Install ADT in debian Wheezy

  1、download ADT from offical website


With a single download, the ADT Bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps:

Eclipse + ADT plugin

Android SDK Tools

Android Platform-tools

The latest Android platform
The latest Android system image
for the emulator

  if you want to get more android platforms, do like this:


$ cd ~Software/ADT/sdk/tools

$ ./android


  2、unzip the

$ unzip -d ~/Software/ADT

  3、change the dir 

$ pwd 


$ mv ./* ../

$ rm -r adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130522

  4、just run the eclipse

$ pwd 


$ ./eclipse


  1) fix the libncurse5 error for adb

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  just enter :

$ sudo apt-get install libncurse5:i386

  you should have done this before:( amd64 )

$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

  2) add the PATH

$ sudo vim ~/.bashrc

// add the following messenge

// -------------------------

#       ADT

export ECLIPSE_HOME=/home/linx/Software/ADT/eclipse


export SDK_HOME=/home/linx/Software/ADT/sdk

export PATH=${SDK_HOME}/platform-tools:$PATH

export PATH=${SDK_HOME}/tools:$PATH

// -------------------------

$ source ~/.bashrc
 after this we can run eclipse in any directory by enter
$ eclipse 

  what's more, to run the eclipse in a shell script

$ vim ~/Software/ADT/eclipse/eclipsestart

// add messenge



eclipse &


$ chmod 775 ~/Software/ADT/eclipse/eclipsestart

$ eclipsestart


  5、create a AVD(Android Virtual Device)

$ eclipsestart

// Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager -> New






