【Yii】Validation scenarios


  最好的解决办法莫过于建立不同的验证场景,通过"on"将一个场景与相应的规则相关联。来看一个User Model中rules()的例子:

public function rules() {

    return array(

        //Set required fields

         //Applies to 'register' scenario

         //Note 'on' property

        array('username, password, password_repeat, email', 'required', 'on' => 'register'),


        //Applies to 'recover' scenario

        array('email', 'required', 'on' => 'recover'),


        //Applies to all scenarios

        array('username, password', 'length', 'max'=>35, 'min'=>3),


        //This rule checks if the username is unique in the database in

        //the 'register' scenario (we don't want it to check for uniqueness

        //on the login page for instance)

        array('username', 'unique', 'on' => 'register'),


        //This rule applies to 'register' and 'update' scenarios

        //Compares 'password' field to 'password_repeat' to make sure they are the same

        array('password', 'compare', 'on' => 'register, update'),




if ($user->validate('register')) {






