WIN7下运行hadoop程序报:Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

    之前在mac上调试hadoop程序(mac之前配置过hadoop环境)一直都是正常的。因为工作需要,需要在windows上先调试该程序,然后再转到linux下。程序运行的过程中,报Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.

  通过断点调试、查看源码发现程序需要根据HADOOP_HOME找到winutils.exe,由于win机器并没有配置该环境变量,所以程序报 null\bin\winutils.exe。


 private static String checkHadoopHome() {

    // first check the Dflag hadoop.home.dir with JVM scope

    String home = System.getProperty("hadoop.home.dir");

    // fall back to the system/user-global env variable

    if (home == null) {

      home = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");


    try {

       // couldn't find either setting for hadoop's home directory

       if (home == null) {

         throw new IOException("HADOOP_HOME or hadoop.home.dir are not set.");


       if (home.startsWith("\"") && home.endsWith("\"")) {

         home = home.substring(1, home.length()-1);


       // check that the home setting is actually a directory that exists

       File homedir = new File(home);

       if (!homedir.isAbsolute() || !homedir.exists() || !homedir.isDirectory()) {

         throw new IOException("Hadoop home directory " + homedir

           + " does not exist, is not a directory, or is not an absolute path.");


       home = homedir.getCanonicalPath();

    } catch (IOException ioe) {

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {

        LOG.debug("Failed to detect a valid hadoop home directory", ioe);


      home = null;


    return home;


  private static String HADOOP_HOME_DIR = checkHadoopHome();

public static final String getQualifiedBinPath(String executable) 

  throws IOException {

    // construct hadoop bin path to the specified executable

    String fullExeName = HADOOP_HOME_DIR + File.separator + "bin" 

      + File.separator + executable;

    File exeFile = new File(fullExeName);

    if (!exeFile.exists()) {

      throw new IOException("Could not locate executable " + fullExeName

        + " in the Hadoop binaries.");


    return exeFile.getCanonicalPath();


  /** a Windows utility to emulate Unix commands */

  public static final String WINUTILS = getWinUtilsPath();

  public static final String getWinUtilsPath() {

    String winUtilsPath = null;

    try {

      if (WINDOWS) {

        winUtilsPath = getQualifiedBinPath("winutils.exe");


    } catch (IOException ioe) {

       LOG.error("Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path",



    return winUtilsPath;






  增加用户变量HADOOP_HOME,值是下载的zip包解压的目录,然后在系统变量path里增加$HADOOP_HOME\bin 即可。  


