UVA12305 Polishing a Extruded Polygon 多面体切割 [Rujia Liu's Presents, Dedicated to Geometry and CG Lovers]





UVA12305 Polishing a Extruded Polygon 多面体切割 [Rujia Liu's Presents, Dedicated to Geometry and CG Lovers]









View Code
  1 #include<stdio.h>

  2 #include<string.h>

  3 #include<stdlib.h>

  4 #include<math.h>

  5 #include<vector>

  6 #include<list>

  7 #include<algorithm>

  8 #include<iostream>

  9 using namespace std;

 10 const int maxn = 3011;

 11 const double eps = 1e-8;

 12 inline int dcmp(double x)

 13 {

 14     return x > eps ? 1 : (x < -eps ? -1 : 0);

 15 }

 16 inline double pz(double x)

 17 {

 18     return dcmp(x) ? x : 0;

 19 }

 20 /******************************************************************************/

 21 //定义三维点

 22 struct Point3

 23 {

 24     double x, y, z;

 25     Point3()

 26     {

 27         x = y = z = 0;

 28     }

 29     Point3(double a, double b, double c)

 30     {

 31         x = a, y = b, z = c;

 32     }

 33     Point3 cross(Point3 p)

 34     {

 35         return Point3(y * p.z - p.y * z,

 36                       z * p.x - x * p.z,

 37                       x * p.y - y * p.x);

 38     }

 39     double dot(Point3 p)

 40     {

 41         return x * p.x + y * p.y + z * p.z;

 42     }

 43     Point3 operator-(const Point3 &p)const

 44     {

 45         return Point3(x - p.x, y - p.y, z - p.z);

 46     }

 47     Point3 operator-()const

 48     {

 49         return Point3(-x, -y, -z);

 50     }

 51     Point3 operator+(const Point3 &p)const

 52     {

 53         return Point3(x + p.x, y + p.y, z + p.z);

 54     }

 55     Point3 operator*(const double b)const

 56     {

 57         return Point3(x * b, y * b, z * b);

 58     }

 59     bool operator==(const Point3 &p)const

 60     {

 61         return !dcmp(x - p.x) && !dcmp(y - p.y) && !dcmp(z - p.z);

 62     }

 63     bool operator!=(const Point3 &p)const

 64     {

 65         return !(*this == p);

 66     }

 67     bool operator<(const Point3 &p)const

 68     {

 69         if(!dcmp(x - p.x))

 70         {

 71             if(!dcmp(y - p.y))

 72                 return dcmp(z - p.z) < 0;

 73             return dcmp(y - p.y) < 0;

 74         }

 75         return dcmp(x - p.x) < 0;

 76     }

 77     bool operator>(const Point3 &p)const

 78     {

 79         return p < *this;

 80     }

 81     bool operator>=(const Point3 &p)const

 82     {

 83         return !(*this < p);

 84     }

 85     bool operator<=(const Point3 &p)const

 86     {

 87         return !(*this > p);

 88     }

 89     Point3 fxl(Point3 b, Point3 c)//平面法向量

 90     {

 91         return (*this - b).cross(b - c);

 92     }

 93     double Dis(Point3 b)

 94     {

 95         return sqrt((*this - b).dot(*this - b));

 96     }

 97     double vlen()

 98     {

 99         return sqrt(dot(*this));

100     }

101     bool PinLine(Point3 b, Point3 c)//三点共线

102     {

103         return fxl(b, c).vlen() < eps;

104     }

105     bool PonPlane(Point3 b, Point3 c, Point3 d)//四点共面

106     {

107         return !dcmp(fxl(b, c).dot(d - *this));

108     }

109     bool PonSeg(Point3 b, Point3 c)//点在线段上,包括端点

110     {

111         return !dcmp((*this - b).cross(*this - c).vlen()) &&

112                (*this - b).dot(*this - c) <= 0;

113     }

114     bool PinSeg(Point3 b, Point3 c)//点在线段上,不包括端点

115     {

116         return PonSeg(b, c) && *this != b && *this != c;

117     }

118     double PtoLine(Point3 b, Point3 c)//点到直线距离

119     {

120         return (*this - b).cross(c - b).vlen() / b.Dis(c);

121     }

122     double PtoPlane(Point3 b, Point3 c, Point3 d)//点到平面距离

123     {

124         return fabs(b.fxl(c, d).dot(*this - b)) / b.fxl(c, d).vlen();

125     }

126 };

127 /******************************************************************************/

128 //定义平面+空间平面凸包

129 struct Plane

130 {

131     double a, b, c, d;

132     bool outplane;//计入表面积的面

133     vector<Point3> p;

134     Plane()

135     {

136         a = b = c = d = 0, outplane = false;

137         p.clear();

138     }

139     inline void init(double a_, double b_, double c_, double d_)

140     {

141         a = a_, b = b_, c = c_, d = d_;

142         p.clear();

143     }

144     inline void init(Point3 pa, Point3 pb, Point3 pc)

145     {

146         Point3 t = (pa - pb).cross(pa - pc);

147         a = t.x, b = t.y, c = t.z;

148         d = -(pa.x * t.x + pa.y * t.y + pa.z * t.z);

149         p.clear();

150     }

151     Plane(double a_, double b_, double c_, double d_)

152     {

153         init(a_, b_, c_, d_);

154     }

155     Plane(Point3 pa, Point3 pb, Point3 pc)

156     {

157         init(pa, pb, pc);

158     }

159     double PtoPlane(const Point3 &pa)const//点面距离

160     {

161         return fabs(Sub(pa)) / sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);

162     }

163     double Sub(const Point3 &p)const//点代入方程

164     {

165         return p.x * a + p.y * b + p.z * c + d;

166     }

167     Point3 PcrossPlane(Point3 a, Point3 b)

168     {

169         return a + (b - a) * (PtoPlane(a) / (PtoPlane(a) + PtoPlane(b)));

170     }

171     int Parallel(Plane pl)//面平行

172     {

173         if(!dcmp(a * pl.b - b * pl.a) && !dcmp(a * pl.c - c * pl.a) && !dcmp(b * pl.c - c * pl.b))

174             return dcmp(pl.Sub(p[0])) > 0 ? 1 : -1;

175         return 0;

176     }

177     bool Cut(Plane &pl)//平面切割

178     {

179         switch(Parallel(pl))

180         {

181         case -1:

182             return true;

183         case 1:

184             return false;

185         }

186         int i, j, k, n = p.size();

187         bool flag1, flag2;

188         Point3 p1, p2;

189         vector<Point3> ret;

190         for(i = flag1 = flag2 = 0; i < n; ++ i)

191         {

192             flag1 |= pl.Sub(p[i]) < 0;

193             flag2 |= pl.Sub(p[i]) > 0;

194         }

195         if(flag1 != flag2) return flag1;

196         if(!flag1) return true;

197         for(i = 0; pl.Sub(p[i]) >= 0; ++ i);

198         for(; pl.Sub(p[i]) < 0; i = (i + 1) % n);

199         for(j = i; pl.Sub(p[j]) >= 0; j = (j + 1) % n);

200         for(k = j; k != i; k = (k + 1) % n)

201             ret.push_back(p[k]);

202         p1 = pl.PcrossPlane(p[i], p[(i + n - 1) % n]);

203         p2 = pl.PcrossPlane(p[j], p[(j + n - 1) % n]);

204         ret.push_back(p1), ret.push_back(p2);

205         p = ret;

206         pl.p.push_back(p1), pl.p.push_back(p2);

207         return true;

208     }

209     void Graham()//求空间平面凸包

210     {

211         int len, i, n, top = 1;

212         vector<Point3> res;

213         Point3 fx(a, b, c);

214         sort(p.begin(), p.end());

215         vector<Point3>::iterator iter = unique(p.begin(), p.end());

216         p.erase(iter, p.end());

217         n = p.size();

218         res.push_back(p[0]), res.push_back(p[1]);

219         for(i = 2; i < n; ++ i)

220         {

221             while(top && dcmp((res[top] - res[top - 1]).cross(p[i] - res[top]).dot(fx)) <= 0)

222                 res.pop_back(), -- top;

223             res.push_back(p[i]), ++ top;

224         }

225         len = top;

226         res.push_back(p[n - 2]), ++ top;

227         for(i = n - 3; i >= 0; -- i)

228         {

229             while(top != len && dcmp((res[top] - res[top - 1]).cross(p[i] - res[top]).dot(fx)) <= 0)

230                 res.pop_back(), -- top;

231             res.push_back(p[i]), ++ top;

232         }

233         res.pop_back();

234         p = res;

235     }

236     double PolygonArea()//空间平面凸包面积

237     {

238         int n = p.size();

239         double ret = 0;

240         for(int i = 2; i < n; ++ i)

241             ret += (p[i - 1] - p[0]).cross(p[i] - p[0]).vlen();

242         return ret * 0.5;

243     }

244 };

245 /******************************************************************************/

246 //定义变量

247 struct Polyhedron//立方体面集合

248 {

249     list<Plane> pl;

250 };

251 list<Polyhedron> pol;

252 int n, h, m;//点个数,高度,切割次数

253 struct PointChain

254 {

255     Point3 p;

256     int pre, nex;

257     bool outside;//标记发向nex的边为外部边,抬起的面计入总面积

258 } PC[maxn];

259 /******************************************************************************/

260 //判相交,辅助判断三角剖分合法性

261 inline double det(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)

262 {

263     return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;

264 }

265 inline double cross2(Point3 a, Point3 b, Point3 c)//平面叉积

266 {

267     return det(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y, c.x - a.x, c.y - a.y);

268 }

269 inline bool SegCross(Point3 u1, Point3 u2, Point3 v1, Point3 v2)

270 {

271     return ((dcmp(cross2(u1, u2, v1)) ^ dcmp(cross2(u1, u2, v2))) == -2 &&

272             (dcmp(cross2(v1, v2, u1)) ^ dcmp(cross2(v1, v2, u2))) == -2) ||

273            ((v1.PinSeg(u1, u2) || v2.PinSeg(u1, u2)) &&

274             (u1.PonSeg(v1, v2) || u2.PonSeg(v1, v2))) ||

275            ((v1.PonSeg(u1, u2) || v2.PonSeg(u1, u2)) &&

276             (u1.PinSeg(v1, v2) || u2.PinSeg(v1, v2)));

277 }

278 /******************************************************************************/

279 bool CanDo(int s, int e)

280 {

281     int tp = PC[s].nex;

282     while(tp != s)

283     {

284         if(SegCross(PC[s].p, PC[e].p, PC[tp].p, PC[PC[tp].pre].p))

285             return false;

286         tp = PC[tp].nex;

287     }

288     return true;

289 }

290 void AddPolyhedron(int A, int B, int C)

291 {

292     Polyhedron t;

293     Plane pl;

294     Point3 a = PC[A].p, b = PC[B].p, c = PC[C].p;

295     Point3 a_ = Point3(a.x, a.y, h), b_ = Point3(b.x, b.y, h), c_ = Point3(c.x, c.y, h);

296     pl.init(a, b, c);

297     pl.p.push_back(a);

298     pl.p.push_back(b);

299     pl.p.push_back(c);

300     pl.outplane = true;

301     t.pl.push_front(pl);

302     pl.init(a_, b_, c_);

303     pl.p.push_back(a_);

304     pl.p.push_back(b_);

305     pl.p.push_back(c_);

306     t.pl.push_front(pl);

307     pl.init(a, b, b_);

308     pl.p.push_back(a);

309     pl.p.push_back(b);

310     pl.p.push_back(b_);

311     pl.p.push_back(a_);

312     pl.outplane = PC[A].outside, PC[A].outside = false;

313     t.pl.push_front(pl);

314     pl.init(b, c, c_);

315     pl.p.push_back(b);

316     pl.p.push_back(c);

317     pl.p.push_back(c_);

318     pl.p.push_back(b_);

319     pl.outplane = PC[B].outside, PC[B].outside = false;

320     t.pl.push_front(pl);

321     pl.init(c, a, a_);

322     pl.p.push_back(c);

323     pl.p.push_back(a);

324     pl.p.push_back(a_);

325     pl.p.push_back(c_);

326     if(PC[C].nex == A && PC[C].outside)

327         pl.outplane = true, PC[C].outside = false;

328     else pl.outplane = false;

329     t.pl.push_front(pl);

330     pol.push_front(t);

331 }

332 void Triangulation()//循环枚举相邻三点划分三角形

333 {

334     int tp = 0;

335     while(PC[PC[tp].nex].nex != tp)

336     {

337         while(dcmp(cross2(PC[tp].p, PC[PC[tp].nex].p, PC[PC[PC[tp].nex].nex].p)) <= 0 || 

338             !CanDo(tp, PC[PC[tp].nex].nex)) tp = PC[tp].nex;

339         AddPolyhedron(tp, PC[tp].nex, PC[PC[tp].nex].nex);

340         PC[PC[PC[tp].nex].nex].pre = tp;

341         PC[tp].nex = PC[PC[tp].nex].nex;

342     }

343 }

344 void init()

345 {

346     double x, y;

347     int i, tp;

348     pol.clear();

349     for(i = 0; i < n; ++ i)

350     {

351         scanf("%lf%lf", &x, &y);

352         PC[i].p = Point3(x, y, 0);

353         PC[i].pre = i - 1;

354         PC[i].nex = i + 1;

355         PC[i].outside = true;

356     }

357     PC[0].pre = n - 1, PC[n - 1].nex = 0;

358     Triangulation();

359 }

360 /******************************************************************************/

361 list<Polyhedron>::iterator iti;

362 list<Plane>::iterator itj;

363 double CalSumVol()//求总体积

364 {

365     double ans = 0;

366     Point3 tmp;

367     for(iti = pol.begin(); iti != pol.end(); ++ iti)

368     {

369         for(itj = (*iti).pl.begin(), tmp = (*itj).p[0]; itj != (*iti).pl.end(); ++ itj)

370             ans += (*itj).PolygonArea() * (*itj).PtoPlane(tmp);

371     }

372     return ans / 3;

373 }

374 double CalSumArea()//求总面积

375 {

376     double ans = 0;

377     for(iti = pol.begin(); iti != pol.end(); ++ iti)

378         for(itj = (*iti).pl.begin(); itj != (*iti).pl.end(); ++ itj)

379             if((*itj).outplane) ans += (*itj).PolygonArea();

380     return ans;

381 }


383 void MakeAns()

384 {

385     double a, b, c, d;

386     bool flag;

387     while(m --)

388     {

389         scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &a, &b, &c, &d);

390         for(iti = pol.begin(); iti != pol.end();)

391         {

392             Plane tmp(a, b, c, d);

393             tmp.outplane = true;

394             for(itj = (*iti).pl.begin(), flag = false; itj != (*iti).pl.end();)

395             {

396                 if(!(*itj).Cut(tmp))

397                 {

398                     list<Plane>::iterator tmpj = itj;

399                     ++ itj;

400                     (*iti).pl.erase(tmpj);

401                 }

402                 else flag = true, ++ itj;

403             }

404             if(!flag)

405             {

406                 list<Polyhedron>::iterator tmpi = iti;

407                 ++ iti;

408                 pol.erase(tmpi);

409             }

410             else if(tmp.p.size())

411             {

412                 tmp.Graham();

413                 (*iti).pl.push_front(tmp);

414                 ++ iti;

415             }

416             else ++ iti;

417         }

418         printf("%.3f %.3f\n", CalSumVol(), CalSumArea());

419     }

420 }

421 int main()

422 {

423     while(scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &h, &m), n | h | m)

424     {

425         init();

426         printf("%.3f %.3f\n", CalSumVol(), CalSumArea());

427         MakeAns();

428     }

429     return 0;

430 }
