简单研究Android View绘制二 LayoutParams

2015-07-28 17:23:20



LayoutParams are used by views to tell their parents how they want to be laid out. See ViewGroup Layout Attributes for a list of all child view attributes that this class supports.

The base LayoutParams class just describes how big the view wants to be for both width and height. For each dimension, it can specify one of:

  • FILL_PARENT (renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher), which means that the view wants to be as big as its parent (minus padding)
  • WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be just big enough to enclose its content (plus padding)
  • an exact number

There are subclasses of LayoutParams for different subclasses of ViewGroup. For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass of LayoutParams which adds an X and Y value.




  1 /**

  2      * LayoutParams are used by views to tell their parents how they want to be

  3      * laid out. See

  4      * {@link android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_Layout ViewGroup Layout Attributes}

  5      * for a list of all child view attributes that this class supports.

  6      *

  7      * <p>

  8      * The base LayoutParams class just describes how big the view wants to be

  9      * for both width and height. For each dimension, it can specify one of:

 10      * <ul>

 11      * <li>FILL_PARENT (renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher), which

 12      * means that the view wants to be as big as its parent (minus padding)

 13      * <li> WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be just big enough

 14      * to enclose its content (plus padding)

 15      * <li> an exact number

 16      * </ul>

 17      * There are subclasses of LayoutParams for different subclasses of

 18      * ViewGroup. For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass of

 19      * LayoutParams which adds an X and Y value.</p>

 20      *

 21      * <div class="special reference">

 22      * <h3>Developer Guides</h3>

 23      * <p>For more information about creating user interface layouts, read the

 24      * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/declaring-layout.html">XML Layouts</a> developer

 25      * guide.</p></div>

 26      *

 27      * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_Layout_layout_height

 28      * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_Layout_layout_width

 29      */

 30     public static class LayoutParams {

 31         /**

 32          * Special value for the height or width requested by a View.

 33          * FILL_PARENT means that the view wants to be as big as its parent,

 34          * minus the parent's padding, if any. This value is deprecated

 35          * starting in API Level 8 and replaced by {@link #MATCH_PARENT}.

 36          */

 37         @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"})

 38         @Deprecated

 39         public static final int FILL_PARENT = -1;


 41         /**

 42          * Special value for the height or width requested by a View.

 43          * MATCH_PARENT means that the view wants to be as big as its parent,

 44          * minus the parent's padding, if any. Introduced in API Level 8.

 45          */

 46         public static final int MATCH_PARENT = -1;


 48         /**

 49          * Special value for the height or width requested by a View.

 50          * WRAP_CONTENT means that the view wants to be just large enough to fit

 51          * its own internal content, taking its own padding into account.

 52          */

 53         public static final int WRAP_CONTENT = -2;


 55         /**

 56          * Information about how wide the view wants to be. Can be one of the

 57          * constants FILL_PARENT (replaced by MATCH_PARENT ,

 58          * in API Level 8) or WRAP_CONTENT. or an exact size.

 59          */

 60         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", mapping = {

 61             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = MATCH_PARENT, to = "MATCH_PARENT"),

 62             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = WRAP_CONTENT, to = "WRAP_CONTENT")

 63         })

 64         public int width;


 66         /**

 67          * Information about how tall the view wants to be. Can be one of the

 68          * constants FILL_PARENT (replaced by MATCH_PARENT ,

 69          * in API Level 8) or WRAP_CONTENT. or an exact size.

 70          */

 71         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", mapping = {

 72             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = MATCH_PARENT, to = "MATCH_PARENT"),

 73             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = WRAP_CONTENT, to = "WRAP_CONTENT")

 74         })

 75         public int height;


 77         /**

 78          * Used to animate layouts.

 79          */

 80         public LayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters layoutAnimationParameters;


 82         /**

 83          * Creates a new set of layout parameters. The values are extracted from

 84          * the supplied attributes set and context. The XML attributes mapped

 85          * to this set of layout parameters are:

 86          *

 87          * <ul>

 88          *   <li><code>layout_width</code>: the width, either an exact value,

 89          *   {@link #WRAP_CONTENT}, or {@link #FILL_PARENT} (replaced by

 90          *   {@link #MATCH_PARENT} in API Level 8)</li>

 91          *   <li><code>layout_height</code>: the height, either an exact value,

 92          *   {@link #WRAP_CONTENT}, or {@link #FILL_PARENT} (replaced by

 93          *   {@link #MATCH_PARENT} in API Level 8)</li>

 94          * </ul>

 95          *

 96          * @param c the application environment

 97          * @param attrs the set of attributes from which to extract the layout

 98          *              parameters' values

 99          */

100         public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {

101             TypedArray a = c.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ViewGroup_Layout);

102             setBaseAttributes(a,

103                     R.styleable.ViewGroup_Layout_layout_width,

104                     R.styleable.ViewGroup_Layout_layout_height);

105             a.recycle();

106         }


108         /**

109          * Creates a new set of layout parameters with the specified width

110          * and height.

111          *

112          * @param width the width, either {@link #WRAP_CONTENT},

113          *        {@link #FILL_PARENT} (replaced by {@link #MATCH_PARENT} in

114          *        API Level 8), or a fixed size in pixels

115          * @param height the height, either {@link #WRAP_CONTENT},

116          *        {@link #FILL_PARENT} (replaced by {@link #MATCH_PARENT} in

117          *        API Level 8), or a fixed size in pixels

118          */

119         public LayoutParams(int width, int height) {

120             this.width = width;

121             this.height = height;

122         }


124         /**

125          * Copy constructor. Clones the width and height values of the source.

126          *

127          * @param source The layout params to copy from.

128          */

129         public LayoutParams(LayoutParams source) {

130             this.width = source.width;

131             this.height = source.height;

132         }


134         /**

135          * Used internally by MarginLayoutParams.

136          * @hide

137          */

138         LayoutParams() {

139         }


141         /**

142          * Extracts the layout parameters from the supplied attributes.

143          *

144          * @param a the style attributes to extract the parameters from

145          * @param widthAttr the identifier of the width attribute

146          * @param heightAttr the identifier of the height attribute

147          */

148         protected void setBaseAttributes(TypedArray a, int widthAttr, int heightAttr) {

149             width = a.getLayoutDimension(widthAttr, "layout_width");

150             height = a.getLayoutDimension(heightAttr, "layout_height");

151         }


153         /**

154          * Resolve layout parameters depending on the layout direction. Subclasses that care about

155          * layoutDirection changes should override this method. The default implementation does

156          * nothing.

157          *

158          * @param layoutDirection the direction of the layout

159          *

160          * {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}

161          * {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL}

162          */

163         public void resolveLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {

164         }


166         /**

167          * Returns a String representation of this set of layout parameters.

168          *

169          * @param output the String to prepend to the internal representation

170          * @return a String with the following format: output +

171          *         "ViewGroup.LayoutParams={ width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT }"

172          *

173          * @hide

174          */

175         public String debug(String output) {

176             return output + "ViewGroup.LayoutParams={ width="

177                     + sizeToString(width) + ", height=" + sizeToString(height) + " }";

178         }


180         /**

181          * Use {@code canvas} to draw suitable debugging annotations for these LayoutParameters.

182          *

183          * @param view the view that contains these layout parameters

184          * @param canvas the canvas on which to draw

185          *

186          * @hide

187          */

188         public void onDebugDraw(View view, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {

189         }


191         /**

192          * Converts the specified size to a readable String.

193          *

194          * @param size the size to convert

195          * @return a String instance representing the supplied size

196          *

197          * @hide

198          */

199         protected static String sizeToString(int size) {

200             if (size == WRAP_CONTENT) {

201                 return "wrap-content";

202             }

203             if (size == MATCH_PARENT) {

204                 return "match-parent";

205             }

206             return String.valueOf(size);

207         }

208     }
View Code



  1 /**

  2      * Per-child layout information for layouts that support margins.

  3      * See

  4      * {@link android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout ViewGroup Margin Layout Attributes}

  5      * for a list of all child view attributes that this class supports.

  6      */

  7     public static class MarginLayoutParams extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams {

  8         /**

  9          * The left margin in pixels of the child.

 10          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 11          * to this field.

 12          */

 13         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 14         public int leftMargin;


 16         /**

 17          * The top margin in pixels of the child.

 18          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 19          * to this field.

 20          */

 21         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 22         public int topMargin;


 24         /**

 25          * The right margin in pixels of the child.

 26          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 27          * to this field.

 28          */

 29         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 30         public int rightMargin;


 32         /**

 33          * The bottom margin in pixels of the child.

 34          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 35          * to this field.

 36          */

 37         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 38         public int bottomMargin;


 40         /**

 41          * The start margin in pixels of the child.

 42          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 43          * to this field.

 44          */

 45         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 46         private int startMargin = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE;


 48         /**

 49          * The end margin in pixels of the child.

 50          * Call {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutParams(LayoutParams)} after reassigning a new value

 51          * to this field.

 52          */

 53         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 54         private int endMargin = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE;


 56         /**

 57          * The default start and end margin.

 58          * @hide

 59          */

 60         public static final int DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;


 62         /**

 63          * Bit  0: layout direction

 64          * Bit  1: layout direction

 65          * Bit  2: left margin undefined

 66          * Bit  3: right margin undefined

 67          * Bit  4: is RTL compatibility mode

 68          * Bit  5: need resolution

 69          *

 70          * Bit 6 to 7 not used

 71          *

 72          * @hide

 73          */

 74         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", flagMapping = {

 75                 @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK,

 76                         equals = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK, name = "LAYOUT_DIRECTION"),

 77                 @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK,

 78                         equals = LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK, name = "LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK"),

 79                 @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK,

 80                         equals = RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK, name = "RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK"),

 81                 @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK,

 82                         equals = RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK, name = "RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK"),

 83                 @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK,

 84                         equals = NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK, name = "NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK")

 85         })

 86         byte mMarginFlags;


 88         private static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK = 0x00000003;

 89         private static final int LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK = 0x00000004;

 90         private static final int RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK = 0x00000008;

 91         private static final int RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK = 0x00000010;

 92         private static final int NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK = 0x00000020;


 94         private static final int DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED = 0;

 95         private static final int UNDEFINED_MARGIN = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE;


 97         /**

 98          * Creates a new set of layout parameters. The values are extracted from

 99          * the supplied attributes set and context.

100          *

101          * @param c the application environment

102          * @param attrs the set of attributes from which to extract the layout

103          *              parameters' values

104          */

105         public MarginLayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {

106             super();


108             TypedArray a = c.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout);

109             setBaseAttributes(a,

110                     R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_width,

111                     R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_height);


113             int margin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

114                     com.android.internal.R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_margin, -1);

115             if (margin >= 0) {

116                 leftMargin = margin;

117                 topMargin = margin;

118                 rightMargin= margin;

119                 bottomMargin = margin;

120             } else {

121                 leftMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

122                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginLeft,

123                         UNDEFINED_MARGIN);

124                 if (leftMargin == UNDEFINED_MARGIN) {

125                     mMarginFlags |= LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

126                     leftMargin = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

127                 }

128                 rightMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

129                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginRight,

130                         UNDEFINED_MARGIN);

131                 if (rightMargin == UNDEFINED_MARGIN) {

132                     mMarginFlags |= RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

133                     rightMargin = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

134                 }


136                 topMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

137                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginTop,

138                         DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED);

139                 bottomMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

140                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginBottom,

141                         DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED);


143                 startMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

144                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginStart,

145                         DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE);

146                 endMargin = a.getDimensionPixelSize(

147                         R.styleable.ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginEnd,

148                         DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE);


150                 if (isMarginRelative()) {

151                    mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

152                 }

153             }


155             final boolean hasRtlSupport = c.getApplicationInfo().hasRtlSupport();

156             final int targetSdkVersion = c.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;

157             if (targetSdkVersion < JELLY_BEAN_MR1 || !hasRtlSupport) {

158                 mMarginFlags |= RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK;

159             }


161             // Layout direction is LTR by default

162             mMarginFlags |= LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR;


164             a.recycle();

165         }


167         /**

168          * {@inheritDoc}

169          */

170         public MarginLayoutParams(int width, int height) {

171             super(width, height);


173             mMarginFlags |= LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

174             mMarginFlags |= RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;


176             mMarginFlags &= ~NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

177             mMarginFlags &= ~RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK;

178         }


180         /**

181          * Copy constructor. Clones the width, height and margin values of the source.

182          *

183          * @param source The layout params to copy from.

184          */

185         public MarginLayoutParams(MarginLayoutParams source) {

186             this.width = source.width;

187             this.height = source.height;


189             this.leftMargin = source.leftMargin;

190             this.topMargin = source.topMargin;

191             this.rightMargin = source.rightMargin;

192             this.bottomMargin = source.bottomMargin;

193             this.startMargin = source.startMargin;

194             this.endMargin = source.endMargin;


196             this.mMarginFlags = source.mMarginFlags;

197         }


199         /**

200          * {@inheritDoc}

201          */

202         public MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams source) {

203             super(source);


205             mMarginFlags |= LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

206             mMarginFlags |= RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;


208             mMarginFlags &= ~NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

209             mMarginFlags &= ~RTL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_MASK;

210         }


212         /**

213          * Sets the margins, in pixels. A call to {@link android.view.View#requestLayout()} needs

214          * to be done so that the new margins are taken into account. Left and right margins may be

215          * overriden by {@link android.view.View#requestLayout()} depending on layout direction.

216          *

217          * @param left the left margin size

218          * @param top the top margin size

219          * @param right the right margin size

220          * @param bottom the bottom margin size

221          *

222          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginLeft

223          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginTop

224          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginRight

225          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginBottom

226          */

227         public void setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {

228             leftMargin = left;

229             topMargin = top;

230             rightMargin = right;

231             bottomMargin = bottom;

232             mMarginFlags &= ~LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

233             mMarginFlags &= ~RIGHT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK;

234             if (isMarginRelative()) {

235                 mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

236             } else {

237                 mMarginFlags &= ~NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

238             }

239         }


241         /**

242          * Sets the relative margins, in pixels. A call to {@link android.view.View#requestLayout()}

243          * needs to be done so that the new relative margins are taken into account. Left and right

244          * margins may be overriden by {@link android.view.View#requestLayout()} depending on layout

245          * direction.

246          *

247          * @param start the start margin size

248          * @param top the top margin size

249          * @param end the right margin size

250          * @param bottom the bottom margin size

251          *

252          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginStart

253          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginTop

254          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginEnd

255          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginBottom

256          *

257          * @hide

258          */

259         public void setMarginsRelative(int start, int top, int end, int bottom) {

260             startMargin = start;

261             topMargin = top;

262             endMargin = end;

263             bottomMargin = bottom;

264             mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

265         }


267         /**

268          * Sets the relative start margin.

269          *

270          * @param start the start margin size

271          *

272          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginStart

273          */

274         public void setMarginStart(int start) {

275             startMargin = start;

276             mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

277         }


279         /**

280          * Returns the start margin in pixels.

281          *

282          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginStart

283          *

284          * @return the start margin in pixels.

285          */

286         public int getMarginStart() {

287             if (startMargin != DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) return startMargin;

288             if ((mMarginFlags & NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) == NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) {

289                 doResolveMargins();

290             }

291             switch(mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) {

292                 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:

293                     return rightMargin;

294                 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:

295                 default:

296                     return leftMargin;

297             }

298         }


300         /**

301          * Sets the relative end margin.

302          *

303          * @param end the end margin size

304          *

305          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginEnd

306          */

307         public void setMarginEnd(int end) {

308             endMargin = end;

309             mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

310         }


312         /**

313          * Returns the end margin in pixels.

314          *

315          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginEnd

316          *

317          * @return the end margin in pixels.

318          */

319         public int getMarginEnd() {

320             if (endMargin != DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) return endMargin;

321             if ((mMarginFlags & NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) == NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) {

322                 doResolveMargins();

323             }

324             switch(mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) {

325                 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:

326                     return leftMargin;

327                 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:

328                 default:

329                     return rightMargin;

330             }

331         }


333         /**

334          * Check if margins are relative.

335          *

336          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginStart

337          * @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginEnd

338          *

339          * @return true if either marginStart or marginEnd has been set.

340          */

341         public boolean isMarginRelative() {

342             return (startMargin != DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE || endMargin != DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE);

343         }


345         /**

346          * Set the layout direction

347          * @param layoutDirection the layout direction.

348          *        Should be either {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}

349          *                     or {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL}.

350          */

351         public void setLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {

352             if (layoutDirection != View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR &&

353                     layoutDirection != View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) return;

354             if (layoutDirection != (mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK)) {

355                 mMarginFlags &= ~LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK;

356                 mMarginFlags |= (layoutDirection & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK);

357                 if (isMarginRelative()) {

358                     mMarginFlags |= NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

359                 } else {

360                     mMarginFlags &= ~NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

361                 }

362             }

363         }


365         /**

366          * Retuns the layout direction. Can be either {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR} or

367          * {@link View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL}.

368          *

369          * @return the layout direction.

370          */

371         public int getLayoutDirection() {

372             return (mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK);

373         }


375         /**

376          * This will be called by {@link android.view.View#requestLayout()}. Left and Right margins

377          * may be overridden depending on layout direction.

378          */

379         @Override

380         public void resolveLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {

381             setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);


383             // No relative margin or pre JB-MR1 case or no need to resolve, just dont do anything

384             // Will use the left and right margins if no relative margin is defined.

385             if (!isMarginRelative() ||

386                     (mMarginFlags & NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) != NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK) return;


388             // Proceed with resolution

389             doResolveMargins();

390         }


392         private void doResolveMargins() {


394                 // if left or right margins are not defined and if we have some start or end margin

395                 // defined then use those start and end margins.

396                 if ((mMarginFlags & LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK) == LEFT_MARGIN_UNDEFINED_MASK

397                         && startMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) {

398                     leftMargin = startMargin;

399                 }


401                         && endMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) {

402                     rightMargin = endMargin;

403                 }

404             } else {

405                 // We have some relative margins (either the start one or the end one or both). So use

406                 // them and override what has been defined for left and right margins. If either start

407                 // or end margin is not defined, just set it to default "0".

408                 switch(mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) {

409                     case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:

410                         leftMargin = (endMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) ?

411                                 endMargin : DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

412                         rightMargin = (startMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) ?

413                                 startMargin : DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

414                         break;

415                     case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:

416                     default:

417                         leftMargin = (startMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) ?

418                                 startMargin : DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

419                         rightMargin = (endMargin > DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE) ?

420                                 endMargin : DEFAULT_MARGIN_RESOLVED;

421                         break;

422                 }

423             }

424             mMarginFlags &= ~NEED_RESOLUTION_MASK;

425         }


427         /**

428          * @hide

429          */

430         public boolean isLayoutRtl() {

431             return ((mMarginFlags & LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL);

432         }


434         /**

435          * @hide

436          */

437         @Override

438         public void onDebugDraw(View view, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {

439             Insets oi = isLayoutModeOptical(view.mParent) ? view.getOpticalInsets() : Insets.NONE;


441             fillDifference(canvas,

442                     view.getLeft()   + oi.left,

443                     view.getTop()    + oi.top,

444                     view.getRight()  - oi.right,

445                     view.getBottom() - oi.bottom,

446                     leftMargin,

447                     topMargin,

448                     rightMargin,

449                     bottomMargin,

450                     paint);

451         }

452     }
View Code



  1 public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams {

  2         /**

  3          * Indicates how much of the extra space in the LinearLayout will be

  4          * allocated to the view associated with these LayoutParams. Specify

  5          * 0 if the view should not be stretched. Otherwise the extra pixels

  6          * will be pro-rated among all views whose weight is greater than 0.

  7          */

  8         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

  9         public float weight;


 11         /**

 12          * Gravity for the view associated with these LayoutParams.

 13          *

 14          * @see android.view.Gravity

 15          */

 16         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", mapping = {

 17             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from =  -1,                       to = "NONE"),

 18             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.NO_GRAVITY,        to = "NONE"),

 19             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.TOP,               to = "TOP"),

 20             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.BOTTOM,            to = "BOTTOM"),

 21             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.LEFT,              to = "LEFT"),

 22             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.RIGHT,             to = "RIGHT"),

 23             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.START,            to = "START"),

 24             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.END,             to = "END"),

 25             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL,   to = "CENTER_VERTICAL"),

 26             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.FILL_VERTICAL,     to = "FILL_VERTICAL"),

 27             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, to = "CENTER_HORIZONTAL"),

 28             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL,   to = "FILL_HORIZONTAL"),

 29             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.CENTER,            to = "CENTER"),

 30             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Gravity.FILL,              to = "FILL")

 31         })

 32         public int gravity = -1;


 34         /**

 35          * {@inheritDoc}

 36          */

 37         public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {

 38             super(c, attrs);

 39             TypedArray a =

 40                     c.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, com.android.internal.R.styleable.LinearLayout_Layout);


 42             weight = a.getFloat(com.android.internal.R.styleable.LinearLayout_Layout_layout_weight, 0);

 43             gravity = a.getInt(com.android.internal.R.styleable.LinearLayout_Layout_layout_gravity, -1);


 45             a.recycle();

 46         }


 48         /**

 49          * {@inheritDoc}

 50          */

 51         public LayoutParams(int width, int height) {

 52             super(width, height);

 53             weight = 0;

 54         }


 56         /**

 57          * Creates a new set of layout parameters with the specified width, height

 58          * and weight.

 59          *

 60          * @param width the width, either {@link #MATCH_PARENT},

 61          *        {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed size in pixels

 62          * @param height the height, either {@link #MATCH_PARENT},

 63          *        {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed size in pixels

 64          * @param weight the weight

 65          */

 66         public LayoutParams(int width, int height, float weight) {

 67             super(width, height);

 68             this.weight = weight;

 69         }


 71         /**

 72          * {@inheritDoc}

 73          */

 74         public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {

 75             super(p);

 76         }


 78         /**

 79          * {@inheritDoc}

 80          */

 81         public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams source) {

 82             super(source);

 83         }


 85         /**

 86          * Copy constructor. Clones the width, height, margin values, weight,

 87          * and gravity of the source.

 88          *

 89          * @param source The layout params to copy from.

 90          */

 91         public LayoutParams(LayoutParams source) {

 92             super(source);


 94             this.weight = source.weight;

 95             this.gravity = source.gravity;

 96         }


 98         @Override

 99         public String debug(String output) {

100             return output + "LinearLayout.LayoutParams={width=" + sizeToString(width) +

101                     ", height=" + sizeToString(height) + " weight=" + weight +  "}";

102         }

103     }

很显然它继承自ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams,而且添加了自己独有的几个 属性,比如weight、gravity,同时继承得到了width、height、margin等属性,所以,LinearLayout的子view就可以使用这些属性。


  1 public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams {

  2         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", resolveId = true, indexMapping = {

  3             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ABOVE,               to = "above"),

  4             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_BASELINE,      to = "alignBaseline"),

  5             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_BOTTOM,        to = "alignBottom"),

  6             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_LEFT,          to = "alignLeft"),

  7             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM, to = "alignParentBottom"),

  8             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT,   to = "alignParentLeft"),

  9             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT,  to = "alignParentRight"),

 10             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_TOP,    to = "alignParentTop"),

 11             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_RIGHT,         to = "alignRight"),

 12             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_TOP,           to = "alignTop"),

 13             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = BELOW,               to = "below"),

 14             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = CENTER_HORIZONTAL,   to = "centerHorizontal"),

 15             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = CENTER_IN_PARENT,    to = "center"),

 16             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = CENTER_VERTICAL,     to = "centerVertical"),

 17             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LEFT_OF,             to = "leftOf"),

 18             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = RIGHT_OF,            to = "rightOf"),

 19             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_START,         to = "alignStart"),

 20             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_END,           to = "alignEnd"),

 21             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_START,  to = "alignParentStart"),

 22             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ALIGN_PARENT_END,    to = "alignParentEnd"),

 23             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = START_OF,            to = "startOf"),

 24             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = END_OF,              to = "endOf")

 25         }, mapping = {

 26             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TRUE, to = "true"),

 27             @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = 0,    to = "false/NO_ID")

 28         })


 30         private int[] mRules = new int[VERB_COUNT];

 31         private int[] mInitialRules = new int[VERB_COUNT];


 33         private int mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom;


 35         private int mStart = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE;

 36         private int mEnd = DEFAULT_MARGIN_RELATIVE;


 38         private boolean mRulesChanged = false;

 39         private boolean mIsRtlCompatibilityMode = false;


 41         /**

 42          * When true, uses the parent as the anchor if the anchor doesn't exist or if

 43          * the anchor's visibility is GONE.

 44          */

 45         @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout")

 46         public boolean alignWithParent;


 48         public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {

 49             super(c, attrs);


 51             TypedArray a = c.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,

 52                     com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout);


 54             final int targetSdkVersion = c.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;

 55             mIsRtlCompatibilityMode = (targetSdkVersion < JELLY_BEAN_MR1 ||

 56                     !c.getApplicationInfo().hasRtlSupport());


 58             final int[] rules = mRules;

 59             //noinspection MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray

 60             final int[] initialRules = mInitialRules;


 62             final int N = a.getIndexCount();

 63             for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

 64                 int attr = a.getIndex(i);

 65                 switch (attr) {

 66                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignWithParentIfMissing:

 67                         alignWithParent = a.getBoolean(attr, false);

 68                         break;

 69                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toLeftOf:

 70                         rules[LEFT_OF] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 71                         break;

 72                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toRightOf:

 73                         rules[RIGHT_OF] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 74                         break;

 75                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_above:

 76                         rules[ABOVE] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 77                         break;

 78                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_below:

 79                         rules[BELOW] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 80                         break;

 81                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignBaseline:

 82                         rules[ALIGN_BASELINE] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 83                         break;

 84                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignLeft:

 85                         rules[ALIGN_LEFT] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 86                         break;

 87                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignTop:

 88                         rules[ALIGN_TOP] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 89                         break;

 90                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignRight:

 91                         rules[ALIGN_RIGHT] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 92                         break;

 93                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignBottom:

 94                         rules[ALIGN_BOTTOM] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

 95                         break;

 96                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentLeft:

 97                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

 98                         break;

 99                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentTop:

100                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_TOP] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

101                         break;

102                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentRight:

103                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

104                         break;

105                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentBottom:

106                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

107                         break;

108                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerInParent:

109                         rules[CENTER_IN_PARENT] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

110                         break;

111                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerHorizontal:

112                         rules[CENTER_HORIZONTAL] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

113                         break;

114                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerVertical:

115                         rules[CENTER_VERTICAL] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

116                        break;

117                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toStartOf:

118                         rules[START_OF] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

119                         break;

120                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toEndOf:

121                         rules[END_OF] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

122                         break;

123                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignStart:

124                         rules[ALIGN_START] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

125                         break;

126                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignEnd:

127                         rules[ALIGN_END] = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);

128                         break;

129                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentStart:

130                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_START] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

131                         break;

132                     case com.android.internal.R.styleable.RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentEnd:

133                         rules[ALIGN_PARENT_END] = a.getBoolean(attr, false) ? TRUE : 0;

134                         break;

135                 }

136             }

137             mRulesChanged = true;

138             System.arraycopy(rules, LEFT_OF, initialRules, LEFT_OF, VERB_COUNT);


140             a.recycle();

141         }



 1 @Override

 2     public ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) {

 3         //Log.e(TAG, "generateLayoutParams attrs");

 4         return new MarginLayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);

 5     }


 7     @Override

 8     protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {

 9         //Log.e(TAG, "generateDefaultLayoutParams");

10         return new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);

11     }


13     @Override

14     protected boolean checkLayoutParams(LayoutParams p) {

15         return super.checkLayoutParams(p);

16     }


18     @Override

19     protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {

20         //Log.e(TAG, "generateLayoutParams p");

21         return new MarginLayoutParams(p);

22     }

也就是说,我根本就没重写自己的LayoutParams。所以在generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs)方法中,返回了ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams对象,这个方法会被调用,但是什么时候调用,我们在接下来的文章中接着分析。
