
霍纳(Horner)规则是采用最少的乘法运算策略,求多项式 A(x) = a[n]x^n + a[n-1]x^(n-1) + ... + a[1]x^1 + a[0]x^0 在x处的值。

该规则为 A(x) = (...((a[n]x + a[n-1])x + ... + a[1])x + a[0])。利用霍纳规则,编写C语言程序对多项式进行求值。




<1> 迭代:

#include <stdio.h>


int horner( int *array, int n, int x)
     int result = array[n];
     while (n)
         result = result * x + array[--n];
     return result;
int main( void )
     int result = 0,
         i = 0,
         x = 0,
         amount = 0;
         printf ( "Input the amount of coefficients(include zero.):" );
         scanf ( "%d" , &amount);
     } while (amount <= 0);
     int a[amount];
     printf ( "Input the cofficients:" );
     for (i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
         scanf ( "%d" , &a[i]);
     printf ( "Input the x:" );
     scanf ( "%d" , &x);
     result = horner(a, amount - 1, x);
     printf ( "The result is :%d" , result);
     return 0;
<2> 递归:
#include <stdio.h>

int horner( int *array, int n, int x)
     if ( !n )
         return *array;
     return horner(array + 1, n - 1, x) * x + *array;
int main( void )
     int result = 0,
         i = 0,
         x = 0,
         amount = 0;
         printf ( "Input the amount of coefficients(include zero.):" );
         scanf ( "%d" , &amount);
     } while (amount <= 0);
     int a[amount];
     printf ( "Input the cofficients(Like:x,y,z  or  x y z):" );
     for (i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
         scanf ( "%d" , &a[i]);
     printf ( "Input the x:" );
     scanf ( "%d" , &x);
     result = horner(a, amount - 1, x);
     printf ( "The result is :%d" , result);
     return 0;


