linux/macos 上使用yiic配置(window上使用yiic.bat)
1.yiic要有执行权限,chmod -R 777 yiic
#!/usr/bin/env php会自动的在你的用户PATH变量中所定义的目录中寻找php来执行的。
用vi打开yiic,把“#!/usr/bin/env php” 改为“#!/usr/local/php/bin/php(也就是你php路径)
也可以>/usr/local/bin/php yiic
1.yiic 命令用到的是yiic.php,也可以直接用yiic.php
2.控制台的命令配置文件是应用的protected/config/console.php文件,系统默认的路径是protected/commands/shell 如果你执行单一的任务,直接在run方法里面写,另外一种就是同写你的Controller(控制器),前面增加actionXXX
<?php class ECleanCommand extends CConsoleCommand { public $webRoot = null; public function getHelp() { $out = "Clean command allows you to clean up various temporary data Yii and an application are generating.\n\n"; return $out.parent::getHelp(); } public function actionCache() { $cache=Yii::app()->getComponent('cache'); if($cache!==null){ $cache->flush(); echo "Done.\n"; } else { echo "Please configure cache component.\n"; } } public function actionAssets() { if(empty($this->webRoot)) { echo "Please specify a path to webRoot in command properties.\n"; Yii::app()->end(); } $this->cleanDir($this->webRoot.'/assets'); echo "Done.\n"; } public function actionRuntime() { $this->cleanDir(Yii::app()->getRuntimePath()); echo "Done.\n"; } private function cleanDir($dir) { $di = new DirectoryIterator ($dir); foreach($di as $d) { if(!$d->isDot()) { echo "Removed ".$d->getPathname()."\n"; $this->removeDirRecursive($d->getPathname()); } } } private function removeDirRecursive($dir) { $files = glob($dir.'*', GLOB_MARK); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) $this->removeDirRecursive($file); else unlink($file); } if (is_dir($dir)) rmdir($dir); } }
console.php,commandMap配置后不需要指定yiic shell index.php
<?php // This is the configuration for yiic console application. // Any writable CConsoleApplication properties can be configured here. return array( 'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', 'name' => 'My Console Application', 'import'=>array( //可以使用model等 'application.models.*', 'application.components.*', ), 'components'=>array( 'db'=>require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/db.php') ), 'commandMap' => array( 'clean' => array( 'class' => 'ext.clean_command.ECleanCommand', 'webRoot' => 'E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp', //注意修改 class::webRoot ), 'rbac' => array( 'class' => 'application.commands.shell.RbacCommand', ) ), );
命令行运行cd E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp\protected\ 进入yiic.php的目录
yiic clean
Usage: E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp\protected\yiic.php clean <action> Actions: cache assets runtime
yiic.php clean cache
yiic clean assets
E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp\protected>yiic clean assets Removed E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp/assets\1f5cfc05 Removed E:\Apache2\htdocs\webapp/assets\836290cc Done.
yiic clean runtime
<?php class TestCommand extends CConsoleCommand { public function getHelp() { return '这里显示命令的帮助信息'; } /** * Execute the action. * @param array command line parameters specific for this command */ public function run($args) { if(!isset($args[0])) $this->usageError('请输入参数.'); echo('你输入的参数是 :\n'); var_dump($args); } }
/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/ yiic test p1 p2 p3
你输入的参数是 :\narray(3) {
[0]=>string(2) "p1"
[1]=>string(2) "p2"
[2]=>string(2) "p3"
yii crontab 作业方法
yii consolecommand 控制台命令,实现定时任务。当然,这得结合系统,如XP的计划任务,linux的crontab命令 打开你的linux命令窗口,创建自动任务。至于windows系统 ,是计划任务(win系统,可以谷歌如何操作),下面只讲linux系统。
crontab -e ##然后输入 1 * * * * php /具体地址/protected/yiic.php Test >>/具体地址/protected/commands/test.log