FireFox Prevent this page from creating addtional dialogs 火狐浏览器 设置 阻止此页面创建更多对话框

FireFox英文版本老弹出“Prevent this page from creating addtional dialogs”的确认框

FireFox english version alert “Prevent this page from creating addtional dialogs”  to avoid the alert method:
Copy the preference name= dom.successive_dialog_time_limit
Open Firefox  input the  about:config in address bar
Right-click in the preferences area and choose New > Integer
Paste the preference name and click OK
Then enter 0 and click OK



复制此字段串= dom.successive_dialog_time_limit 
打开FireFox浏览器在地址栏输入  about:config
右击->新建 -> 整数
输入名称,右击粘贴刚复制的字符串 点击确认
再输入 0 点击确认



