
   HQL运算符                   QBC运算符                      含义
      =                     Restrictions.eq()                  等于
      <>                   Restrictions.not(Exprission.eq())  不等于
      >                     Restrictions.gt()                  大于
      >=                   Restrictions.ge()                  大于等于
      <                     Restrictions.lt()                  小于
      <=                   Restrictions.le()                  小于等于
      is null             Restrictions.isnull()              等于空值
      is not null      Restrictions.isNotNull()           非空值
      like                 Restrictions.like()                字符串模式匹配
      and                Restrictions.and()                 逻辑与
      and                Restrictions.conjunction()         逻辑与
      or                   Restrictions.or()                  逻辑或
      or                   Restrictions.disjunction()         逻辑或
      not                  Restrictions.not()                 逻辑非
      in(列表)          Restrictions.in()                  等于列表中的某一个值
      not in(列表)         Restrictions.not(Restrictions.in())不等于列表中任意一个值
      between x and y      Restrictions.between()             闭区间xy中的任意值
      not between x and y  Restrictions.not(Restrictions..between()) 小于值X或者大于值y
