working copy.
    2. Create a file .keywords in the root of my working copy, with the following content

    adjust that as you need it, of course.

  • Run
    svn -R propset svn:keywords -F .keywords *
    Note the “*” at the end (that I also always forgot in the beginning), that tells that all the files are effected. The “-R” means that the keywords shall apply recursively, therefore you need to be in the root to have it apply to the entire tree.
  • SubVersion has modified all the files that contain those place-holders (like $Id$, $Rev$, etc.) and has replaced them with the proper content. Now commit all the files (now really the files have changed!), here too - you have to commit them all,
    svn commit * -m"set keywords" .
  • So notice here, keywords works on the files. That’s why you also have to use the “*” and when commiting you see that all the files get commited.
