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What's Good for the Goose


【单词】goose [goos][ɡuːs] n. 鹅;鹅肉;雌鹅

Rob Hernandez thought the fuzzy little chick at the pet shop was the cutest thing he had ever seen.


【单词】fuzzy 形容词 ['fuhz-ee]['fʌzi] adj. 毛茸茸的;模糊的;含糊不清的(感情)

【单词】chick 名词 [chik][tʃɪk] n. 小鸡

【单词】pet 名词 [pet][pet] n. 宠物;受宠的人

【单词】cutest 原型:cute 形容词最高级 [kyoot][kjuːt] adj. 可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的

【专有名词】Rob [rob][rɒb] 罗伯(人名)

【专有名词】Hernandez n. 埃尔南德斯(人名)

He had to buy it.


【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形,与情态动词 must 近义但区别在于:have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例句:My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

He thought he was buying a baby duck, and named his new pet Chaco.


【单词】baby 语气词 ['bey-bee]['beɪbi] n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人 adj. 婴儿的;小型的

【单词】duck [duhk][dʌk] n. 鸭;鸭子;亲爱的人

【专有名词】Chaco 查科(是本文中给小宠物起的名字,像鸭子叫的声音)

Chaco was loved and grew fast.


【单词】grew 原型:grow 动词过去式 [groh][ɡrəʊ] v. 增加;生长;变成;种植;逐渐开始

Rob began to notice, however, that Chaco was growing too fast and getting too big.


【单词】notice 名词 ['noh-tis]['nəʊtɪs] vt. 注意;留心;通知

When Chaco made his first sound, Rob couldn't believe his ears.


【单词】ears 原型:ear 名词复数形式 [eer][ɪə] n. 听觉;耳朵;倾听

Rob expected a quack, but Chaco honked.


【单词】quack [kwak][kwæk] n. (鸭子)嘎嘎叫声

【单词】honked 动词过去式 [hongk, hawngk][hɒŋk] v. (使)雁叫;鸣(汽车喇叭)

Chaco was no duck.


Chaco was a goose.


Rob didn't reject Chaco though.


【单词】reject [verb ri-'jekt; noun 'ree-jekt]['riːdʒekt] vt. 拒绝;排斥;驳回;丢弃

He kept him as long as he could.


Chaco was not a quiet goose.


【单词】quiet ['kwahy-it]['kwaɪət] adj. 安静的;宁静的;平静的

He made a lot of noise, honking day and night.


【单词】noise 名词 [noiz][nɔɪz] n. 噪声;喧闹声;响声

Rob's neighbors started to complain.


【单词】neighbors 原型:neighbor ['ney-ber]['neɪbə] n. 邻居

【单词】complain [kuhm-'pleyn][kəm'pleɪn] vi. 抱怨;控诉;诉说

Rob didn't want to give Chaco up, but he couldn't risk his neighbors calling the police on him either.


Rob had to make a decision.


Rob decided to take Chaco to a nearby park that had a lake with other geese.


【单词】decided 原型:decide [dih-'sahyd][dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;判断;断定

【单词】nearby 形容词 ['neer-'bahy][ˌnɪə'baɪ] adj. 附近的 adv. 在附近

【单词】lake 名词 [leyk][leɪk] n. 湖;湖泊

【单词】geese 原型:goose 名词复数形式 [goos][ɡuːs] n. 鹅;雌鹅

Rob felt sad leaving Chaco and he was pretty sure his feathered friend felt sad, too.


【单词】sad 形容词 [sad][sæd] adj. 悲哀的;忧愁的;伤心的

【单词】pretty ['prit-ee]['prɪti] adv. 相当地

【单词】feathered 原型:feather ['feth-er]['feðə] vt. 用羽毛装饰 vi. 长出羽毛

Rob goes twice a week to the park to visit Chaco so that both the goose and the owner are less sad.


【固定用法】so that既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。在引导目的状语从句时,可以由in order that代替。在目的状语从句中,so that之前不用逗号,而在结果状语从句中,so that之前则往往要用逗号;另外,目的状语从句中的so that一般不可省去that,而结果状语从句中的so that则可省去that而意义不变。如:1) We arrived early so that we could get good seats.(so that在此引导一个目的状语从句,请注意目的状语从句常用can/could,may/might,will/would,should等助动词和情态动词)2) We arrived early, so (that) we got good seats.(so [soh][that]在此引导一个结果状语从句。请注意结果状语从句往往不用目的状语从句所常用的助动词和情态动词)

【单词】twice 副词 [twahys][twaɪs] adv. 两倍;两次

【单词】owner 名词 ['oh-ner]['əʊnə] n. 所有人;物主

When Rob goes to visit, Chaco swims across the lake right into Rob's arms.


【单词】swims 原型:swim [swim][swɪm] v. 游泳 n. 游泳

【单词】arms 原型:arm [ahrm][ɑːm] n. 臂;扶手;袖子

Sometimes, Chaco will even give Rob a little peck, a goose's way of giving a kiss.


【单词】peck 名词 [pek][pek] n. 啄痕;啄食;<口>轻吻

【单词】kiss 名词 [kis][kɪs] n. 吻;轻触 v. 吻;轻触

When Rob goes to visit, he always brings snacks for Chaco.


【单词】snacks 原型:snack [snak][snæk] n. 小吃;点心

The other geese seemed to be jealous of all the attention Chaco was getting, so now Rob brings enough bread for all the geese to share.


【单词】jealous 形容词 ['jel-uh s]['dʒeləs] adj. 妒忌的;羡慕的;嫉妒的

【单词】bread 名词 [bred][bred] n. 面包

Rob and Chaco also play.


Rob throws his former pet into the lake.


【单词】throws 原型:throw  [throh][θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛

Chaco goes underwater, swims a little, and then returns to the shore so that Rob can throw him in again.


【单词】underwater ['uhn-der-'waw-ter][ˌʌndə'wɔːtə] adj. 在水中生长的;水下的 adv. 在水下

【单词】shore 名词 [shawr, shohr][ʃɔː] n. 岸;滨
