-c 编译且汇编,但是不链接
-S 只编译,不汇编也不链接
用如下的命令可以将多个.o文件打包为一个静态库文件:ar crs libtest.a src/test1.o src/test2.o
1. gcc -o test main.c libtest.a
2. gcc -o test main.c –ltest –L./
3. gcc -o test main.c -Xlinker “-(" libtest.a -Xlinker “-)"
1. gcc –o test main.c libtest2.a libtest1.a
2. gcc -o test main.c -Xlinker “-(" libtest1.a libtest2.a -Xlinker “-)"
需要注意的是:第一种使用方式中静态库出现的顺序,libtest2.a必须在libtest1.a之前,否则会有"undefined reference to ***”的链接错误,其中***就是libtest2.a中使用的libtest1.a的接口。
下面是man gcc看到的说明:
-l library Search the library named library when linking. (The second alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX compliance and is not recommended.) It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order they are specified. Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in z, those functions may not be loaded.
所以在使用一些依赖关系比较复杂的静态库时,我们可能会看到这样的使用方式:gcc –o test main.c libtest1.a libtest2.a libtest1.a。在链接序列中,一个静态库可能出现多次,以解决一些循环依赖。
那么如果是gcc -o test main.c -Xlinker “-(" libtest1.a libtest2.a -Xlinker “-)"的使用方式,还需要考虑顺序么?
因为Xlinker选项是将参数传给链接器,而man ld我们可以看到这样一段说明:
-( archives -) --start-group archives --end-group The archives should be a list of archive files. They may be either explicit file names, or -l options. The specified archives are searched repeatedly until no new undefined references are created. Normally, an archive is searched only once in the order that it is specified on the command line. If a symbol in that archive is needed to resolve an undefined symbol referred to by an object in an archive that appears later on the command line, the linker would not be able to resolve that reference. By grouping the archives, they all be searched repeatedly until all pos- sible references are resolved. Using this option has a significant performance cost. It is best to use it only when there are unavoidable circular references between two or more archives.